Chapter 13 - Brutal

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Storm's POV
He's not serious... Is he? About pulling my nails off...

Cortez must have read my expression, because he grinned at me. "I plan to pull your nails off one by one, then crush all your fingers and toes with a thumb screw. Hmm... What to do afterwards? So many options... Maybe I'll tear out your tongue, too. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this. This is to get back at you warlocks for trying to send me back here for good. And to get back at my brother for everything he's done. But mainly for my own enjoyment"

"You're a sick, twisted bastard!" I yelled, but it only made his smile grow wider, to my horror.

He began walking towards me, ignoring my outburst. The light reflected off something shiny he was holding in his right hand, something metal, though I couldn't see it very clearly.

"I'm going to enjoy this very much. Don't forget to scream! You're about to find out first hand why they call me Brutal" he said, sneering. I struggled against my restraints, but I couldn't do a lot with two broken wrists and very little energy left. Cortez just watched in amusement as I used up the last of my energy, before my body went limp in the chains.

"You done yet? I want to get to the fun part already!" the demon whined, scraping the metal instrument in his hand together impatiently.

I couldn't move, couldn't even look up at him. I'm completely spent, all my energy gone. I just hope Rico saw my beacon. I hope he comes to save me. Anything is better than being with a Cortez. Even going back to face his anger at me running away.

With a growl, the demon before my took hold of my hand, positioning my thumb nail within the confines of the metal instrument before closing it and yanking with supernatural strength.

Sharp, searing pain shot along my nerves and a high pitch, ear piercing scream echoed around the room. It took me a few seconds to realise it was my own.

I could feel blood dripping onto the floor, coming from the area where my nail used to lay. The bastard had ripped it right out from the roots!

"One down, nineteen more to go! Scream louder for me!" He said enthusiastically as he ripped out a second nail from its tender bed.

Another scream tore free from my throat at the pain. It was too much. I can't take much more. So much pain.

Not wasting a moment, Cortez yanked another nail of my hand. Blood gushed from the wound, and my eyes began to water. I can't take it!

"Please! Please stop! It hurts!" I begged him, the tears that had been welling up in my eyes falling down my face, probably staining my cheeks an angry red.

He only smiled at me, a cold, unforgiving smile from a cold, unforgiving man.

"Not until I've had my fun. And I'm no where near finished with you yet, little warlock"

Rico's POV
I was heading in the direction that Sammy told me he saw Cortez when I saw the bright light, coming from a few miles away from where I was currently located.

I knew it was Storm immediately, no magical energy is the same as his. It was his light, his beacon. He's calling out to me, he needs me.

I'm still pretty pissed that he ran from me, but I can't blame that entirely on him. It was my fault for being careless, for not protecting him well enough. His little warlock family came to his aid, which made me angry enough. But the fact he had the nerve to leave! That's what really made me mad.

But I wasn't worried. With my claim on him, he had no choice but to come back to me. It's what he longs for, without understanding why. With my mark displayed on his neck, clear for all to see, he had no chance of staying with his family. His fate was sealed the moment I claimed him. No, from the moment I laid my eyes on his gorgeous face.

His family understood the weight of the mark, I'm certain. That wouldn't escape them, being senior warlocks and all. They knew, but they still kept him from me.

I have only completed the first stage of claiming, which was my mark. The second stage is mating with him, and the third is for me to turn him. I had it all planned out, until my bastard of a brother took him away!

When I find him, I'm going to kill him. And if he's hurt my Storm in any way, I'm going to make him suffer twice as much before I let him die.

I unfolded my wings, letting them free from their confines and making them visible for all to see. Without wasting another second, I took off, soaring upwards before heading towards the direction I had seen the beacon.

It was no longer visible, but there were still traces of magic power in the air. I let my aura loose again, warning other demons to stay away, and also to intimidate my brother.

Hang on, Storm, I'm coming.

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