Chapter Thirty One

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As promised here is the quote

"I was born to surf. This is why i wake up at the crack of dawn every day. This is why i endure belly rashes, brief cuts, muscles so tired they feel like needles. And ive learned that life is a lot like surfing when you get caught in the impact zone you need to get right back up because you never know whats over the next wave. And if you have faith anything is possible, anything at all." SOUL SURFER, BETHANY HAMILTON. 



We all decided since it was nice outside to have a mini soccer game in my back yard. We all walked upstairs and got on our gear. 

We all somehow crammed into my bedroom as the guys changed i changed in my close. I changed into I walked out of my closet and grabbed my cleats, socks, and ball on the way down. Most of the guys by now where heading down the stairs. 

I then grabbed a Gatorade water bottle and filled it up with ice water. 

I then carried on outside, only then to notice that the parents were still out there and that the team was already out in the middle of the yard away from the pool and trampoline by the soccer nets. Yeah i know soccer nets in my back yard. I love it here. I sat down on the edge of the deck and pulled on my socks, however i was not able to get it on my hurt foot. 

"Hey dad, can you help me?" I asked him. 

"Sure come here" He said chuckling a bit. 

I walked over to him and sat on the ground as he gently got my sock on my foot and over my shin guard without hurting me. I then turned around and laced up my cleats and grabbed my ball and made my way down to the "field". 

"Alright i want Blake, john, Quincy, Adam, Luke, Jonas, Jermay, Kyle, and i also want Jake." I said to them as my set of players came over by me and the rest went on their side. 

Since my back yard is so flat it is easy for us to play, also the deck isn't high up therefore the ball cant go under it. I then say all of the guys/"parents" turn their chairs to watch the game. 

My team of course had possession of the ball, i was dribbling it down the field, when i came face to face with jack. Let me tell you he is huge compared to me. I went to do my special move but he got the ball making fall to the ground with a groan. I guess i got up a little slowly because my dad, Justin, well everybody was by me. 

"Are you alright sweetheart?" My dad and Justin asked at the same time with worried filled voices. 

"I need some water" I stated as Justin ran to go and get my Gatorade bottle. I felt a slight headache coming on but i didn't fall on my head or neck. I fell on my side. 

"Guys give me some room please." I said feeling anxious. After everybody backed up a bit i was starting to feel better. Although i just continued to lay there

Soon enough Justin came running towards us with the water bottle. He handed it to me and i opended my mouth and chugged most of it. I then slowly got back up and rolled out my shoulder and when everybody  was just standing there i decided to speak up. 

"Guys I'm good lets play." I said laughing as the rest of the guys laughed to with the parents just chuckled. 

"Cambree I'm so sorry." Jack stated back to me. 

"Its alright man. I'm fine." I then replied back to him. 

We continued to play for about another hour or so, its was beginning to get dark, my dad was barbecuing and we had just finished the soccer game. 

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