chapter eight

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Cambree's POV

I finally called louis dad. I have been waiting to call him dad since i met him. I feel like i can trust him now. I told him i loved him. I really love my new daddy. I have never felt like this, this feeling in my heart since my mom was alive. We finally make it into the mall. 

"Hey sweety where do you want to go first?"asked daddy

"Um i havent been in a mall in forever. But can we go to areocrambi and finch? I remember going there with my mom when i was younger."

"Sure sweety" dad replied

We finally found the store after about 10 minutes. Man this mall is huge. As soon as we walk into the store i found some really cute shorts that i wamted to get. I wonder if dad will let me get them?

"Hey dad, i found sme shorts over there can i try them on?" I asked politly 

"Cambree you dont have to ask to try clothes on, if you like it and its appropiate than you can get it." Dad said smiling

"Oh okay thank you dad, love you." I said and for the first time in a long time i really mean it when i say i love dad. 

After about fifteen minutes i had tried on about 10 pairs of shorts and 12 pairs of skinny jeans. Most of them i was aloud to get. I found out i was a size 00 to 0. I also got some really cute shirts, i also found out that i was size small to eztra small in shirts. 

"Okay where to next?" asked liams

"Ohh can we go to dicks sporting goods i really need some sweatpants, runnung shorts, and hoodies. I also need to get school supplies. And a ne pair of shoes. If thats alright with you guys." i say.

"Of course its alright. I already told you sweety you dont have to ask to go to a store and get new stuff like clothes and stuff you need." Dad replies chuckling a little.

:Okay dad." I reply still not used to being able to get anything and not having to be afraid to ask.

After about an hour i had about five pairs of under armour sweatpants, like 20 pairs of nike running shorts and 20 pairs of under armour, i alos got like twelve nike sports bra's, and running pants. I also got adidas soccer pants i love those. I got a few hoodies from north face, nike, and under armour. I love under armour. I aslo happen to get a new pair or a couple of new pairs of nike running shoes. I also got an Under Armour backpack for school.

"Hey lets go into dsw."I suggested

Louis's POV

Gosh Cambree will be decked out. She has the cutest clothes ever. I think she got more athletic clothes than lke jeans and nice t-shirts. She wants to go into dsw now. 

As we walk into DSW Cmbree's face was pricless. Once she saw the sperry's ad combatt boot along with vans she went crazy. she ended up getting two pairs of combatt boots, 2 pairs of sperry's and she got a couple pairs of vans. As long as she is happy and she actually has more than two out fitts then im okay with it. We passed by victoria secret and she wanted to go in there. I think she ended up buying some sweatshirts and some sweat pants she also got some leggings and yoga pant. everything looks kinda big on her with her being so small but she looks so cute. I cant believe she is in high school you wouldnt have guessed that when you first see her. I was about to check my phone when i heard a couple of girlish screams. Crap its the fans. i tell the guy that we have to get out of there. We all take off running and i guess Cambree didnt see us at first so she was lagging behind a bit. It seemed as she got faster the fans got even more fast. The next think i heard was " LOUIS HELP " before i could no longer see her. But all the fans soon surronded something. I could here whimpers throught the fans. I told the poys to go to the car and bring it up front and with that i handed them the bags i was carrying and i took off to find Cambee. I decided to call her cell phone. Ring Ring RINg then i heard  i think it was her ring tone.

let me love you 

until you learn 

to love yourself

It seemed to be coming from the middle of the crowd. I finally pushed my way through the fans with difficultly and found cambree on the ground crying. I just scoope her up, grab her phone and take off running towards the enterance where we parked. I finally found and and thankfully the car was right out front. I hop into the car with Cambree still in my arms, and she has calmed down. I set her in my lap and she layed her head on my sholder but let out a cry of pain and started to whimper again. I set her in my lap and try to shush her when I notice there is blood on my shirt. I look down and see that Cambree has a gash small but deep gash along the middle of her forehead above her left eye brow. 

"Guys we need to make a pit stop." I said trying to remain calm 

"Um where to louis?"zayn asked since he was driving. 

"The emergency room."I say in a paniced voice. 

"WHAt" all the boys yelled at once. 

"Cambrees head has a deep gash on it i think in needs stitches. look." I  said and all the guys turned to look at cambree all execpt zayn because he was drivin at a fast pace might i add towards the hospitial. 

"Zayn hurry its really bad"Says liam. 

"We are pulling in now. You guys jump out and i will park and meet you inside."Zayn said just as we pulled up in front of the ER. I jumped out Cambree still in my arms half awake and half asleep but still whimpering, 

I run to the front desk to et help. 

"May i help you? " the front desk lady said. 

"Yes um my daughter has a really deep gash on her forehead and she is starting to fall asleep."I say trying to stay calm. The lady looks up and gasps

"Oh my I will go get a docter. "She said and scurried. Not much linger than three minutes the doctor emerged from the doors behind the desk and came to look at cambree's head. 

the doctor then says "Yes for sure she will need stitches and try to keep her awake for about two hours she may have a concussion. If you would follo me we can get her sitched up." he states

"Guys ill be right back stay here and wait for Zayn im going with the docter."I say more calmly now

As we walk into the room i was told to put Cambree on the bed. I did as i was told as the doctor got out the thinks he would need. After about 15 minutes cambrees head was sewed up and we were given medicen to help it heel faster. And we were instructed to keep her awake for two hours and and then let her rest and keep an eye on  here. 

I walk oust carrying cambree on my hip and we soon left and retured home. 

"Come on cambree stay awake baby. Please only a little bit longer." I said trying to keep her awake. 

Finally it has been two hours and cambree is tried. i took her to her room and we set all of her bags on her florr by her closest. 

One of us will stay in her romm for the night just to make sure she is okay. Right now its Liams turn. 

Liams POV

So its my turn to watch cambree. I feel very bad for her. Her head must hurt. Why did this have to happen to our baby girl. Hopefully she is all better tomorrow because we are going to sign her up at East High School tomorrow. I am looking forward to the day ahead. 

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