Chapter twenty three

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Cambree's POV

It was the last five minutes of second hour and it felt like every minute was one hour. It was taking forever for the last five minutes of the hour to end. 

Finally after an eternity the bell rang and i hauled ass up to the fifth floor for math. Let me tell you the 2nd floor to 5ht floor is definatly a challenge. However with all my soccer i was good. But the point bein that i am still out of breath everytime i reach the top. 

I made my way to into my geomatry class with blake and just plopped down into my seat. 

"Ughh i hate the stairs." I mumbled to myself 

"What was that?" Blake ased chuckling a bit. I knew his voice so well. 

"i said that i hate the stairs." I said giggling a bit.

"Why does my beautiful girlfriend hate the stairs?" Blake asked making me laugh 

"Because boyfriend, i am always out of breath be time i get to the top. Imean going from the second floor to the fifth floor is crazy." I said laughing once again.

"Well dnag girl yeah. Anyways i see i got you to laugh." he said

"Yeah. My day just got a lot better. I am ready for soccer. I might go hard again but not as hard as yesterday. But i am so ready for soccer." I said smiling. 

" Yeah baby dont go as hard. I bet if i were to touch your shoulder you would say that it hurts. I could tell it would today because if the way you kept landing when you would fall or slide." He says while putting his hand on my shoulder applying a little pressure.

"Shit blake that hurts stop." I said 

"Oh god cambree, I am so sorry, I didnt know that you were that sore. I will come over after school and rub your shoulders yeah?" blake asked

"Yeah sure. Hey ima go to the nurse and ask for some medicine. " I told him

"Alright. I will walk with you" I said. 

I got up about ten or so minutes into class and walked up to the teachers desk

"Hey Mr.Paine, can i go to the nurse?" I asked

"Yeah sure, would you like someoner to go with you?" He asked back.

"Yeah can blake take me" I asked

"Sure, go ahead hurry back." He said.

I just nidded my head and went over to blake

"Hey lets go to the nurse now." I said to blake as i gathered my stuff as he just nodded his head, waiting for me. 

I got up and walked ouot of thed class with blake following me. 

"So what are you going to ask for at the nurse?" Blake askeed

"um i will ask for some tynelonal and then i will ask if i can use a heating pad," I told him

"Okay want me to come back and get you at lunch?" he asked

"Yeah and could you get my homework for me?" I asked also.

" Sure babe, feel better." He told me

"Thanks baby" I replied and pecked him on the lips

I walked into the nurses office and signed in. 

"Alright huney whats wrong?" the nurse politley asked

"Um can i have some tylonal and can i use a heating pad for my upper shoulder?" I asked politley

"Sure, let me call a parent and get the okay from them." she said

"Alright."I repleid

"Okay so what is your first and last name?" She questioned me

"Cambree tomlinson" I said quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

"Alrigt just take a seat and i will be right with you." She said as she dialed my dads phone number


I was chillin in the movie room  with el, dani, perry, liam, louis, harry, niall, and zayn watching stepbrothers. God i love that movie when  my phone began to ring. 

I jumped up and retreived it from my pocket looking at the caller i.d. 

I immediatly answered it seeing it was cambree's school. 

"hello" I said while trying to make my way out of the room without falling. 

"Hello is this mr.tomlinson?" The lady asked

"Yes whom am i speaking with?" I asked

"The is the nurse regarding cambree, she has came in today complaining today of her soulders hurting her. And she asked if she could have some tylennoal and use the heating pad. Would it be alright with you if she used them both today?" The nurse asked. AWW my babygirl is hurting. That blows.  

"Yes go ahead with that." I said

"Alright thank you goodbye." she said and hung up. 

I walked back into the movie room only to be questioned by everybody. 

"Well cambree went really hard in soccer yesterday and so she is sore today, well she wnet to the nurse asking for tom tylenoal and a heating pad for her shoulders." I told them all. 

I heard a bunch of  sad awws though.

Cambree's POV

"Well your dad said yes so lets get yiu some medicine and then you can lay down." she told me

"Okay" i told her

She then gave the medicine and then led me to where i can lay down with the heating pad.

Within five miniutes of the heating pad on i started to drift off into a dreamless sleep. 

About 35 minutes later I was being shaken awake by blake. 

"What do you want?" I asked my voice groggly and crackly. 

"Come on baby, its time for lunch" Blake stated. 

I just nodded and got up, fixed my clothes and grabbed my bookbag. 

Blake grabbed my hand and so we went off to lunch. 

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