Chapter 20 - Wings

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Rico's POV
"There's also something else I need to come clean about..." I muttered quietly. Storm just nodded, seeming to encouraging me to continue, so I did.

"Marking you as mine was the first part of the mating process, and turning you was the second part. The third part is making love to you, so we've completed two out of the three necessary parts. That's why I can't do it, not right now. Not until you're in your right mind, you can't give me consent in this state. It's too big a decision"

"That's alright with me" he said, and I had to hold back a moan when he began to grind himself on me, obviously starting to become delirious from the effects of the turning and my blood in his system combined.

"Storm I- don't do that, not now"

"But I want you" he murmured against my neck, nipping at the tender flesh with his teeth, teeth that felt much sharper than before. "Please, Rico. Don't make me beg for you" he whined.

"No, Storm. Stop it right now" I told him firmly, and he ceased all movements at my command.

"Meany" he muttered under his breath.

"Snap out of it, Storm. Don't let your desire rule you"

I knew this was all part of the process of him getting used to his demonic form, but it was foreign to me. He'd changed so fast it was frightening. One minute he was telling me he loved me, the next he was grinding into me, begging me for sex. Almost like he was drunk, his mood swinging from one extreme to the next.

Suddenly, I felt his hands tighten and grip around my around my arms. He groaned and arched his back, digging his nails into my skin, his expression pained.

"Rico, what's happening now?" He asked me, the sudden pain bringing him to his senses. Though in answer to his question, I had as little idea as he did.

"You need to be more specific, Storm. Where does it hurt?" I asked him, rubbing his arms in what I hoped was a reassuring way. Not that I know what it's like to be reassured...

"My- ah! My back!" He yelled, clawing at my skin with his nails again.

"It's alright, it's just your wings stretching out and becoming tangible. It only hurts the first few times, soon you'll be used to it, they'll feel just like an extra limb"

After a few moments of him cursing and whimpering, his wings had unfolded and had become visible to my awaiting gaze.

They were beautiful, truly a sight to behold. His wings were a frosty, silvery colour, just like his flowing grey hair. They spanned the length of his back, the feathery texture and the colour making him look more like an angel than a demon.

Storm was looking at his wings in wonder, his mouth hanging open wide. "May I see yours?" He asked quietly as he finished examining the new addition to his body.

I nodded and unfolded my wings, making them visible and tangible at the same time. Mine were like the polar opposite of Storm's, as black as night. Unlike Storm's wings, mine were wings like the dragons of ancient times gone by. They were not feathery, they were more like a bat's.

His eyes widened in wonder as reached out to touch them, but before he did he looked up at me for permission. "May I..?" He asked hesitantly.

I smiled at his eagerness. "Go ahead"

His hand gently stroked a section of my wings, feeling the cool, almost scaly texture beneath him fingers. After a moment, he brought his hand back down to his side.

"Why are my wings so different to yours?" He asked, fiddling with the collar of his shirt as he did.

I ran my hand down his soft, delicate wings. "It's because your heart is so pure, little one" I told him, and it was true.

Storm had been turning into a demon by me, but his heart was too pure to harbour a strong shadow like mine. His shadow was a weak one, incapable of doing much harm or taking over my angel.

He'll be okay.

His wings disappeared, and I, in turn, folded away my own.

"Rico... Earlier, did you say something about mating?" Storm asked curiously, looking up at me with his wide, ruby red eyes. Damn, I hope they go back to the soft grey they used to be soon. Not that I don't like his red eyes, but they don't suit my little angel...

Greater demons have red eyes, as well as newer lesser demons. They'll fade back to their usual grey soon enough, and I can't wait. I miss his big, adorable grey eyes...

"Yes, I did. You were a bit out of it, though. I said that we'd completed two of the three stages of mating, all that's left is for me to make love to you, if you'd like to be my mate. It has to come from you, not me. Without your consent, it would mean nothing" I informed him, hugging his body closer to mine.

Please don't reject me, please don't reject me...

"Sure. When do we do it?" He asked eagerly, making my eyes widen in surprise. This boy never fails to surprise me. Does he realise how serious this is, what a huge commitment he's making by agreeing? It's no something to be taken lightly.

"Storm. Don't rush into this for me" I pleaded, searching his eyes for a sign he didn't want to be with me, that he felt pressured into agreeing. But I found none.

"I'm not doing this just for you, Rico. I'm doing this for myself, too. I really do have strong feelings for you, feelings I can't even fully comprehend myself..."

"So... You want this?" I asked uncertainly. He nodded.

"Can I see my family first? This will be kind of a big deal to them... I don't know how they'll react..."

I smiled sadly at him. I knew this was coming.

"Storm... I don't know how to tell you this, I'm not even sure I can... "

"What is it, Rico? What can't you tell me?" He asked, looking up at me with those big, soft eyes of his, eyes that make me feel even more guilty. But I knew I just had to come clean and tell him the truth. I just don't want him to hate me...

"Baby, you're a demon now. You won't be able to see your family again, well, not for long. I'm so sorry"

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