Chapter Seventy One

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Today is monday meaning that the concerts start up again. It has been a blast having these three days off. Sadly time to get back to life on the road and concerts. Not that i dont like it because i love it so much. It is such an amazing experince to just be up on stage singing for thousands of people just to make them happy. Honestly i could have never pictured myself being where i am today. My throat is better now thank god. That medicine really did the trick. I got up out of bed at the most godly hour of 7:30 in the morning to pack all of our stuff and get ready for the next city. We have a show tonight at some arena that i do not know that name of and then we are performing at madison square garden. Just to think that justin sold out the stadium in 5 minutes is beyond me. I untangeled myself from blake to let him sleep and got up walking to the bathroom. Getting in the shower to wake myself up, i showered for about 15 minutes before getting out. Wrapping two fluffy towels around my body, i walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and over to my stuff. Putting on some undergarmets, I pulled on some cute off white american eagle jean shorts, a black tank with a gold cross on it, some pink polo's with my hair natural. I put on some cute rope bracelts and did some simple makeup and walked out of the bathroom. Grabbing my phone and my wristlet, i walked out of my room and into the living room where everybody was sitting around and talking. 

"Hey dad?" I asked him as he turned around and looked at me. 

"Yeah cambree?" He asked back

"Can i go shopping since its like our last free day in New York?" I asked hopefullness filling my voice. Sighing he looked at scooter who nodded his head. 

"I guess, just please be careful. Take kenny with you" My dad stated as i nodded my head as kenny got up. 

"Do you need money?" My dad asked me as i told him no as he nodded his head. Making sure i had everything i needed i told kenny that i was ready and we walked out of the hotel room. 

"Alright kiddo where do you want to go?" Kenny asked as we reached just outside of the hotel. Putting sunglases on our heads, the screaming and the flashes begining. 

"Um can we go to the borders. I really want to get this book" I told him as he nodded his head. We made it past the crowd of screaming girls and paparizzie to the side walk. After walking for about five minutes we reached a borders. Openin the door we walked in. I asked one of the workers were i could find the book that i wanted and he led me to the section. There is was. The last copy on the shelves. And it is all mine. Grabbing The Fault in Our Stars. Walking to check out, I paid for the book and the lady gave me the bag containing the book. Walking away i told him that i wanted to go to the Adidas store. Once there i got some shirts and a hoddy. We left and went to the apple store. I bought myself a clear life proof case. Then going to the Nike Outlet, I bought some neon Yellow nike's with the nike sign bedazled with jewls. By that time it was already 1:45p.m. Deciding on going to a late lunch, I let kenny chose where to go. We both had a couple of bags seeing as we both went shopping. Kenny decided on chipotle'. Sitting down we ordered our food and began eatin just talking. 

"So how are you liking tour?" Kenny asked. I swolled my food befor speaking. 

"I like it a lot. Its really fun. Sometimes i just miss my crazy life back at home with soccer and cheer. I miss my boys. I miss everybody. But at the same time all that has happened, i wouldnt change it for the world. I love performing but sometimes i just miss my old life." I told him as he nodded his head and began speaking. 

"Yeah, I can tell how much you miss everything. But at the same time i can tell that you love what you are doing. You will see them again. Maybe you can talk to scooter or something and fly some of them out? I think what your doing is so amazing. There are so many people that look up to you. What you're doing is something that so many people love." Kenny stated as i nodded my head. I completly understanding where he is coming from. We soon finished eating, we payed the bill and left to go back to the hotel. Once we arrived back I flopped down on the couch next to blake. 

"Hey baby"  Blake stated as i smiled at him. I said hey back as he asked me what i bought. 

"I got a new phone case, some shirts from Adidas store along with a hoddy, some new nike's and I got a book" I told him as he nodded his head. He asked to see my shoes as i nodded my head. I grabbed the Nike bag from the floor, opening it up i pulled out the shoe box. Opening it up i grabbed one of the shoes and showed them to him. 

"Those are sick" He stated looking at them. I laughed and got up grabbing the shoe out of his hand and placing it in the box. I walked into the kitchen and found everybody there. 

"Hey guys" I stated sitting down at the island. 

"Hey cambree. Show us what you got" Justin exclaimed. I laughed and grabbed my bags and placed them on the island table. I pulled everything out of the bags and let them look at everything. Justin opened the box to my shoes and his mouth dropped.

"How much were these?" Justin asked his face still in aww.

"$178.00" I told him. His mouth still in aww he set the shoes down as everybody else looked at them. 

"Alright cambree, I need you to go and pack your stuff because whenever we are done with this concert tonigh we are traveling to Manhattan." My dad stated as I nodded my head and grabbed all of my stuff walking into the bedroom. Grabbing my suit case i packed all of my stuff just right. I made sure to leave out some clothes for after the concert. They consites of a pair of adidas flops, adidas soccer pants and one of my new shirts i got. I put them in my bookbag which held my book, head phones, phone charger and my laptop. But of course i also had some snacks. Rolling my suit case out of the room and grabbing my book bag, I set it by the door. 

By this time it was already 5:00 which meant we had to get going to the arena. Justins bags and blakes bags were already at the door and i guess they were waiting for me. After I walked out, I grabbed my bag putting it on my back and put my phone in my pocket. Rolling my suit case behind me was all left with our stuff and went down to the lobby where everybody was. We loaded the stuff up to the van and we made our way to the stadium. Once there i was rushed off to hair and makeup. They got me all dolled up and soon it was my turn to go on.

I walked on the stage and sang my songs. When i was done i thanked everybody and justin went on. He sang all of his songs perfectly. He was on his last song. The famous One Less Lonely Girl. 

I went out with Ryan Good and chose a girl. She was dressed in everything purple. Wearing a Purple shirt with all of justins songs written on it. With some lyrics from some songs, it was in the shape of justins face, out lined in black. You could tell it was hand made and it looked amazing. She had on white shorts that we splattered with different shades of purple and it was ombred also made by her. She had on handmade vans and a purple bandana. 

I walked up to her as she looked at us. 

"Hey, would you like to be the one less lonely girl?" I asked her as she brought her hand up to her mouth nodding her head. I laughed and told her to follow us and we walked back to the stage. She went on just in time and i awwed at the fact that she was crying tears of i hope joy as he searanaded her. Soon the concert was over and and we did meet and greets. We both went to our dressing rooms to gather our stuff. I changed and grabbed my stuff and left. Making my way to the bus. I sat down as justin walking on with usher, kenny and scooter and last but not least blake. When everybody was accounted for we left. Walkin straight back to the bedroom i dived into the bed and closed my eyes falling asleep quickly. 



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