Chapter 27 - Apologies

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Rico's POV
When I came back to my senses, the first thing I noticed was the pain in my groin. The second, that I was lying in the floor of my bedroom. Fuck, my head hurts so bad!

I blinked, once, twice, three times, trying to recall what had happened. I kept drawing a blank. Damn it, what's going on?!

I pushed myself up so my back was against a wall, breathing out a deep sigh. That was when the realisation that Storm wasn't with me hit. Oh god, I hope he's okay...

My eyes darted frantically around the room, searching for my beloved. Thankfully, he was sat opposite me, holding his knees tightly against his chest. He seemed to sense me looking, as he lifted his head cautiously to meet my gaze.

His eyes were puffy, his cheeks stained an angry red. He seemed distressed, and looked as if he'd been crying. He made no move to come to me like he usually would, and eyed me warily like I was going to attack him any second.

What have I done to make him so afraid of me?

"Storm, what happened?" I asked carefully, getting to my feet. Fear shone in his eyes as I approached, and he quickly curled into a ball and began sobbing again.

"Is it because we couldn't save the brother who was taken by vampires?" I tried, hoping that was the only reason for his sorrow. If I'm the cause, I don't know how I'll be able to look into his beautiful grey eyes ever again...

Storm's POV
I can't believe he's forgotten how he assaulted me! It only happened a couple of hours ago, how could he forget?!

Curled up on the floor, I felt so insecure and lonely. Rico's the only one I have left, and he betrayed my trust just like everyone else... I can't believe I wanted to spend eternity with a monster like him!

I didn't answer his question, afraid of meeting his gaze again. He'd looked so relieved when he'd seen me earlier, but why? If I was just a quick fuck to him... Because that's what he'd wanted last night, clearly.

Though if that was true, why has he waited so long? He has power over me in this realm, he could have forced me to have sex with him ages ago if that's what he wished for. But he didn't...

"Storm? Please tell me what's wrong, I don't like you being scared of me..." Rico said quietly, kneeling down before me. If he truly didn't know he'd done anything, then it's unfair of me to be angry. Hesitantly, I met his gaze.

He looked as if he was about to cry, a completely different person from the scary Greater Demon I was once afraid of. His eyes portrayed his vulnerability, vulnerability he hasn't possessed until I'd stumbled into his life. It kind of made me feel a little guilty for giving him a weakness...


"You- you don't remember?" I asked, feeling myself involuntarily lean towards him. I longed for his touch so badly it hurt, desperate for the feelings only he could provide...

"Remember what? I did something unforgivable, didn't I?" He asked me, a hint of regret in his voice, as if deep down he already knew.

I shook my head slowly, feeling a little more like I could trust him again. "It wasn't you, Rico. It's not your fault."

If I can avoid telling him, I will. I don't want to make him feel guilty about it. It wasn't his fault if he didn't know what he did, and I can't find it in my heart to he angry or upset with him any longer. It hurts too much to hate him. I just can't do it.

"Storm. What did I do" he demanded, and before I could even attempt to stop myself I began to tell him. Damn him and his power over me! I was only trying to spare him the guilt!

"You tried to rape me"

His eyes widened in shock. "I would never..."

"But you did" I replied, more bitterly than I intended to. I can't stay mad at him, but I can't forgive him immediately either. I'm still a virgin, damn it! And I didn't even realise I was attracted to both guys and girls until he showed up!

"I'm so sorry. Please believe me, I've been trying to hold myself back but the desires I tried so hard to bury resurfaced too soon. You don't realise the effect you have on me, Storm. You drive me and my shadow crazy with lust and need! And I guess it took over for a while... We're usually one and the same, you see, with me in control. But occasionally, usually when I feel a strong emotion, the shadow takes over. I can't apologise enough, please tell me what I can do to make it up to you"

So... It wasn't really his fault, it was mine. I'm the one who said things I shouldn't have, I'm the one who made him angry in the first place. But now I hold the power, and I don't like it. It feels wrong.

I thought for a while, trying to decide what I wanted from him. Then it hit me.

"You could teach me how to fly"

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