Chapter 2 - News Both Good and Bad

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Storm's POV
I was on the bus back from the test when I got the good news. I got a text telling me that I'd got a place on the team, and not as a sub. I was overjoyed at the news, more than anyone else, I imagine. In my crazy world, basketball is what hold me together. It's my glue. Without the normality it provides me, I feel like I would fall apart. I ran a hand through my silvery hair, pushing it out of my eyes and reading the text again in disbelief. I was a sub last season, and I had to make sure what I was seeing was real.

I'm no different to the rest of my classmates, except the family I was born into. I wish I could have been born a human, with human parents, oblivious to the supernatural world around me. But it appears that is not my destiny, as much as I yearn for it to be so.

When I got home, I rushed inside to tell everyone the news. I expected the household to be lively as usual, and for everyone to be doing what they normally do. My brothers lounging on the sofas watching television, my mother sat at the table with her face buried in a book, my father cooking dinner...

But not today.

Today, I walked into silence. Compete and utter silence, except the choking sobs coming from my mother which made my heart ache.

The whole family was sat at the kitchen table. My brothers both had their faces in their hands, and didn't look up when I came in. My father had a chair pulled up next to my mother, an arm wrapped around her reassuringly. She sat, huddled in his embrace, crying into his chest.

It was one of the most heartbreaking sounds I've ever heard, and the worst thing was that of was coming from my mother. My usually smiling, cheerful mother.

My father was the only one who acknowledged my presence. He looked up at me, though I wished he hadn't. His eyes were sad, his expression full of pain. "Take a seat, Storm" he said simply.

I did as he asked, wondering why everyone seemed so down. It's so unlike them, this place is the happiest home I know!

"Storm, grandma passed away today" my father whispered, looking down. I fought the urge to ask which one, because that much was obvious from my mother's reaction. Grandma June had died. Plus, Grandma Joan had already passed away from natural causes.

"How" I whispered, feeling the familiar sting of approaching tears in my eyes. Grandma June was basically the head of our family! Although she didn't possess magic herself, she was the one who passed the gene to my mother, who passed it onto us! She can't be dead...

"A shifter killed her" Robin whispered, raising his head from his hands, revealing that his face was stained with tears. "A shifter called Kaine from the pack we were trying to subdue. But now we have less control over them than ever"

I couldn't fight the tears back any longer, I just let them fall freely down my cheeks. Choking sounds escaped my throat, and it was then that I realised I was crying.

"She can't be dead!" I shouted. I knew I was being insensitive, but in that moment I didn't care. I just wanted someone to say 'haha got you!' and for us all to laugh it off. But nobody did.

I ran to my room, tears cascading down my face, slamming the door shut behind me. "No! No, no no no no no!" I yelled, running to my bed and punching my pillow in frustration. Somebody knocked gently on my door, and it opened slowly to reveal Phoenix.

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