Chapter 31 - Surprise

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Rico's POV
I woke up before my sleeping beauty, feeling extremely satisfied. He's mine now, we're fully bonded and nothing will take him away from me again. I still don't fully understand the term, but as I gazed upon his sleeping form, I knew I loved him.

I'd do anything for the precious former warlock that lay by my side. Literally anything. Except be parted from him, even for a short amount of time.

I have something special planned for him today, to show him how much I truly appreciated him. I didn't see the appeal of what I had planned, but I'd heard him mention it and I'd seen pictures in his room, giving me the idea. I'm sure he'll love it, and even if he doesn't he'll jump at the opportunity to return to The Near.

He mumbled my name in his sleep and started moaning. That alone put a smile on my face, knowing he was thinking about me even in his unconscious state.

Last night, we'd showered together and then gone straight to bed after I'd changed the sheets. My baby was exhausted, and had fallen asleep in my arms, just the way I liked it.

Now he lay beside me, his features soft in sleep. He looked so innocent, so pure. I still could not believe a boy like him, with a soul fit to be an angel, was mine to treasure forever. Surely I of all people didn't deserve that much... Yet here he is.

Unable to keep my hands off him, I caressed his soft skin and ran my fingers through his silky grey hair. I loved him so much it hurt.

His eyelids fluttered open at my touches, his big, round orbs still bleary from sleep. He smiles at me and curled up, burying his face in bare chest. I was a little surprised to see his red eyes had turned grey again, but I thought that would happen soon. Lesser demons usually get their original eye colour back, in time. Plus I prefer his naturally beautiful grey eyes.

"Good morning my love. I have a surprise for you today" I informed him, kissing his forehead as he uncurled himself. He raised his eyebrows at me, telling me to go on, to assess if the surprise is worth getting up from his warm spot next to my chest.

"I'm taking you to see a basketball game in The Near. The London Lions against some other team, and I've arranged for you to meet them after the game is concluded. I believe they are your favourites, yes?"

He grinned at me, throwing his arms around me and planting a huge kiss on my lips, to my surprise. Wow, I should surprise him more often!

"And I thought I couldn't love you anymore!" He beamed, going to kiss me again.

Well, I guess he likes his surprise, then.

"But Rico..." He trailed off, his face heating up. "I can barely move... Well, I can move, but it really hurts..."

I burst into laughter that I didn't even try to contain. After a moment I desperately fought to stop, but couldn't. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why he can hardly move... And I thought I was being gentle!

When I finally calmed down, I wrapped and arm around him again. "That's okay, I'll just carry you like the princess you are"

His face went even redder, and he mumbled something along the lines of "princess my butt" which sent me into another fit of laughter. Oh, this boy will be the death of me...

When we were washed and dressed -I had to help him, since it was my fault he couldn't move a lot- it was finally time to take him to The Near.

"Let's go, baby. Enjoy this basketball game, because when we get back I'm going to ravish you again, if you can keep up" I said with a wink, causing his already heated face to turn impossibly darker.

"I love you, Rico" he whispered, clutching me tighter. "Never let me go"

I smiled at him, a genuine smile. "Oh, I assure you, I won't. You're too precious to me, especially after all we've been through. Shall we go to The Near together, or do you want to try going alone?"

"Together, because you promised you'd never let me go"
Okay so as you can tell I'm not an expert on basketball, hence why I didn't that scene. (The only experience I have is Kuroko no Basket if you could all that experience 😂 )

I'm sorry to say it but... I think this is the end of the story, people... *cries* Thank you all for reading to the end, without a reader stories are just books full of meaningless words...

Oh, and I've had a lot of requests to do Phoenix and Robin's stories xD I'll happily do them both, but which would you like first? (Yes, even Phoenix will get his own story, because apparently the other supernaturals seem to love Storm's family xP) Vote in the comments for which you'd all like first and hopefully I will start it soon ^^

Until next time!

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