chapter five.

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Cambree's POV 

Let me love you

Untill you learn

To love youself 

girl let me love you 

i know your toubled

girl let me love you 

I wake up to my alarm at 6:30 am. Gosh that cam fast. Running on five hours of sleep. Im going to regret that later today. Any ways time for shower and soccer. I could never get tired of soccer,Its my LIFE. Always has been. Anyway, i gotta bust a move before on of the guys wake up. 


I took a qick five minute shower and wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel and rand back to my room to change. I was wearing a pair of nike running shorts two sizes too big, a sports bra, and a nike t-shirt also too big. I then grabbed my Under Amour hoodie that i had before i was put into the orphange, and slipped that on along with some socks and shoes. i grabbed my soccer bag, phone, ear buds and made my way downstairs. Once i got downstairs i ran to the kitchen got a water bottle, and ran out the front door making sure to lock it on my way out. I put my earbuds in and took off running to the high school. Only to notice people where there. Well it is a tuesday. Oh well that wont stop me. Here goes nothing. I hopped the fence to the track and turf field and went to the bench to suit up. AKA put on my soccer gear. 

I put my arm band on and began warming up. Finally i was finished warming up and began to practice my shooting and drills alond with dribbling when people started showing up and gathering in the bleacher and watching me.. Oh lord sweet baby jesus.

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