Chapter twenty two

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Cambree's POV 

5:30 am soon came around and let me tell you, i was in no mood to get out of bed. 

I was so incredably sore, taht i though if i bumped into something that my body would shatter into a million pieces. 

I finally gained up enough strength to get out of bed and hop into the shower. After i plugged in my phone into my i home i shuffled my biebes music, well cause that always helps me calm down and relaxe. 

After i got out of the shower i looked at my phone to check the weather. 

Hmmm, High of 74 low of 52, 80% chance rain. 

Okay well looks like im rollin athletic clothes today. 

I walked out of my bathroom and too my closed and stipped my towles and changed into I thought that outfit will suit the weather. I the puleed my hair into a messy bun with a braid on the side and just rolled with that for the day. 

I then decided on wearing my coolies pair of nikes, They have kinda the style of vans butg they are nikes and they are tie died. Pretty cool. 

After i put all my clothes on, I did my hair, I got all my stuff together like homework, bookbag, and soccer bag, grabbed my phone, thenmade my way downstairs. 

As soon as i got down stairs i saw everybody alreadyawake and happily talking in the kistchen, whether is be louis or liam with their girls or everybody doing there own thing. 

Oh my god, too much for this early in the morning. 

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a yougart cup to eat for breakfast. I looked at te labe and it was Vanillia Bean Greek yougart. YUMMMMYYYYY. I love greek yougart. 

As i turned around, i felt somebody put the hands on my shoulder, I groaned in pain and i felt my eyes water as i tried so hard to escape their grip. 

"Get off me." I said rather loudly as though everybody in the room grew silent. 

I just turned back around, pushed them out of my way and walked to the medicine cabinet and grabbed some extra strenght excedrene for my sore muscles. 

I grabbed a blue gatorade out of the fridge and twisted open the cap, popped the pills into my mouth and downed the gatorade. 

I then just walked out of the room and up to my room. 

Once i was in my room I sighed and just continued getting ready. 

I sprayed on some Girlfriend By Justin Bieber, grabbed my stuff and then just headed downstairs. 

Once i was down stairs i realized that i had forgotton to grab my phone, I dropped my stuff on the couch and ran back up the stairs to get it. 

I then walked back downstairs and into the kitchen.  

"Louis come on, I need to go to school." I said dryly and left to go out to the car. 

"Alright i will be right out" Louis said


I then walked into the garage and got into the backseat, knowing that el will most likely come with us. 

About two minutes later they both came out and got into the car. All i did was plug in my ear buds into my phone and shuffled the biebes

I got to school about five minutes later i arriaved to school. I went to my locker and there was my boyfriend. 

"Hey babe, you okay?" He asked

" All did did was shake my head no and he immediatly opened his arms for a hug. 

I walked into his arms and just stood there with my head on his chest. 

"My day just got a little bit better. However I am sore a heck. I so dont want to be messed with today" I said laying my head back on is chest. 

" I know baby, i know, It will be alright." he said as the bell was ringing. 

"I will see you in third hour babe, Just relaxe you will be alright," Blake said as we both went our seperate ways. 

To the longest two hours of my life, without my wonderful Boyfriend. 

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