Chapter Fifty

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As soon as i heard his name on the news i ran up stairs to my room and dove under the covers. 

I then heard all of the guys run up the stairs. I mean you couldnt miss em' they sounded like a mountian of elephants. 

"Cambree, are you alright?" My dad asked. 

"He's out, he is going to take me away from you. Dont let him, please dont" I stated crying, my dad is a very scary man. 

"Who is out babygirl?" My dad asked again. 

"My dad. He is going to kill me. Dont let him please" I said crying more now. 

I thought i was safe, but i guess i thought wrong. I know for a fact that he is going to try and get me. 

"Babygirl,it'll be alright"My dad stated as he walked over to me. 

I just shook my head. It was inevitable that my dad is going to get me. 

"I dont want to loose you dad, please dont let him take me."I told my dad as i cried into his chest. 

"I wont baby i wont. Why dont you and the girls and blake just hangout up here?" My dad asked me. I nodded my head. I felt the safest when blake was around. 

Blake came over to me as we layed down in my bed. 

"I promise baby, he wont hurt you baby, i will protect you." Blake stated. 

I snuggled up to blake and wrapped my arms around him. Soon enough the girls walked in and sat all around me and blake. 

"Well aren't you too cute" Dani stated. I laughed and snuggled closer to blake. 

"So cambree what do you want to do?" El asked. 

"I want to cheer but, i cant do that" I stated sadily. I wish my foot wasnt fractured. 

"Yeah what ever hapened?" Perrie asked. 

"Well it started whenever i went to cheer, my normal base, cason, wasnt there so they put in this new kid. We im a flyer so i was stunting my tricks, I did a backflip and when i can back down only jake caught me and the kid dropped me and i landed on my foot. Then on wednesday when i was walkinf ro jusrins some people kid napped me and tjen they beat me and what not, and the kid that dropped me also kidnapped me, andrew, like pulled on my foot even more causeing it to fracture more." I stated, only a few tears had left my eyes, 

I felt blake tighten his arms around my waist as i leaned into him. 

"Wow im so sorry" El stated

"Its alright, that was the past and this is the present, i need to forget about it." I stated. 

I then got out of bed and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw that Justin Scooter and Usher were here.

"Hey guys"I stated. They all lloked at me then my dad told me that i need to sit down. 

"Um yeah whats up?" I asked him 

"So, you and blake need to hang here for the time being. We will have body gaurds surrounding the house and if you go anywhere they will go with you" My dad stated

"Why do i need a body gaurd though if im going to be here the whole time?" I asked. 

"Its just until they can find your dad" Lou stated

"DO NOT call him My DAD" I stated angryily. 

I then grabbed a water bottle and walked into my cheer gym in the basement. 

I began stretching on the ground. I so wish i could tumble. I then walked over to the trampoline and went into the splits. I landed on my right foot and then fell. 

However i bounced back up and landed on my right foot and then softly planting my left foot.

I hate that man that i used to call my father. I hate him. I wished he would die and rot in hell. He ruined my life. I i saw him i would probably hit, punch or kick him. 

I then fixed my clothes and then walked back up the stairs. To be honest it was quite difficult. 

I finally made it back up stairs and then went up the stairs again back to my room. 

"Are you alright baby?" Blake asked as everybody awwed. Sometimes its seriously annoying. 

"Eh. Considering the circumstances. I guess" I stated and then layed down in my bed. 

"So El, when is lou going to ask you?" I asked her, a huge smile spread across my face

"Ask me what?" She asked

"You know pop the question?" I asked laughing as everybody else cracked up too. 

" I dont know" She asked with a smile spread acrossed her face

"So what do you guys want to do?" I asked them.

"DANCE PARTY" The screamed. 

I looked at blake and then burst out laughing. 

I then got out of bed grabbed my phone and put on some dance music. We all then got up and then started to dance. The song gas pedal came on and me being the cheerleader i am did a back hand spring landing lightly on my foot and then did the gas pedal- VIDEO ON SIDE

We all started to laugh and befor long we were all tired and grew up and appatitie. 

We all walked down the stairs with blake carrying me on his back. 

"Dad we are hungry, can you make me some food?" I asked him making everybody start laughing. 

"Sure princess, what do you want?" He asked me \

"I dont care. Ohhh how about taco bell?" I aksed laughing. 

"Sure, lets all take  a trip to taco bell"My dad stated as we all put on a type of shoe and piled into two cars.

We made it safely to taco bell and i orded a cool ranch derito locos taco and a mexi melt. 

Everybody else ordered and soon the food was at our table and we all began eating. I hadnt had taco bell in what seemed like years. 

"Dad this is so good" I stated as i had just finished eating my taco's

Soon everybody was done and we were all home. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7:30p.m. 

"wow this day has gone by quickly" I stated as everybody nodded their heads in agreement. 

I got up and so did blake and we made it to my bedroom. I pulled on some yoga shorts and a hoodie and layed down. Blake pulled on some sweatpant and layed down next to me. I turned so my back was facing him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Today was one hell of a day wasnt it" I asked blake

"Yeah, got that right. How are you holding up?" Blake asked me. 

"Um to be honest, I am barley holding on. Just so much has happened its all so crazy. I mean i am trying to be strong but there is only so much that i can take" I stated as a few stray tears left my eyes. 

I turned and faced blake. 

"Baby you have me here. Just know that i will always be here to protect you." Blake stated and i let a few more tears out. Before long i was full on crying. 

"Baby please stop crying" Blake stated. I nodded my head and layed it on his chest.     

Before long i was alseep. Dead to the world. Hoping that when i woke up, it will all just have been a dream.

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