Chapter Seventy

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Cambree's POV

We finally made it to the place where to doctor was. I changed out of my sweat pants and put on some grey under armour running shorts, my pink under armour hoodie, white adidas sambas and put my hair up in a ponytail. It was still curly from last night. I walked into the bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out and into the living room area where everybody was standing or sitting around.

"Alright cambree, me your dad, justin, usher and kenny are going inside with you okay?" Scooter asked/ told me. I nodded my head, seeing as my throat still hurt.  I walked over to blake and gave him a peck on the lips. Making sure i had my phone in my hand i walked over to my dad and we left. Kenny opened the door and we all walked into the trailer office type thing. Sitting down my dad went and signed me in as i sat there, my head restin on Justin's shoulder, looking through my phone. As soon as my dad sat down my name was called. Getting up we walked to the room where a doctor was already there with everything set up. 

"Hey cambree, come take a seat please" The doctor stated. I nodded my head and walked over to the chair and took a seat. He took my temperature, shone a light down my throat and finally he was about to stick this camera thing down my throat. 

"Alright cambree i want ypu to say ahhh" He told me as i did as he asked and he stuck the camera down my throat making me gag. On the screen next to me it showed my throat. 

"Alright cambree, your throat looks very red and very swollen. You can tell that your vocal cords are surrounded and covered in mucus and bacteria. Your vocal cords are rubbing together making them red, swollen and to hurt. We are going to give you some medicine, and i recommend not talking and try to keep them as still as possible for the next 48 hours." The doctor said as he pulled the thing out of my throat. I coughed as i was handed some water. I got up and scooter was handed the prescriptions. I walked out and we went back to the bus. Going straight to my bedroom i dived into the bed. I closed my eyes but soon heard the door open and the bed sink. 

"How are you feeling baby?" Blake asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. He sighed and layed down pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around my waist. I closed my eyes but about an hour later somebody began shaking me. 

"Huhhh?" I asked/ grumbled. 

"Can you get up, you need to take your medicine" I heard somebody say. I got up and walked out to the living room/kitchen area and sat down on the couch next to justin. My dad came up to me handing me 3 pills and a glass of water along with some food. I ate all of the food i was given, took my pills and layed my head on justins shoulder closing my eyes. I was asleep in a matter of minutes. 


Watching Cambree sit there at the doctors was like deja-vu. It was so crazy. I know how bad she must feel. I felt the exact same way during Never Say Never tour. She layed her head on my shoulder and fell asleep quickly.

"Yo scooter when are we going to be at the air port?" I asked. 

"We are almost there so can you go and pack cambree's stuff for her suit case, that medicine is going to make her very tired and she needs all of the sleep that she can get. You know that" Scooter told me as i nodded my head. I got up after laying her down. I walked to her room made sure that i had pack all of her stuff along with blakes help and i grabbed her carry on back pack on my back containing charger for her phone, blanket, lap top and food. Wheeling her suit case behind me i put it by the door. 

"Alright we are hear so lets wake her up get some shoes on her and carry her to the jet, either that or just let her sleep and slip some shoes and carry her" Scooter stated as i told them i would do it. I grabbed the only pair of shoes i left out which was her white adidas sambas. I grabbed them and slipped them on her feet. I grabbed her book bag placing it on my back and picked her up carrying her bridal style to the private jet. Once on the jet i placed her sleeping body in the seat next to blake. We got all of the luggage on the plane and everybody got on buckled up and we took off to the next city which was in new york. We were in Missouri. The flight was a good three hours. The flight soon took off and i pulled out my phone. I looked over at cambree adn saw that she was sitting all weird like so i got up, grabbed cambree, and layed her down on the couch covering her up with a blanket. 

The flight went by quickly and soon enough we were in new york. Thankfully we didnt have a show in new york until monday so we had three days off. Today was friday and we had nothing planned. I think i will just sleep for today and then do something with cambree and blake tomorrow. I grabbed cambree and her bag and carried her to her hotel room that she will be sharing with me and blake. She was still asleep. Out like a light. I layed her down on her bed, covered her up and walked out letting her sleep. She has been sleeping for 5+ hours. Its a little scary to be honest. I walked out the room, soon walking back in puttin our suitcases in the room. Blake walked in and walked straight to cambree. He layed down and with that i left the room. Sitting down on the couch i pulled out my laptop and logged onto my netflix account. After watching pointless shit for about two hours i heard the door open. Looking behind me i saw cambree. 

"Hey cambree" I said as she smiled and walked over to me sitting down next to me. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. 

"Um better actually. Do you know where my dad is?" She asked me. 

"Yeah, he is in the room right across from us" I replied as she nodded her head and got up. 


I got up, grabbed my phone and walked out of the door over to the suit where my dad was. I knocked and he answered right away. 

"Hey baby girl" My dad exclaimed picking me up bear hugging me. 

"Hi daddy" I told him smiling. For the next couple of hours we all sat around and talked. It was a pretty good day considering the fact that i was sick. I left their room and went back to mine at around seven o'clock because we were going to go and get food. I changed into a strapless dress with a cardigan, white strappy sandalls and pulled some of my hair back with a small clear rubber band. When i walked out i saw that everybody was in our room waiting for i guess me. Walking out, i went over to blake and enveloped him in a hug. We all left and had an amazing dinner. After words blake and i just walked around and went to central park. At around nine we left to go back home and once home well back at the hotel we dived into the bed falling into a sleep that was both needed but not at the same time. 



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