Chapter Forty One

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Cambree's POV

I was asleep on blakes shoulder when i heard a click of a camera. I opened my eyes and saw Usher and Justin takeing pictures of me and blake. I looked up and saw that blake was asleep too. 

"Dad are we almost home?" I asked him

"Um in about another 45 minutes. Do you want to stop for some food?" My dad then asked back

"Yes im starving." I stated as i felt my stomach growl. 

"Alright what do you want?" My dad questioned

"Um.. cna we have Bread Co?" I asked him. I was really in the mood for some bread co.

"Sure babygirl. Can you call Zayn and tell him?" My dad asked

I nodded my head even though he probably couldnt see me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called zayn. 

"Hey zayn we are stopping at bread co so i guess just follow us." I told him as i hung up. 

I reached for my bag, which was by my feet and pulled out my water bottle. I drank almost all of it. 

I then layed my head back on blakes shoulder and we turned(Her and Blake) and we then snuggled back up together. We had the whole back row to our selves. 

Before i knew it we were at Bread co. 

"Babe its time to get up, we are getting some food" I tild him as i shook him awake. 

He then opened his eyes and we were about to get out of the car when my dad, usher and justin stopped us. 

"Alright guys, if you have sunglasses put them on if not you can barrow some of mine. Keep your head down and do not answer anything they say." My dad stated

"They?" I asked

"the papparrizzi." My dad stated as i got blake got out of the car and helped me out. As soon as i got out of the car we were swarmed. I grabbed both blakes and justins hands. I was in between the two of them. 

All of the flashes were like a strobe light. It was making me dizzie. 

"Cambree you alright?" I heard blake ask. At last we finally made it into the resturant. 

I now had a head ache from all of the flashes. 

"Hey dad do you have any tylenol with you?" I asked him as we walked in. 

"No not with me, why whats wrong?" He asked 

"All of those flashes gave me a head ache. I can wait." I told him as we found a table. 

I sat down with blake and told my dad what we wanted. 

"Are you alright baby?" Blkae asked. 

"Yeah, those flashes just gave me a head ache." I told him as i layed my head down on the table. I felt blake put his hand on my back and rub up and down. 

Soon enough the rest of the guys sat down with food. I sat back up and began eating my Chicken Ceaser Salad. 

We all finished eating and were about to go back to the car. As we were about to walk out my dad i guess noticed that there was twice as many papparrizzi from when we came in. I put on my sunglasses and blake did the same. 

As we were walking out the guys surrounded me to help block out the flashes. Blake and i were in the middle of the guys and i was gripping his hand tightly. 

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