Chapter 15 - Is This Goodbye?

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Storm's POV
All I could comprehend was the feel of his teeth slicing through my flesh like it was butter. Then came the pain, but it didn't feel like anything after having my nails pulled off and my bones crushed. All I could do was slump limply over his body, all my energy spent trying to fight him previously.

Eventually, Cortez pulled away. As he did though, he let go of me completely, causing me to fall to the floor. I was too weak to even hold myself up anymore...

"You're truly pathetic!" Cortez mocked, kicking me in the ribs and spitting at me. I could only cower away from him, the pain from my lack of nails and broken bones proving too much. Why can't I just die already? Images of my family flashed across my mind, reminding me of why I can't give up just yet. The reason I need to keep fighting.

Mother, smiling as she watched me playing on the swings when I was younger, and coming to watch the first basketball game of the season when I grew older, cheering for me among the crowd.

Father, cheering alongside her. Father, running laps with me when I thought I couldn't make it. Father, grinning at us as he cooked dinner in the kitchen.

Then there was Phoenix and his loving, bouncy nature, contrasted to Robin's more mature, serious character. They're both relying on me to come back from this alive and well!

And finally, Rico's face came to mind. How he had looked at me so curiously at first, how he had looked so sad when I had kissed him back... Wait, why am I thinking of him right now?! I'm not living for him, I'm living for those that actually care about me!

Though I tried to make myself believe he didn't care at all, the fact that he was here in the first place was proof enough to the contrary. Why would he come if he didn't want me back?

"How dare you kick him and spit at him like that! He's mine, you have no right!" Rico seethed, clenching his fists. This didn't go unnoticed by his brother.

"Hit a nerve, did I brother?" He mocked with a sick smile. "In case you've forgotten, I have placed a claim on him too. Why did you even take this pathetic excuse for a warlock, anyway? Surely you don't intend to place a full claim on him, do you?" Cortez asked, awaiting a response.

Rico shrugged. "So what if I do? That's none of your business, brother"

What are they talking about, I can't keep up! Full claim? What's that? I thought he had claimed me...

"You can't be serious, Ricardo. You're a greater demon! And this puny insect interests you in that way? Do you realise the weight of what you plan to do?"

Rico growled, his red eyes turning completely black. "You lost the right to call me by that name when you ceased to be my brother! When your heart turned black!"

"You harbour the darkness too, brother. We demons are all born with that, you can't hope to escape it! To survive in this world, you need to be either apathetic or sadistic! You can't be soft or you'll lose!" Cortez yelled, lunging for his brother.

Rico sidestepped his attack easily. "You've always been this way. Desperate for power, hurting anyone to feel as if you're in control. In reality, you're the pathetic one, believing everything mother and father used to tell us! We forge our own paths, I realise that now! Storm made me realise that! Wake up, Cortez... It doesn't have to be this way! We could be brothers again, if you'll just let me in!" He pleaded, searching his brother for any hint of emotion.

Of course he wasn't planning on forgiving him for hurting Storm, but he was reluctant to kill his own brother. Cortez's fate depended on his answer. If he showed remorse for his actions, Rico may let him live.

"Awe, is my big bro going soft for a warlock?" Cortez responded. "What happened to Rico, the demon prince who killed for fun? Did you lose your shadow or something? If you did, I'll help you get it back. Starting by killing this warlock you hold so dearly. He's to blame" he finished, pointing the gun at me again.

I didn't even flinch. If I'm going to die, I may as well go ahead and do it. Even if Rico manages to somehow save me from this monster, it's out of the frying pan and into the fire, like they say. He'll probably just kill me himself for running away.

"You're just taking the easy way out, submitting, caving into the darkness! I didn't lose my shadow, I've learnt to live with it rather than letting it take over! Drop the gun, and I might let you live" Rico hissed, glaring at Cortez. He just shrugged in return.

"Say bye bye to this stupid warlock" he grinned and turned to me.

Everything seemed to slow down. Rico froze, shock evident across his features before he lunged for me, arm outstretched. As if he knew what was going to happen.

But it was too late for me. Cortez squeezed the trigger, and my world turned black.
Sorry for leaving it like that... *hides behind sofa*

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