30 | walking

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"There!" Roxanne shouted as she pointed to a car fully loaded with the exact M3s she, Rick and Daryl were looking for

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"There!" Roxanne shouted as she pointed to a car fully loaded with the exact M3s she, Rick and Daryl were looking for. The car she and Rick were in struggled to speed up to catch up with the getaway car as Daryl's motorcycle weaved through the road effortlessly.

"How the hell did it get out of the base?" Roxanne asked as she sat at the edge of her seat. The car was seen speeding out of Gavin's Savior base loaded with all of the weapons they were looking for at the last base.

Rick shrugged. "I don't know. But we need a plan, now, to hijack that car." He spoke rapidly as if the words in his mouth were stumbling past his lips.

"Get me close and I'll take it from there." Roxanne ordered.

Rick nodded and pressed harder on the gas pedal as he shifted gears. The car flung forward and caught up with Daryl's bike. A gunman from the getaway car began shooting at Daryl from afar and managed to knock him out of the road. The gunman continued to shoot and Rick and Rox, but missed as Rick drove side to side on the road.

A herd of walkers lugged on the road and caused the getaway car to slightly lose control, allowing Rick to fully catch up with the car. Daryl managed to catch back up, and he swiftly shot the gunman with his pistol. Roxanne began readying herself to jump into the getaway car once she got close enough.

Rick noticed her plan of action and did the same. Once they got close enough Roxanne jumped onto the trunk of the getaway car and easily stabbed the driver from behind. Just as the car began to lose control, Rick jumped into the passenger seat of the car and pushed the body out of the way. Rick attempted to regain control of the car, but it was too late. For the car had glided off of the road and tumbled into a ditch.

Daryl caught up and ran to check if the two were okay down below. Both Rick and Rox luckily fell out of the car as it tumbled into the ditch, avoiding being crushed by the vehicle. The two slowly got up and made their presence noticed by Daryl, allowing him to relax knowing that they were alive.

"We got the guns." Rick stated as he gasped for air.

Daryl shook his head. "Y'all look like shit."

"I feel like shit." Roxanne snarked back.

Rick knitted his brows together then shook the thought of Daryl's absurd comment off. "Let's go see if this asshole's still alive." Rick referred to the getaway car's driver.

The three walked over to where the man was thrown out of the car and found his body. He was barely clinging to life as he struggled to crawl away. "Your people, back in the chemical plant... did you win?" Rick inquired as he cocked his gun and pointed it at the helpless man.

The man groaned in pain. "No one did." He spoke.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Daryl asked.

He coughed. "Everyone's dead." He told.

"Bullshit." Daryl scoffed, denying that an entire troupe could've been taken out on both sides.

"There's no one else? You're the only one?" Rick asked.

"Was it someone outside of the Saviors and us?" Roxanne questioned the dying man.

"No. It was me. The king. The axe man. And a short haired psycho lady. You did this. My people... your people... they're all gone. And now.. me too." The man told right before he died.

Daryl huffed and walked away as Rick stabbed him in the skull to ensure he wouldn't come back as a walker. "We knew we'd lose people. But all of them at once?" Roxanne scoffed as she walked away from the horrid scene.

The three met back up back at the crashed car to haul out all of the weapons. "Give me a hand with this." Daryl instructed Roxanne. Roxanne hurried over and helped Daryl pull out a heavy box from the trunk of the car. Daryl opened it and stashed all of the dynamite.

"We can use these now. Think about it. There ain't no Kingdom no more. We know what we gotta do. We blow open the Sanctuary, let the walkers flood in. They'll surrender. It'll be done. Hell, we can end this by sundown." Daryl explained, this being the most Roxanne had ever heard Daryl speak.

"They have workers in there, right?" Families, too. Are there?" Rick rebutted.

"We will hit the south side of the main building. Workers live in the north side. They'll be up the stairs before the walkers even get in." Daryl strategized.

Roxanne remained silent. "What if they don't? There are people in there that aren't fighters. Doing this could change that. Make them pick up guns and stand by the Saviors. And if the Saviors don't surrender, maybe everyone fights us. And we don't have the Kingdom anymore. We're not doing this." Rick lectured.

"When has that ever stopped the Saviors?" Roxanne rolled her eyes.

Daryl scoffed. "You ain't doing this. We will." Daryl spoke.

"There's a plan. And everyone's sticking to it." Rick growled.

"Not everyone. There's a lot of our people that are dead, Rick. Things change, man. Negan and that other group? This is on them. If people die it's their fault, not ours." Daryl barked.

"We can't do this." Rick warned.

"And we got our own people to look after." Daryl spoke lowly.

"I'm not letting you—" Rick began before he was interrupted by Daryl landing a solid punch on his jaw.

"This ain't your choice." Daryl shouted.

* * *

The two tussled for a bit before coming to a consensus that fighting wouldn't get them anywhere. Roxanne simply waited it out. She knew that neither of them had the guts to kill each other. "Are y'all done?" Roxanne asked, yawning.

"There's a plan. We go to see it through." Rick spoke.

"We gotta win." Daryl grunted before going off to his motorcycle and speeding away.

"I guess we're walking." Rick stated as he looked to the crashed car and to the dead car they were originally in.

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