Chapter Thirty Three

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Cambree's POV

I had just finished getting changed into my game day office and i then walked to the trainer changed the bandage around my foot from when i was surfering. 

"Alright your good to go. Good luck tonight." The trainer whos name i found out was Carson and was 25 years old.  

"Alright thanks Carson."I replied. 

"I am voting for you, if that makes since, i think you will win. I will be watching you. Play good." He told me laughing. 

Not only was i nervous but i was freaking out. I mean what if i mess up and cause the team to lose the game. 

I was then pulled out of deep thought when blake walked into the trainers room and began waving his hands infront of my face. 

I then snapped back into reality and walked out to the field and sat down on the bench pulling up my sock and then laced up my soccer cleats. 

I then grabbed a ball and began to dribble the ball up and down the side lines. I then began practicing my skills. I finished with that and then i began to pace up and down the sidelines. I looked up into the bleachers and i saw everybody from the house, the guys, dani, perrie, el, adn justing. Not to mention the guys from the lunch table were there. 

Blake them came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. 

"Baby your alright, just breath. Do you want some water?" Blake asked as i nodded my head and looked over at the parking lot to see that the other team was arriving. 

Blake then came and walked back over to me and i tilted my head back as he squirted the water into my mouth. 


Me and blake then walked over to the turf along with the rest of the team and we began to stretch and pass the ball. 

Me and blake were just passing the ball back and fourth. For me, i was concentrating on blake who was talking to me as if i was just a team member. 

We cant let anybody else from the other team know that we are together. 

Coach then blew the whistle calling all of us over i guess to find out who was playing what position. 

"Alright the starters are cambree, blake, and jermay in forward, kyle, luke,and adam as mid fielders, and quincy, tyler, and toby as defenders and john as goalie. As for the rest of you be prepared at any minute you guys might go in." Coach stated to the rest of them. 

All of us playing as starters all gathered around in a huddle and began our eat chant. 

"Alright cambree you call it freshman." Quincy stated. 

"PRIDE ON THREE, ONE, TWO, THREE, PRIDE." We all shouted. 

Before you knew it, it was time to hit the field. 

All of us got in our positions as the other team did. 

As soon as the other teams forwards looked at us his mouth fropped looking at me. 

I looked at blake who just nodded his head as to go big or go home. 

The other team had possession of the ball however they never got past me and i swiftly took the ball and made my way down the filed scoring easily. The other teams mouths dropped in disbelief that a girl just got around them. 

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