Chapter 11 - Siblings

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Storm's POV
A whole week passed, and Rico didn't make an appearance. Not that I was complaining, it was just the anticipation that was ruining me. The more time that passed, the more nervous I got. Because I knew he was coming for me.

I was startled out of my thoughts by my bedroom lights flickering. On, off. On, off. And not back on again. I felt an unfamiliar presence behind me, magic energy flowing from them in waves. Soon after, I felt breath on my ear, and heard the person inhale deeply.

Fear spread through me like a plague. Not this again. I can't- no. Stay strong, Storm. Don't let all that training go to waste!

I spun around, taking a step back and quickly holding my out in front of me, palm towards the intruder.

"Seal!" I yelled after muttering the back up part of the spell as quick as I could. A beam of light shot out of my palm towards the shadowy figure. The light reflected off his eyes, and red shone back at me. I knew this was a demon for certain now, and a male.

But it wasn't Rico. This demon had blonde hair, not black hair. And he was a little smaller than Rico, but no less terrifying. With an effortless sweep of his arm, he neutralised my spell as if it was nothing.

That was the most powerful spell I knew, the most effective I'd discovered for banishing demons! I'd spent weeks training... How had he cancelled it out so quickly, so effortlessly! Who was this demon that I'd had the misfortune to run into?!

"Naughty boy" he hissed, grabbing my wrist, yanking me into him and twisting it round. I released a startled yelp as my body crashed against his, sending pain down my side. He just smiled and wrapped and arm around my small waist.

"Hello boy. I've been looking for you" he spoke, his fingers training down my cheek, landing on the mark that lay on my neck. When he touched it, a painful shock ran through my body causing me to whimper.

"P-please" I choked out, feeling my eyes starting to tear up. I wish I wasn't so weak, so helpless. I thought I'd grown stronger, but as soon as danger presents itself, my backbone seems to disappear...

When the demon looked down at me with his captivating stare, I just wanted to disappear, to hide myself away. He made me feel so powerless, so pathetic. But I suppose I am. Without my father and brothers to support me, I'm nothing.

"How pathetic. I can't understand why Prince Rico took an interest in you, especially when there's those delectable twins in the next room" he said, licking his lips.

I gasped at his words. He better not touch my brothers!

"Who s-summoned y-you" I managed to choke out, hoping to distract him. He only smiled.

"Your father did, when he was your age. Surprised?" He said with a laugh. "He never managed to banish me, and I killed his old man in my rage. I didn't kill him as a thank you for summoning me into this world, and he's still drowning in his guilt to this day" he finished, stating the facts like he was proud of what he did.

My jaw fell slack. No wonder father is reluctant to stand up to Rico, or talk about his father! Now I feel bad for all the trouble I've caused...

"My name is Cortez Ierzemoni, Rico's younger brother. Nice to meet you, pet. I think we're going to be spending a lot of time together, though I'm not sure how long you'll last" he whispered, nipping the shell of my ear with his teeth. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. My actions only encouraged him.

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