Chapter Thirty Six

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Cambree's POV

I sunggled further into blake as i heard a clap of thunder and felt the bed shake. It must have woke him up too, because he pulled me close to him and help me telling me it was alright. 

I couldnt seem to go back to sleep. I got up and looked out of my window to see the wind blowing so hard i was suprised that the beautiful trees didnt come down with it. I then looked at the sky and saw it was a greenish color, when it lightninged the whole sky light up, clear as day. 

I then ran out of my room to find my dad. I walked into the kitchen and i coulnt find him, i looked in the living room and he wasnt there either. I ran back up the stairs and ran to my dads room. I approached his door and began knocking, soon the door was ripped open. I ran to him. 

"Dad have you seen the sky?" I asked him as he shook his head no. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room and over to my big bay window. I loved it. 

"Oh my god, um lets wait about an hour, i will turn on the news downstairs, just stay here with blake." My dad instucted me. I nodded my head and went and sat down next to blake. 

"It'll be alright babe," He told me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"What do you want to do?" I asked him. 

"Um well what is there to do?" He questioned back

"Well.. we have netflix, movies, i could cheer, we could have a dance party just us, oh and sleep." I told him making him laugh and me laugh too. 

"Well i want you to cheer some more." He told me, of course. 

"Well alright but there is not much i can do inside." I told him. 

I went into my closet and changed into some nike pros and a t-shit, I sliped a pair of soffee shorts over my spanks. 

I walked out and began stretching. I pulled my hyperextened needle then bow and arrow. I then pulled my best scorpion. I then just did a couple toe touches then pulled some standing flips. I then got bored with that so i told blake to follow me, i went into the living room and did a layout, front handspring, then front tuck. 

I looked at the guys faces and laughed, blake cracked up standing next to me. 

It was the funniest thing ever. Their faces though. 

"Hey cambree, i need to talk to you and blake." My dad stated snapping me and blake out of our laughing fit. 

"Yeah" I asked as i walked over to him with blake following me.

"Take a seat." My dad told me seriously. 

I looked at blake with a worried expression. 

"So this saturday we have an awards show to go to, now i wanted to know if you would like blake to be your plus one?" He told me 

"Sure" Blake nodded his head in agreement. 

"But there will be lots of cameras, so blake your picture will be all over the magazines, are you okay with that. You will be kinda famous." My dad said. Now that i thought about it, did i want to be all over the news?

"If cambree goes i want to go, I dont care what the media says, we are together and nobody can stop that. If they are rude or mean its just cause their jelly." Blake said making me crack a sly smile. 

"Cambree what about you?" My dad asked

"You want the truth?" I asked him as everybody nodded their heads as blake grabbed my hand.

"Well im really scared. I dont want to get hate from anybody. Will i be able to handle that? Kids at school just want to be my friend because you are my dad, and cause niall, zayn, liam, harry, justin, and i think scooter are my family. Dad you have no idea on how scared i am. Cause right now im freaking out." I stated at i got up and left the room. 

I walked into my room, closed the door, and paced back and forth with my hands on my head. Like what am i going to do?. Am i going to crack under the pressure? Am i going to have to give up everything that i love? I had all of the thoughts running through my head. I just let out a scream. 

Blake came up the stairs and into my room. He walked straight toward me and wrapped his arms aound me tightly. 

"I dont know what im going to do blake." I told him. 

"I know baby, but you have me here, and your family. I love you baby." He told me as he rubbed my back as i held him tight. 

"I love you too blake. You dont know how much it means to me that i have you, so thank you." I told them as tears filled my eyes. 

"Baby you dont have to thank me, im glad that you are mine. Dont worry you'll figure it out, I know you will. Your smart. But i think you already know what your going to do, but the question is, can you do it alone? We are all on your team. I will support the descion that you make babe." He told me. What blake just told me made me start crying. I knew that i had him here with me, and that he wasnt going anywhere. He was with me, and im glad that he was cause i feel like im barley holding on at this point.

I then walked downstars with blake holding my hand. I needed to know that he was here for me. That he wasnt going anywhere. I knew it, but i just needed that reassurance. 

"Cambree are you alright sweetheart?" My dad asked as everybody had worried written all over them, including scooter. 

"Yeah i will be" I told him as i looked back at blake and he nodded his head. 

"So.." My dad asked

"I will go, i have people around me that supprot me and that is all i can ask for." I stated as i sat down with blake by my side. 

"alright, well i just want you to know that we all love you and we will respect the descion that you make." My dad stated as the rest of the guys nodded their head in agreement. 

Blake and i just got up to leave when i was asked.. 

"Where are you going?" My dad asked

"To my room.." I stated trailing off

"To do what?" My dad once again asked

"To watch netflix and sleep......." I said trailing off once again. 

"Why dont we all have a movie night? Cambree do you want to go in your room?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah sure." I stated as i ran up the stairs and changed into . Everybody soon came up and i went and layed in bed, blake followed behind me. I got under the covers as blake did the same he was wearing some under armour sweats and i soccer t-shirt. 

Blake and i were the first to lay in my bed. I once again snuggled up to him. Everybody else layed around us. The guys put in Abduction with taylor laughtner. He is so hot. Justin, niall, and lou were laying in my bed. It was a king so there was plenty of room. 

The movie started and my eyes got heavy. I snuggled up to blakes chest and feel asleep quickly. 


The storm ragged on outside the window as the movie continued. Cambree turned on her side and blake wrapped his arms around her waist. 

By time the movie ended everybody was asleep. The storm continued ragging on showing no signs of it ending anytime soon. 

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