Chapter Thirty Eight

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Cambree's POV

It has been one week exactly since the whole thing with my mothers death. Let me give you a rundown on what has happened. m

Justin moved into the house next door to us, he is my neighbor. 

I got signed up at a cheer gym, i have practice almost everyday of the week. Blake usually comes and watches. 

The soccer team is undefeated, 

And zayn is dating perrie now, el has moved in as well as the other girls. 

I am currently in math class with blake. I am about to fall asleep. I have been so tired, only cause i have had soccer and cheer all week and i have had a ton of homework. 

I layed my head on my desk and i fell asleep. Thankfully i dont have cheer tonight and soccer isnt for that long today. We are just doing a run down and work on some of the mistakes we had made during last nights game. 

I was in the very back row of the class and thankfully i sit behind blake who blocks the way of the teacher seeing me. 

I felt somebody shake me awake, I looked up and saw blake turned around shaking me. 

I rubbed my eyes and took the worksheet blake had handed me. 

I began working on it to make sure i didnt have have homework and i could go to sleep when i get home. 

"did you have cheer last night?" Blake asked. He couldnt go he had some family thing going on. 

"Yeah." I stated as a yawn escaped my mouth. 

"Babe, youve gotta get some sleep tonight." Blake told me. 

"I know im trying not to have homework so i can go straight to sleep." I told him. 

"Do you want me to come over so you can go straight to sleep. Oh and do forget saturday is the awards show and i am singing for justin on saturday too." I told him as another yawn escaped my mouth.

"Here let me do your worksheet you can go back to sleep." Blake said as he took my my paper and gave me a smile. 

I smile back and layed my head back down and fell asleep. 

The bell rang 30 minutes later. I sat up grabbed my stuff and walked up to blake grabbed his hand and walked to our locker. 

Blake and i put our stuff we didnt need in our lockers and grabbed our soccer stuff and everything else. 

We got in the lunchroom and i made my way to the vending machines. I bought a blue gatorade and a protein bar. I sat back down at the table with the guys ate my protein bar and layed my head on the table. Thankfully i was wearing, and i was comfortable. 

I soon fell alseep just as lunch started. I heard the boys sit down around blake and i. I was asleep although i could here the conversations around me. 

I was once again shooken awake. I sat up and looked around.

"What?" I asked as i yawned for about the 7 hundreth time today. 

"Are you going to be able to do soccer today?" John asked. All of the guys, well in our inner circle, know about how i do cheer and soccer almost everyday of the week. 

"I dont know, I guess we will find out wont we?" I stated tiredly. 

"Maybe if you talk to coach, he will get you out of 4 and 5 hour."Luke stated. 

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