Chapter 14 - Claim

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Storm's POV
Only five minutes later, I'd lost all my nails. Pain was searing through my body in an endless stream, my fingers felt raw and stung. Like when you pour vinegar or lemon juice into a cut by accident, that kind of unpleasant sting, only worse.

My fingers and toes had all been crushed with a thumb screw too, an old fashioned torture device. The pain was too much to bear, I just wished he'd kill me already. Anything to end this!

I was brought back to the present when Cortez pressed the blistering hot metal to my flesh again, causing me to scream out in pain. This was his newest form or torture, burning the words 'property of Lord Cortez' into my skin. The sizzling sound of burning filled my ears just before my screams did.

"Oh Storm, aren't you having fun?" Cortez said with a laugh, brandishing the glowing metal.

"Please, Rico..." I muttered before my body gave up, and I slumped forward. I closed my eyes in exhaustion, unsure of if I would ever wake up again.

Rico's POV
Making my way towards Cortez's home, I felt my anger rising. Although father cast him out, he still left him this place, only a little smaller than my own home. As soon as I landed, I quickly folded my wings away and made them invisible and intangible again.

Screams echoed around me as I approached Cortez's palace. I rushed towards the front door as fast as I could, not caring that I was being extremely reckless. I only had one thought running through my head.

Save Storm, no matter what. Save Storm, no matter what.

Everything else was a blur, including all thoughts of my own safety. I've never gone this far to help another, and the drive to rescue Storm and take him back home with me was overwhelming.

My eyes went wide in surprise when my sensitive hearing picked up my beloved's voice among the screaming.

"Please, Rico..." I heard him murmur.

That was enough to spur me forwards. When this is all over, will he accept me? After all, I'm coming to his aid. It's the weirdest feeling, like I need him to need me. Without that, I feel empty inside...

I threw open the front door and it hit the wall with a bang. I don't care if he hears me coming. Let him know. Send all the guards you have, brother. My feelings for Storm make me strong, I won't back down.

I've been taught from a young age that emotions make you weak, susceptible to manipulation. That you need to be either sadistic or apathetic to survive, that you take what you want without worrying about the consequences. And I believed it all.

But the short time I was with Storm made me realise that all the things I've been taught are lies, that I shouldn't believe everything I hear. That emotions can make you strong or weak, depending on how you use them.

I ran through the mansion, following the power that I knew Storm had released previously. The stronger it gets, the closer I am getting to being reunited with him.

Storm, please be okay...

Eventually, the power led me to the basement. Not wasting a moment, I slammed the door open only to see...

Cortez holding an unconscious Storm at gunpoint, the barrel next to my little warlock's temple. Anger flared within me as I took in Storm's form, unsure of whether he was still breathing or not.

His nails had been ripped out at the roots, dry blood staining his fingers and toes a coppery colour. His wrists looked broken, flopping limp at the end of his arms, the bones stuck out at awkward angles.

The longer I looked, the more pissed off I became. My beautiful warlock's fingers had also been broken, it was clear to see. Well, more crushed then broken. But that wasn't even what angered me the most. Oh, my brother is going to feel my wrath now.

He had branded his name into Storm's once lovely, pale skin. In several places, it read 'property of Lord Cortez'. That pissed me off enough on its own. But what really got my blood boiling was the location of one of the burns. Right over my claim mark.

I'm one demon you don't want to fuck with. I don't care that Cortez is probably stronger, I'm taking him down. I'm going to do to him what he's done to my Storm, and more. He's not getting away with this.

To my relief, my baby's eyes fluttered open lazily, his eyes going wide with shock when he saw me. He grinned at me, which surprised me. He... Smiled? At me?

"Rico! You came, I didn't think you would!" He said, letting out a sigh of relief as he tried to run over to me, not realising Cortez was still here.

He growled. "Take another step and I'll shoot you" he threatened, yanking him back by his broken wrist. My beloved screeched in pain, the sound tearing me apart inside. I growled at my brother in return. How dare he hurt and threaten what's mine!

"How dare you talk to him like that! He's mine!" I yelled, spitting to the side and clenching my fists. It made me even more mad when he just smirked at me in response.

"Not for long. I hope you're okay with sharing, brother" he hissed at me before he pulled a Storm into him. Unaware of what he was about to do, I could only watch in horror as he sank his teeth into Storm's neck, the opposite side to where I had.

My brother had placed a claim on Storm.
Damn I'm so sorry 😂🙈

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