Chapter 18 - What I Had To Do

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Dedicated to its-lulu and PrinceDel for guessing correctly what Rico did for Storm (you're about to find out now if you didn't guess 😊)

Rico's POV
I could only watch as my precious little Thunderstorm writhed on my bed in pain, tears falling down his face. I feel so bad... I could have just let him die peacefully, but I was selfish.

I chose to save his life... But at what cost?

I'd watched mother turn many supernaturals into lesser demons when I was younger, but I'd never done it myself.

That is how I saved Storm. I'd turned him, it was the only way. But seeing him suffering this much saddened me, though I knew it was what I had to do.

But did I do it for him or for me? I suspect more the latter.

One thing I know for sure is that Storm is going to awaken hungry, and I'm not prepared for that. I've used up the last of the blood I had stored in the cooler, cursing myself for doing so.

I wasn't prepared for turning him this soon, ideally I wanted to wait a few more weeks for him to settle in. Us greater demon only need a little blood a month, but lesser demons need blood much more frequently. We have that in common with those lowly vampires, unfortunately.

Well, he's just going to have to drink from me I guess. Ha, he's going to love that. (Note the sarcasm) Though he probably won't be in his right mind, most likely unable deny his urges both physically and sexually. It's up to me to control him, seeing as this is my fault. But that should be an easy task, he's mine, he has to obey my wishes.

He's going to hate me now. When he wakes up he'll cease being a warlock to become a demon, a monster, like me. When his magic was all he knew, how will he cope?

Warlocks like to believe they're at the top of the food chain, that they control all other supernaturals. This is true to some extent, as they trapped us demons in this realm. But we are far stronger than they could ever hope to be. I'm doing Storm a favour, he can't seriously want to live like that. Trying to keep the precarious peace between the supernaturals, having all other species except humans hate him for simply being a warlock... No. I'm saving him from that fate.

But unless someone summons him to The Near, he'll never be able to see his family again... I can take him there since he summoned me, but not for longer. Five minutes maximum.

On the plus side, he's all mine. I killed that bastard I used to call my brother, and in doing so his claim vanished. He deserved all he got for hurting my Thunderstorm. Let's just say I didn't just kill him straight away.

Cortez thought I'd lost my shadow, the part of us demons that separates us from the Angels of The Far. We Greater Demons used to live in The Far, but we were sent to The Beyond with all the tortured, restless souls to guide them, to help them reach The Far. This was only possible because we were at the top, head of the Angels. We ruled them. Back then we were Angels.

But we were needed here, so that's where we came. There was a cost, though. We had to accept darkness into our hearts in order to stay, our shadow. If you let the darkness take over, you turn out like Cortez and my mother. But that won't happen to me, because I won't let it happen.

Mother may have forced me to give up the part of me that was still angel all those years ago, but she never managed to make the darkness consume me entirely. I hope Storm can be as strong as me, because I need him.

He's what brought me back to the light when I was falling into the darkness.

My blood is rapidly healing his broken body while he sleeps, as well as repressing his warlock DNA as my demonic DNA overpowers it. The deepest connection a greater demon can make with another being, turning them into a lesser demon via their own blood.

The transformation isn't an easy one, though. I've never experienced it myself obviously, but I've heard about it from those who have been through it. And it's worse for my little Thunderstorm, since my blood is healing all the injuries that my brother made at the same time.

I looked over at Storm realising his groaning had ceased and his now red eyes were open wide, gazing at me in what could only be described as wonder. His hand reached out to touch my face, resting gently on my skin. I leaned into the contact, welcoming it after being parted from him for so long.

Without warning, Storm began to scream. I looked at his frantically, unsure of what to do. What had caused his sudden screeching? Was it me?

Then I noticed the leather pouch that still hung around his neck. It had no effect on me, but I could feel the energy the objects inside were giving off. They'd been enchanted by a highly skilled warlock. These enchantments were no child's play, these were the works of a seriously strong spell caster.

I quickly ripped the bag away from him, the contact stinging my skin a little. Immediately, my baby stopped screaming and buried his face into me. I could hear him sobbing quietly, so I pulled him carefully into my lap and rocked him like a mother would her child.

"I'm s-so s-sor-ry! I- I had n-no idea!" He blubbered, his voice breaking as he spoke from the crying.

"What are you talking about baby?" I hushed him, uncertain of why he was apologising. I've forgiven him for running from me, because I understand. He doesn't know me very well, not as well as I understand him. He missed his comforts, his home. But I hope someday, he'll come to see this as his home.

With me.

I felt Storm's hand tangle its way into black hair, and I looked at him with confused eyes. A series of emotions washed over his face, and I could almost see the internal battle inside him taking place through his eyes. Eventually, he took a deep breath and pulled me closer.

His lips hesitantly met mine, and I gasped in shock, my eyes going wide. What brought this on? He doesn't even like me that way, does he?

"I'm not sure how you did it, but thank you for saving my life, Rico. And I'm sorry about what happened to you in the past, and I'm sorry for running away. I've been in denial for so long, but I think- I think I love you" he finished, looking away. But not quick enough for the blush forming on his face to escape my notice.

"It's alright, the past is in the past. I'm sorry for kidnapping you in the first place, I truly am. But my future lies with you, my precious Thunderstorm" I whispered to him, causing his face to heat up even further. "If you'll still put up with me, that is. I may not know exactly what love feels like, but I know I'm in love with you"

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