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After Rox thanked Deanna for all she had done for her and Kali, she left the room in tears

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After Rox thanked Deanna for all she had done for her and Kali, she left the room in tears. Never had she cried for someone because they were dying; but, Roxanne couldn't help it. Deanna was such a kind, and caring woman, despite her eccentricity.

Roxanne was about to go meet with Rick once again when she heard glass break from below. She wiped her tears away and ran towards the sound as quick as she could. Other gathered too, such as Rick and Jesse. The door was locked to the garage, when the glass breaking sound originated from.

"Carl!" Rick shouted. Rox's eyes widened, Rick's son was also trapped in there and there would be no way to get to him unless they unlocked the door from the inside.

All three of the adults were screaming for them to open the door, and the only response they received was a ruckus of fighting. Rick ordered Jesse and Rox to back up as he pulled out his hatched to break down the door.

When Rick finally was able to pry open the door, the two boys scurried back inside— with many walkers trailing them, for they had broken in moments after Rick opened the door. Roxanne jolted up the staircase and retrieved a couch to keep the open door closed.

They hastily pushed the couch up against the door. "We need more, and we need to be quiet." Rick whisper-yelled.

"I'll see what I can find." Michonne, whom had only recently descended the stairs, nodded at Rick. Roxanne followed Michonne, hurrying to help find heavy furniture to blockade the door.

* * *

Roxanne held Kali close to her chest as she fed her with the bottle she had found in Jesse's kitchen. Roxanne heard Judith begin to cry as well, and she gathered some baby supplies to tend to her too. When she entered the room Judith resided in, Rick was already there tending to her.

Rox nudged his side and gave him a pacifier. He quickly shushed his child by placing the pink binki in her mouth. "Thank you." He said as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

Roxanne swiftly place Kali next to Judith and the two kept each other company. Roxanne noticed Rick's tense and shaky state. She felt awkward for just standing their and not comforting him. But, she also felt awkward if she were to comfort him.

Although she knew it was quite a terrible time to ask where their relationship stood, she had a sudden urge to ask. However, Rox had some sense and pushed the need aside to wait for a later time. For now, she simply wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and laid her head on his chest.

"It'll be over soon." Roxanne consoled.

Rick melted into the warm embrace, his muscles loosening up. "I hope so." He placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

"Rick!" A feminine voice shouted, breaking their moment of peace. Rick broke their hug and rushed away to help whoever else was in need.

* * *

Everyone had retreated up the stairs once the overwhelming amount of walkers had broken into the home. They were all hacking away at walkers they had killed to get the walker's blood and smear it on themselves. Rick had claimed that his group had done it before, and it concealed the living from the dead.

"We all go to the armory. We stay calm, we don't draw attention, we can move right trough them." Rick instructed.

Roxanne gagged at the sight. Her sensitive nose was picking up all of the horrible smells the dead emitted. She new that the plan was outrageous, but if it was the only way they could get out of their situation, she'd do it.

"What about Deanna?" Father Gabriel asked as he timidly held bedsheets to cover the living with. Rick didn't reply, he simply continued to gut the dead and scoop out their innards like it was nothing.

They all began spread the blood and organs on each other, even Judith and Kali received their spread. "We need to move." Rick spoke to the others that continued standing there, staring.

The rest hastily covered themselves in the rotten corpse's blood and readied themselves to go. Roxanne grabbed Judith and Kali, holding them on both sides of her hips and walked out to where the others were waiting.

The large group began to silently creep down the stairs and into the crowd of walkers. Roxanne held her breath as she brushed past the walkers. Kali remained silent as she stared with wide eyes at the monsters that lurked amongst them.

The group all joined hands and began to make their way towards the armory. "Change of plans. There's too many of them to draw away with a few flares from the armory. We will need to grab our vehicles from back at the quarry." Rick whispered to the group once they were isolated enough.

"But Judith and Kali... to the quarry and back." Jesse fretted.

Rick and Roxanne looked at each other. Then Gabriel piped up. "I'll take them. Keep them safe in my church until you all lead the walkers away." He offered.

"Can you do this?" Michonne asked, knowing that both Kali and Judith's lives would be in high risk under the hands of Gabriel.

"I have to." Gabriel nodded affirmingly.

Roxanne waited for Rick to give her the thumbs up, and when he did she handed him both of the babies into his arms. Jesse and her son Sam bickered quietly for a moment as Jesse urged her son to go with Gabriel, but he refused. "I'm going to keep them safe." Gabriel stated, looking confidently into both of Rick's and Rox's eyes.

"Thank you." Rick said. Gabriel began to quietly walk away, Roxanne's heart aching more with each step he took away from her. She prayed that her baby would be okay.

Roxanne gripped Rick's hand tightly as she shook in fear of her daughter's life. Jesse noticed both of Rick and Rox's nervous state and she placed her hand on both of their shoulders. "Hey, he's going to make it, okay? I know it." Jesse said, her voice cracking in empathy for the two parents.

Rick and Rox looked at each other anxiously, then turned around together and began to make their way in the direction that they needed to go.

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