29 | love

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29 | LOVE

29 | LOVE

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ps. Phoebe looks like Philippa here I    D I E

"See you back home." Rick shouted over to Daryl. Roxanne was quietly loading their personal weapons onto the car.

"Sure you wanna talk to them assholes alone?" Daryl asked eagerly.

Rick grunted as he tossed Roxanne another gun for her to load. "Yeah. That's how it gets done." Rick assured.

"Alright. Y'all gone to long I'm gonna come looking for you." Daryl told.

Rick nodded curtly at Daryl. "That's the plan." He spoke.

Within milliseconds after Rick finished his commentary, gunshots were shot at the trio. Fortunately, the bullets missed the three by a long shot— enabling them to take cover behind their vehicles before the next round of gunfire could be shot.

Roxanne tensed up and ducked behind the car with her handgun readied. "Who the fuck are you?!" She screamed out in no particular direction, for she didn't have a clue as to where the gunshots came from.

There was no answer. "You're alone! You got to be. There's not enough room for two of you behind that tree!" Rick shouted toward a particular tree, parallel to the cars. Roxanne moved her eyes onto the tree, looking for any movement from behind it.

"And there's a herd coming. I'm just saying. I tell you what... we'll make you a deal. You drop your gun and come on out, you tell us what we need to know. You do that, you can take a car. You go. You live. How about it?" Rick negotiated.

"Why should I trust you?" A shaky, weak and young voice shouted back.

"'Cause I'm giving you my word. There's not a lot that's worth much these days, but a mans word... that's got to mean something, right?" Rick replied.

There was a brief pause. "O-o-okay." The boy agreed then proceeded to cautiously come out from behind the tree.

"W-what do you want to know?" The boy asked, with his arms raised and his gun already dropped. Rick and Daryl neared him, with his guns still cocked.

"You ever have any M2 Browning .50-caliber guns here?" Rick began to interrogate the poor boy.

The boy stopped to think. "We did. For a while." He told.

"What happened to 'em?!" Daryl shouted, causing the boy to jump in fright.

"They got sent to another outpost yesterday." The boy blubbered out.

"Which one?" Rick continued asking questions.

"Gavin's. West of here... Can I, uh— Can I g—" Before the boy could even finish, Daryl shot the boy right in the head from afar. His body dropped to the ground like a fly and Daryl turned on his heel, with no humanity left in his soul.

* * *

The car ride to the next camp was strangely quiet. It was only Rick and Roxanne in the car, for Daryl was riding his motorcycle. The air rushed past Roxanne's hair as the car sped down the dirt roads. She remembered driving in Louisiana with her friends, blasting music and feeling the same air blow through her locks of hair.

As she was going through this moment of nostalgia, Rick slithered his hand onto hers and intertwined their fingers. "I figure this is far overdue and it's probably necessary to say if we don't make it out of this entire thing..." Rick began to speak to Roxanne.

Roxanne twisted her head to face Rick and look at him right in the eye. "I love you, Rox. I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you. You were this sarcastic, charismatic, badass, single mom fighting through the apocalypse with her baby. You're strong; you're stronger than I'll ever be. And I know you'll pull through this... this guilt and hurting you've been feeling for months now from losing Kali. You know why?" Rick questioned.

The corners of Roxanne's lips tugged upwards. The feeling of a ecstatic high rushed throughout her body. It was an emotion she hadn't felt in a long while: happiness. "Why?" She asked, despite knowing that the question was rhetoric.

"Because its what Kali would want. And because it's what you do— it's what you're going to do." He answered with a genuine smile spread across his bearded face.

Roxanne pursed her lips and squinted her eyes in a playful manner. "Gosh, I guess I love you too, Grimes." She sarcastically huffed begrudgingly then placed a warm kiss on his cheek.

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