Chapter 8 - The One Thing I Won't Do

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Dedicated to pandalover42 for being supportive of this story xx

Phoenix's POV
"Well, brother? What are you waiting for?" I asked the now trembling Robin. He had a distant look in his eyes, as if he wasn't fully with us. He was shaking so badly that I thought he would fall, so a wrapped an arm around his waist to support him.

Yes, of course I knew about what had happened to him in the past. Well, what he's told us about it. Do I believe him? Somewhat. All we know for sure is that he went missing for a while and came back with a strange tattoo on his neck along with bite marks.

He told us he was taken by vampires and brought to a man going by the name Lamar Albescu. I believe he was indeed kidnapped by vampires, as he came back after going missing for three days with bite marks on his neck. But I don't believe it was Lamar Albescu.

Lamar Albescu is one of the ten High Vampires who rule the whole vampire population, why would he want a young boy like Robin? And a warlock at that. It's so hard to believe, especially as Lamar is the leader of the council! What would he want with Robin, and why would he even return him if he had what he wanted?

Robin is so scared of his return that we even still share a room. And I have to keep a night light on for him. It's ridiculous, as much as I love him he's twenty two now for goodness sake! Almost ten years since the incident happened...

I waved an arm in front of his face, effectively snapping him out of his trace like state.

"Please forgive me. I can't do this" he said, a shudder racking his body. I couldn't quite fight the urge to roll my eyes at him. Was he serious right now?!

"Pull yourself together, Robin! We're counting on you, Storm is counting on you!" I unwrapped my arm from around him and fell to my knees, begging him. "Please, Robin! We may never see Storm again if you don't do this, it's just a damn kiss!"

He gulped, and flicked his eyes to where Myra stood, examining her nails absentmindedly.

"I'm sorry, but Phoenix is right, Robin. You're Storm's only hope" father said, looking up with sad eyes.

Robin shook his head. "I'm sorry, but you don't understand. That is one of the only things I won't- can't do. I know you won't understand, but what he did to me... I'm so sorry, it's the one thing I won't do"

Storm's POV
After our brief kiss, he left me to go and have a shower. Again. I knew this was the perfect opportunity to escape, but I couldn't bring myself to move. He had looked so sad...

No. Focus, Storm. It was deliberate, he's trying to make you feel sorry for him. It was a cheap trick to make you want to stay with him.

I need to start looking for a way to get home, before he's finished showering. And I need to act fast.

I flung myself off the bed and headed to the door, surprised to find it was unlocked. Grinning, I twisted the door knob and yanked the door open.

To my surprise, there was nothing on the other side of the door. Just swirling, infinite darkness. There was no hallway, no other room, no nothing. Just never ending darkness.

I ran over to the window, only to discover it was exactly the same. There was no view. No garden, no trees, no other buildings, no nothing. Just eternal darkness, like behind the door.

Hopelessly, I fell onto my knees. I would never go home, never finish my magic training with father. Never go to see another basketball game again, never train with the team, nor see my family ever again.

I heard the water turn off, indicating Rico was finished in the shower. I can't give up, I have to do something! Anything!

I could here his footsteps approaching the door he'd disappeared through, so I did the first thing I could think of. I used my magic to draw a borderline between me and him, stretching right across the room.

The bathroom door opened, and Rico stepped into view. His eyes met mine as he closed door, and he looked furious. So furious that my knees started to trembled, knocking against each other as they wobbled.

"Banish that silly little spell right now, and I might forgive you" he hissed, keeping his eyes locked with mine. I shook my head, holding my hands in front of my as I focused on flowing my energy towards the line I had drawn. If my focus faltered, the spell could waver or worse, fail altogether.

"Foolish little warlock, you can't keep it up. Your power drains faster in this world, you'll soon run out of energy. And the second that happens, this borderline will disappear. You know I'm right, I can see it in your eyes. Cancel your spell now, and I won't punish you... Too badly" he cooed, no longer sounding angry.

Of course, I realised he was right. But I didn't like the sound of being punished one bit, so I gritted my teeth and tried to drag up more power than I had. I started to see blacks spots in my vision and my world seemed to tilt. My line also began to falter, and I knew I couldn't keep it up much longer. And judging by his expression, he knew, too.

"I warned you, boy. And by the way, you're in my territory, as well as being marked by me. If it was my will, I could have made you take down your borderline. I didn't, purely because punishing you while you're too weak to do anything will make it so much more enjoyable" he smirked, his tongue flicking over his lips.

No! I need to keep this spell going no matter what! Because if I don't... I don't know what he'll do. But despite wishing to keep going, the light separating me from him stuttered and died out. I swayed, unsteady on my feet before I fell, but before I hit the floor I felt arms wrap around me. It had to be him.

"Oh my naive little Storm... There's so much I wish to do to you, but I'll have to wait until we mate properly. But for now, you've been a naughty boy and need to be punished"

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