Chapter 28 - I Was Wrong

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Phoenix's POV
I can't believe father made me do that! I can't believe I actually did it, even after I realised what Rico meant to Storm!

Father told me that if the demon that took Storm returned, I was to trap him and send him back to The Beyond for good. That was okay with me, payback for the demon taking my brother from me.

When I trapped the Greater Demon named Rico, I thought he was obsessed with Storm and made my brother act like he liked him. I soon realised how wrong I was, how my brother loved him back just as much. I could see it in his eyes.

Love is a curious thing. Never in a million years would I have guessed sweet, innocent Storm would end up falling for a Greater Demon like Rico Ierzemoni. But that's what happened.

When I realised how the felt about each other, I had to let them both go. It reminded me of the love me and my ex-girlfriend shared once. Before I realised I didn't swing that way, and had to break up with her.

Everything was fine, until she wanted to have sex. Of course I agreed, what man in their right mind wouldn't jump at the opportunity?! When I went to pleasure her, something clicked inside me.

What if I like guys?

One finger into her warmth and my suspicions were confirmed. Nope nope nope nope this is gross...

Shortly after I broke up with her before we had sex. I felt, and still feel, like such a jerk. It was a dick move, but the thought of sex with a female still makes me shudder to this day.

"Phoenix! Why did you let him go?!" Father demanded, tearing me from my thoughts. Shit, he realised it was deliberate, now I'm screwed...

"Because they were in love" I told him simply, knowing he wouldn't understand. For him, warlocks may only love other warlocks and humans, no other species. To me, that's  a load of bull. Plus, father only believes in heterosexual relationships. Bad news for me, a closeted homosexual.

"Love? Yeah, right. A demon knows nothing of love, only destruction and hatred! He doesn't love the boy you used to call your brother and I used to call a son. No, he likes to be in control, he owns the boy like a possession!"

Damn my father and his closed mind! Can't he see the way they're looking at each other?

"Love is love, no matter who you fall for. Guy or girl, warlock or demon, it doesn't matter! Storm is a lesser demon now, turned by Rico! They formed a bond, and they're both happy! Can't you see that, father? Think about you and mother. You're happy, right? Don't deny others their chance at happiness!" I fought to keep my voice level, but the volume rose higher and higher until I was almost yelling at the end.

"You really think Storm is happy? With him?" Father asked in a small voice, acknowledging Storm by his name again. I was surprised by his change in attitude, but I didn't question it. I'm glad he's had a change of heart. Let's hope it stays that way.

I nodded and smiled, happy I was finally getting through to him. "Yes, I'm positive. Did you see the way they were looking at each other? Either would have died so that their lover could live, it was clear in their eyes, their possessiveness of one another. That's true love, father"

"I treated him so badly, I tried to take away his future... I just lost another son. I should have fought to protect him rather than rejecting him! This is all my fault. I raised him, he's a good kid..." Father said as he fell to the ground. Kneeling, he whispered. "I was wrong"
Short chapter, sorry!

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