Chapter 19 - I Love You

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Storm's POV
"I- I think I love you too" I whispered, meaning every word.

Look, before you say I'm crazy, this man -or demon- has done a lot for me, and I'm extremely grateful. He rescued me from his psycho brother and healed me somehow, for a start. Plus, he's not had a happy childhood from all I'm seen, he deserves some happiness. And if I can provide that, I will.

His eyes went wide at my words as he stared back at me, not quite believing his ears. "You mean it? Truly? Even after all I've done..."

I nodded my head and smiled at him, until a sudden, sharp pain in my gums made me grimace, quickly being replaced by an uncomfortable throb. What the heck?!

I couldn't think straight, with the throbbing and my sudden, intense thirst. I need some water, it's not normal to suddenly he thirsty after doing nothing!

"Ri-co" I forced out, trying to ask him what was wrong with me, but my throat seemed to constrict the rest of my words. Rico smiled sadly at me, seeming to understand.

"Shh, baby it'll be okay. You have to trust me, alright?" He said softly, rubbing soothing circles on my back with his fingertips as he guided my head to the crook of his neck.

An amazing smell hit my nose and I inhaled deeply, letting the scent cloud my mind. Acting on instinct alone, I flicked my tongue over his pale skin, causing him to let out a quiet moan.

I bit down and a haze clouded my mind as a delicious liquid flowed into my mouth, taking away my pain almost immediately. It tasted so sweet and thick, washing over my tongue in a soothing wave.

"That's enough for now, Storm" I vaguely heard Rico say, but I ignored him. It tasted too good to give up, it was addictive. I wanted more!

"Storm. I said stop" Rico said sternly, and I had no choice but to obey. I was, after all, his. I couldn't disobey his will as long as I was marked by him or in this realm.

It was only when I'd pulled away that I realised what I'd done.

Blood spilled down Rico's neck from two messy punctures, punctures I don't remember making. I brought my hand up to cover my face as I looked away, shocked and ashamed at what I had done.

I had enjoyed drinking Rico's blood! And I'd wanted more, it's sickening! When he said he'd saved me and wouldn't let me die... How had he done that, exactly?

Tears began to well up in my eyes, and I didn't try to stop them. I just let them fall as I covered my face with my hands, not wanting to look at him. What have I done?

"Storm. Look at me" Rico commanded, and I instantly did as he asked. My eyes met his deep red ones before he brought me onto his lap, hugging me close.

"Please, don't cry. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry! I hope someday you'll forgive me, but what I've done is truly selfish and unforgivable..." He trailed off, looking away from me.

I grabbed his face with both my hands and guided him so his eyes met mine again. "Rico. I'm alive, and for that I'm grateful. But... How did you save me?" I asked, fearing I already knew the answer. I had drunk his blood and seemingly come back from the dead, after all.

There was only one possible answer.

"I did what I had to, I just couldn't let you die! You've made me feel things I've never felt before, you make me feel human, Storm. I don't know how I'd live without you... So I... I turned you into a lesser demon! Please... I know it's impossible for you to forgive something like this, but I need you, you're my little Thunderstorm!" Rico told me urgently, confirming my suspicions.

I frowned. Yes, I was mad. But his speech was so charged full of emotion, tugging at my heart. His eyes desperately searched mine, looking for a sign of a reaction.

Thinking about all I'd seen of his past, I just shrugged. "Looks like we're going to be spending a lot of time together from now on, doesn't it?" I whispered, smiling at him. "I saw how unhappy you were as a child, while I thought I was dying. If I can provide you with even a shred of happiness, I will"

Giving me no time to react, Rico crashed his lips down against mine. I surprised both him and myself when I kissed him back with equal passion, our lips seeming to merge together.

I let my hands slip underneath his shirt, exploring his skin. When he didn't move to stop me, I continued creeping higher. I only paused when he growled and bit my lip slightly, pulling away.

"If we don't stop now, I'll fuck you right here, right now. I only have so much self restraint, baby" Rico stated, pushing me off his lap and sitting me back on the bed beside him.

Chuckling a little at my pout, he wrapped an arm around me.

"Thank you for understanding me, Storm. I love you so much you have no idea"

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