Chapter 9 - Rescue

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Storm's POV
As soon as the words had left his mouth, a bright light shone through the dim room unexpectedly, blinding me.

I closed my eyes. It was so radiant, too much for my eyes to handle after all the darkness I'd gotten used to the past day or so. However long I've been down here, I'm not too sure.

"Storm!" A familiar voice shouted, causing my eyes to snap open in an attempt to see his face. To make sure it was real.

"Father! I yelled back, a sense of joy running through me. He came!

"Run to us, Storm! You have to run!" I heard Phoenix shout urgently, panic clear in his voice.

But it was too late.

Arms wrapped around me, forming a sort of cage. "Don't move" Rico snarled as the brilliant light began to fade. I struggled against him, my legs flailing in a fruitless attempt to connect with his flesh.

Father, Phoenix, Robin and another male I've never seen before stood at the opposite side of the room. They'd all put on a brave face, but I could see the fear in their eyes as they looked past me and their gazes fell upon Rico.

They stepped towards us, but Rico growled at them in warning, causing them to stop on their tracks.

"Take another step and I'll kill him" Rico threatened, tightening his hold on me. I whimpered, his vice like grip was hurting my arms.

I saw father slowly reach into his pocket and get something out, but Rico didn't appear to notice. Everything after that happened so fast.

Father threw something at Rico, a liquid. It splashed over the demon's skin, and he shrieked in pain, releasing me as he scraped at his skin with his nails. I ran over to my family, tears falling down my face as I did. Phoenix and Robin held their hands out to me, palm up, urging me to take them. As soon as I did, the room around me began to shimmer and fade.

Electricity seemed to shoot through me and I closed my eyes, as I had been taught to do many a time while involved in magic. When I felt the electricity fade, I opened my eyes again.

We were in the basement of our house, the four of us. The strange man I didn't know had disappeared.

As soon as it was over, I was knocked to the floor by a very enthusiastic Phoenix. "Oh my god Storm are you okay?! That demon looked terrifying, and his power was out of this world! Did he hurt you in any way?" Phoenix rushed, squeezing me tight.

I shook my head. "No, I'm okay. Just a little shocked. How did you guys find me?"

"Well, we found out father had a sister, Myra, and called upon her for help. But she wouldn't help up without a kiss on the lips from Robin, so it was a bust" he glared at his twin.

"Storm, I- I'm sorry" he mumbled, not meeting my eyes.

I pushed Phoenix off, going to hug Robin instead. As soon as I did, he tensed. Oh god, I shouldn't have done that, I know how he feels about-

But then he hugged me back, something he's never done since I was a small boy. "I'm so, so sorry, little brother. I could've saved you sooner, but I didn't" he whispered, and I could hear the regret in his tone of voice held.

"No, Robin. It's alright, I understand. None of us know what you went through, it's Phoenix who should be saying sorry" I pulled away, giving him a small smile. And, for the first time, he smiled back.

"Anyway, if that didn't work, how did you get to me? Who was that guy with you?" I asked, wanting to know everything. What can I say, I'm a curious person.

"Well, since Myra wasn't any help, father summoned grandpa Toby. He helped us out, for free. Even though he knew who he was going against, he still helped us" Phoenix said, ignoring my comment about him.

"Ah, thank you for saving me, guys. I don't know how much more of that I could take" I shuddered at the memories. The Beyond is a scary place... But that's behind me now, and I couldn't be happier.

"Storm... What's that?" Father asked, pointing at my neck. Oh no, the mark! I don't even know what it means, but how had I forgotten?!

Father pulled my shirt to the side and revealed the whole mark to their worried eyes. And when they saw, they gasped in sync.

"Bite marks and a triskelion, the mark of Rico. Oh Storm... I'm so sorry" father whispered, biting his lower lip.

He only bites his lower lip when something is seriously wrong, so yeah, I'm panicking too.

"The demon has put a claim on you. And the only way for the claim to be removed is by killing the one who put it there. I'm sorry, son, but we don't stand a chance against him. For the first time in years, I'm afraid I have no idea what we're going to do"

"It's fine, Rico is stuck in The Beyond now, I'm safe" I replied reassuringly, smiling at father. But my smile faltered and fell away when I remembered a crucial piece of information.

Since I summoned Rico into this world, The Near, he can travel to and from The Beyond as he wishes. And I bet he won't just let me leave him, not without a fight.

And with him being so much more powerful than me, I'm not sure what I'm going to do now...

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