Chapter 1 - Young Warlock

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Storm's POV
Slamming a hand down on my alarm clock to silence it, I let out a huge groan. I have my fitness test today, a test I have to pass in order to secure my place on the basketball team. It's the only thing in my life that gives me a sense of normality, failure is not an option.

I threw the covers off my body, instantly feeling the chill of the crisp air outside of my duvet. Goosebumps appeared on my arms in response, and I rubbed them up and down with my hands, trying to get warm again.

I swung my legs out of the bed and made my way towards the long mirror that hung on my wall to see what state I was in this morning. One glance told me I looked worse than expected.

My long, naturally grey hair stuck out in all sorts of random directions, looking like a bird had made a nest, laid eggs and slept there. I had bags under my eyes, making them look puffier than normal. My usually soft grey eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, and I had a line of drool trailing from my mouth to my chin, which I quickly wiped away.

I have quite a slight, delicate looking build, surprising considering I play basketball and workout. But no matter what I do, I can't seem to build up my muscles. It frustrates me more than anything. I'm not vain, but a little more muscle would be nice to attract a pretty girl...

I imagined myself with longer hair and bulging muscles, my grey eyes sparkling. Girls surrounding me, fawning over me, pining for my attention...

Shaking my head, my fantasy disappeared and I crashed back down to earth. I have a fitness test to focus on. And I can't have a girlfriend, anyway.

I'm not allowed to get romantically involved with anyone, because that would become a weakness. Something for them to target, a way to get to me.

You see, I come from a family of warlocks. For some reason, the magic abilities only gets passed on to the males, never the females.

I have two brothers who are twins, Phoenix and Robin. We're all really close, more like a group of best friends rather than siblings.

Anyway, as warlocks, there are many who know about us and want us dead. Some want us for our abilities, while others simply fear us. Of course, none of the humans know about us, only other 'supernaturals' as we're often labelled. That includes demons, shifters, werewolves, ghosts, vampires and many more.

Vampires and werewolves are made when humans are turned. Shifters and warlocks are born into their abilities. Demons, ghosts and other being of the other side, The Beyond, are a little more complex.

As soon as I had tamed my hair and thrown on my gym clothes, I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out. I couldn't do anything about my face, so I would have to pray that nobody noticed.

The only reason I looked so tired is that me and my brothers were helping my father last night. A ghost had begun to haunt our home, and we had to help him release it, free it of its bond to this earth. It was supposed to be a quick ritual, but the ghost in question was reluctant to leave. It was on the border of insanity, therefore on the border between ghost and poltergeist, making it extremely difficult to contain and subdue.

"Storm" my father said sternly as I came down the stairs. I knew what he wanted, it was the same thing everyday. Same talk, again and again.

"Remember who you are. No magic, no telling anyone about us and definitely do not take your necklace off. You must never forget for a second what you are. Clear?" He finished, staring into my grey eyes with his own. I was almost a splitting image of him, though his hair hung a lot longer than mine, tied back behind his head with a black band.

"Clear" I responded. I've heard this same speech countless times, I hear it everyday before I go to school, and have heard it since I first learned to talk. I know it word for word, but I humour him by listening. I truly do understand the importance of his words, though.

'No magic' and 'no telling anyone' must be obvious, but the necklace not so much. Around my neck I wear a worn, brown leather pouch filled with enchanted objects.

These objects protect me from demons, ghosts and poltergeists, beings of the other side. Ghosts and poltergeists aren't born as warlocks and shifters are. They are formed when somebody dies violently, or when somebody dies with the strong feeling of having an incomplete life, or they weren't ready to leave.

Demons are even more complicated. The most powerful demons, the greater demons, were born demons, much like warlocks and shifters. The lesser demons are created by the greater demons, and, unlike turned vampires and werewolves, they may have been human or any other supernatural in their previous life. That's what makes demons so complicated, and powerful. Even the lesser demons are extremely dangerous, going against one alone is suicide! But luckily, they can't leave The Beyond unless they are brought here through a summoning. If they are summoned, they have to be banished quickly by at least five warlocks. If you delay, you're as good as dead. And that's only the lesser demons. Don't get me started on the terrifying power of the greater demons.

"Have a good time, you'll ace any fitness test! Make me and your mother proud!" My father said, patting me on the back as he gave me a huge smile.

Just as I was about to leave, Phoenix and Robin came into the hallway in their work suits. They're both twenty two now and work at the same place, while I'm only nineteen, currently doing a sports course on top of learning magic.

"Hey little bro! Good luck today, yeah? Don't want to embarrass the family, do you?" Phoenix teased, ruffling my hair affectionately. Out of the twins, he was the most playful and fun. Robin balanced them out through his calm, serious nature. Although Robin appears a little cold in comparison to Phoenix, he has a caring, loyal heart.

"Good luck Storm. Just remember, don't use-"

"My magic, right?" I finished for him, groaning internally. "And yeah, I'll try not to embarrass you guys" I said with a laugh, smiling at Phoenix who had got me into a headlock and was viciously rubbing my head with his knuckles.

"Ow, cut it out!" I yelled, kicking my legs out in protest. He let me go, and I glared at him. "That hurt, you know"

He laughed and brought me into a tight embrace. "I love you, bro. Seriously, have fun out there" he whispered before pulling away.

I turned to Robin, about to hug him before I remembered his almost zero physical contact policy. I caught myself in time, and he held out his hand.

I took it and we shook hands. "Good luck. Be careful, if you get hurt I won't forgive you" he said seriously, locking eyes with me. I nodded.

"I won't. I'll go for the test and I'll come straight home, I promise" and that's exactly what I intend to do. My test is at four, lasting until five thirty. And nothing would make me stay out after dark, not even all the money in this world.

Because I know how dangerous it is at night.
New story ☺️

How was the first part, should I continue it or nah? ❤️

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