chapter nine PART ONE

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Cambree's POVver 

I woke up with a splitting headache and it was bringing tears to my eye's. I look over and i notice that harry is in my room. I wonder why?

"Harry, Harry, please wake up"I say whimpering a bit. Gosh this headache is terrible. Worst pain in my whole life. 

"Hmm. What? Oh Cambree whats wrong?"He asks frantically. and starts to make his way torwards me. All i want right now is my dad. 

"I want my dad." I say and start to cry, with this pain that is unbearable. 

"Okay ill go get him, shush it's alright." And with that he runs out of my room to go get my dad i hope. I am just sitting in bed crying to myself silently wishing and longing for my new dad. The one that cares about me and wont hurt me. Finally he walks in and runs towards me. 

"Baby whats wrong?" My dad askes in a frenzy

"My head hurts really bad daddy make it stop." I say letting to tears fall freely now. I dont really care if i wake everyone up, this hurts like a SOB. 

"Shhh baby its alright i'll get you some medicine."Hey says and walks out as Zayn walks in. Can someone say awkward? Soon after niall walks in followed by my dad  with mediecine i think. 

"Here take this. It will make you head feel better. Y ou have to take it three times a day for a week."He says reading the bottle. Is that mine from a doctor? What happened?

I take the medicine from my dad and take it hoping it will relieve the pain soon. As my dad Starts to walk out i suppriesed myself with saying this but oh well

"Daddy will you lay with me?" I asked still upset. 

"Sure baby doll." He says and climbs into bed with me as i snuggle up into his chest, and drift back to sleep in a matter of mere minutes. 

Louis's POV

I was sleeping peacefully when Harry ran into my room saying something about Cambree. That woke me up in seconds as i sprinted towards her room to see her crying silently. Aww poor baby i wonder whats wrong?

"Baby whats wrong?" i question fantically

"My heard hurts really bad make it stop dad." she says whimpering to herself

"I will go get you some medicene." I say and run out of the room. When i get back everybody is in here room. 

"Here baby take this. It will make you head feel better. You have to take it three times a day for a week"I say handing her the medicene, She took the medicene as quickly as possible. 

I was about to walk out when she said something that really supprised me

"Daddy will you lay with me?' she asked, still whimpering a bit. 

"Of course baby doll."I state sadly that my baby is in pain. I then lay in bed with her snuggled up to my chest and began to sing softly to her. The lads havent left yet so i assume they are staying in here with us. They all take a pillow and a blanket and lay on the floor. But Niall came and layed on the other side of Cambree. I began to sing little things to her, and the guys soon joind in. I a matter of minutes se was asleep. 

That was all at like 2 in the morning

Next day. 

Niall's POV

I wake up in cambrees bed with her and Louis. Gosh poor thing. Her head mustve really been hurting. Anyways i wake up the rest of the lads and go down stairs to have harry make us breakfast. He made pancakes with orange juice. I go upstairs to tell Louis that breakfast is done. 

"Hey lou breakfast is done. Bring her downstairs. Remember we have her school thing today."I say pretty excited for the day ahead. 

"Oh yeah alright be down in a minute."He replies back. 

Louis POV

It was time to wake up cambree. This should be good. 

"Cambree you need to get up sweatheart. You have a big day today."I say trying to wake her up. 

She slowly grumbles but gets up.

"What. I want to sleep." She says in her groggy and crackly morning voice. 

"Come on breakfast is ready."I say. 

"Carry me." she say giving the puppy dog eyes. 

I couldnt say no so I ended up giving end. I picked her up and put her on my hip. It felt like i wasnt carrying anything at all. She lays her head on my shoulder as we walk down the stairs.

"Is somebody tired?" Liam cooed

All she did was nodd her head. I set her down at the breakfast tale and gave her some breakfast. Which she only ate half of. I hope she doesnt starve herself. But shes probablly not used to getting food. After breakfast she walks to her room to get ready for the day.

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