Chapter 6 - We Can Bring Him Back

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Dedicated to PrinceDel your comments made me smile :)

Storm's POV
Why is he looking at me like that? I don't understand. One minute he's all threatening, the next he's gazing at me with adoring eyes. I'm so confused, what is going on?

"Storm, I... Don't cry" he whispered, placing a feathery kiss on my forehead. I don't know how much more I can take of this sudden kindness, I think I prefer the evil greater demon Rico rather than this strange one... Is he drunk or what?

I shoved his chest, though it had no effect. The only thing my futile actions did was make his eyes harden again.

Realising it was pointless and I was making him angry, I began to cast an enchantment of protection to repel him, to make him get away from me. But yet again, he grabbed my hands, snuffing out my spell. Not that I had got very far, it was as if something was pushing against me every time I tried to use my magic, making it time consuming and tiring.

When I looked up at him, I found his face was twisted into a sneer, a snarl escaping his lips. I tried to back away but he grabbed my wrist, hard.

"You think you have the right to rebel against me like that? You're but a mere warlock, not even fully trained. And you think you can escape? Not a chance. No, I need to teach you who's in charge here. Not that you could have cast that enchantment, even if I'd let you continue your foolishness. Look at you, you can barely stand anymore!"

Sure enough, my legs were shaking from all the energy the magic had taken from me in this world. I fought hard to stand, but eventually my legs failed beneath me and I collapsed into his awaiting arms. But I wouldn't stay there. I would fight with all I had left in me, no matter the cost. I can't give in.

The second our skin made contact I felt all my resolve fade away, my body betraying me. I melted into Rico's arms, a small sign escaping my parted lips. I wanted nothing more than to feel his hands exploring me body, making me his...

I snapped out of my trance like state when I looked up and saw a huge smirk plastered across the demon's face.

"Glad to know my bond and being in my domain combined is keeping you in check, little warlock. Where's all your fight gone?" He asked with a dark chuckle. Then, without warning, he crashed his lips to mine.

Too stunned and weak to do anything, I lay limp in his hold as his lips attacked mine. Slowly but surely, my restraint began to fade away, along with my rational side, and I surprised myself.

I kissed him back.

I wasn't thinking straight. My lips just melted into his, feeling like a perfect fit. My hands clawed at his back, a small mewl escaping my lips as he pulled away. I expected him to be smirking, like his usual cocky self. But he wasn't.

He almost looked sad.

Phoenix's POV
"Come on! We have to at least try and get him back!" I yelled at my stubborn twin brother and father. Storm has been taken away, and they won't do anything about it! They've both just given up, so soon! They've accepted that he's gone, but I won't. Not now, not ever.

"Phoenix" father spoke sternly, his voice holding a warning. "You have to understand that your brother is as good as dead. It wasn't just any other supernatural, it was a greater demon! And a Prince of The Beyond, at that! One of the royals! We don't stand a chance, even if you could somehow attempt to get Storm back it would be suicide"

"Well I'm willing to take that risk" I retorted, trying to keep my voice level. I have no idea how to get Storm back, but I sure as hell won't give up. I'm willing to give up my own life if it'll get him back. I'll go to The Beyond in his place. Anything to save him!

Just... Please let him be alive and well.

Wait... I'm sure I saw a spell in one of Father's spell books to contact a spirit that will open the gate to The Beyond for us. That's it!

"Father, don't you know a ritual to get to The Beyond? Through a ghost?" I whispered, hope filling my eyes.

Robin's eyes went wide, an expression uncommon to see on him. It even surprised me, he's usually so distant and void of emotion on the surface. But I saw that glimmer of hope in his eyes, I know I did. He cares for Storm as much as I do.

"Ah... Yes, that may be true. Though it is an extremely dangerous spe-"

"Let's do it! We're stronger together, right? We can do this!" I said enthusiastically, hoping to motivate father. It seemed to work, as he sighed and nodded.

"Fine. Though you will be responsible for the consequences, son" he said, staring into my eyes. I started back before turning away and grinning at Robin.

"We can do this! Let's bring our little bro home!"

Sorry that it's so short, just wanted to update ^^

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