Chapter 12 - Longing For Him

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Storm's POV
When I woke up, I was all alone in the dark. The only sound was the sound of my breathing and frantic heartbeat. It was too dark to see anything, but I soon released I wasn't alone in the room as I had previously believed.

"Who's there!" I shouted, my voice sounding croaky in my ears. A laugh echoed around the room, making me jump in fright at how suddenly it happened.

"Your worst nightmare" was the reply I received as the lights were flicked on. I squinted immediately, the light too bright, a punishment to my sensitive eyes. When I eventually managed to open them fully without problems, my gaze met Cortez's impatient orbs.

"Hello, baby warlock. It's playtime" he grinned, making his way towards me. I looked around frantically, discovering the only exit lay behind him. I made a run for it, but I was yanked back by my wrists.

His menacing laughter echoed around the small room again, causing me to shrink back against the wall, putting as much distance between us as possible.

"There's nowhere to run, boy. Just accept your punishment" he licked his lips, reminding me of when Rico had done the same thing. I shook my head, banishing thoughts of that demon. Why am I thinking of him now?!

"No! W-what have I d-done wrong?" I choked out, refusing to look at him.

"I don't need to give you a reason" he hissed, grabbing my chin and forcing me look into his fiery red eyes. "We're going to start with some lashes, and if you're a good boy I may consider punishing you a little less"

I whimpered as he ripped my shirt clean from my body before doing the same with my trousers and underwear, leaving me naked to his wandering eyes. I closed my eyes, trying to free myself of his gaze as well as feeling for my magic power. It was there, but I couldn't concentrate it enough to be able to cast a spell.

"Don't you dare close your eyes! I want to see the pain on your face as I punish you!" He yelled, forcing my eyes open with his fingers. I bit back a cry of pain, refusing to let him break me.

Unlike when I was with Rico, I didn't feel an overwhelming urge to submit to this bastard. I wish I'd never left Rico, I wish I had just accepted my place...

No, what am I thinking! That's not who I am. I'm not gay, and I'm certainly not a weak, powerless warlock. I am Storm Harris, son of Desmond and Lilly Harris. I will not be controlled by this demon!

"Borderline!" I yelled, forcing my magic power through my broken wrist as I flicked my other hand out. It won't be as powerful as normal, but it'll do for now. A bright blue line shone between us.

I only need it for a moment, long enough to send a signal to Rico. As much as I hate to admit I need him, and how I hate to depend on him for help, I'd rather not stay here. When he's saved me from this monster, I'll leave The Beyond for good.

I released a huge amount if magical energy, using it as a temporary beacon. Rico would be able to sense it as well as see it, but that comes with a price. He's not the only one who'll be able to see it, so will ever demon nearby. And the type of energy I'm giving off will signal to them that I'm not a demon.

Releasing that much energy came with another price. It caused my borderline to fail, and the second it did, Cortez broke my other wrist, cutting off my beacon almost immediately.

"For that stunt you just pulled, I'm not going to be as nice as I was planning. I'm going to start by pulling off all your nails, one by one. And I'll make it hurt as much as possible, mark my words"
Sorry it's so short!

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