Chapter 23 -Loss

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Storm's POV
The boy is mine. If you recall, I marked him when he was but a child, I'm simply collecting what is owed to me. You see, I gave him back with a promise. That I would return him, only to retrieve him in his twenty-second year. I'm not heartless, I don't steal children away from their families.But my sweet young Robin is a big boy now, he can handle all the things I want him for. I'm going to make him my pet, my submissive. Don't try and 'save' him. If any attempts are made, I'll turn him, binding him to me for all eternity. But we all know the survival rate for a warlock being turned into a vampire is very slim. I wouldn't call my bluff, if I were you. I don't joke about matters as serious as this.
Yours truly,
Lamar Albescu, Third Leader of the High Vampire Counsel

When I had finished reading the letter, I handed it back to Phoenix without another word. This can't be happening, it has to be some sort of cruel joke! Robin can't really be gone...

I raced upstairs, tripping over several times on my way up, typical of someone clumsy like me. I swear I was born with two left feet.

With speed I didn't know I possessed, I darted into Robin and Phoenix's room, expecting to see Robin reading a book or something like he normally is. But he wasn't there.

I made my way back to Rico, where I had left him with my family. The tension between the three of them was undeniable, I'm pretty sure they could feel it, too. The air almost felt.. Prickly.

"He really is gone, isn't he" I whispered before I buried my face in Rico's chest, not wanting to face reality, I inhaled his intoxicating scent, letting it cloud my senses, lulling me into a calmer state.

"I'm sorry, Storm. There's nothing we can do, our hands are tied" father said sternly, seeming to finally accept that I was still his son, for now. But that victory seemed incomprehensibly small when I was faced with the fact that Robin was gone for good...

I started to fall, but Rico scooped my small body into his arms before I hit the floor. I'll have to thank him later for that.

Grabbing his shirt, I cried into his chest, letting my emotions out. With everything that's happened in such a short period of time (two days for me, half a year for them I guess) I just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.

I've missed six months. I've been kidnapped. Tortured. Fallen in love. Become a demon. All in such a small space of time, it's too much to bear alone.

But I'm not alone, not anymore. I have my family again, and Rico of course. Like a switched had been flipped, I stopped crying and sighed softly. I'm in love, I really am.

That's great for me, but how will I get my brother back from a vampire on the council, a progenitor? All vampires stem from those ten members, so this guy will be insanely powerful. And from what I've heard, now he has Robin he's not stupid enough to let him out his sight.

Robin must have been terrified, he's been having nightmares since he was brought home from the first kidnapping. It must have been horrible for him to relive it, for him to see the man again... And this time, knowing he's never coming back.

Rico's POV
Such a strange sensation, to love. It's unlike anything I've ever known. I'd do anything for my beloved Thunderstorm. I've never felt this way about anyone, I'm not sure I like it... It makes me feel funny.

His eyes are closed and a small sigh escaped his round, plump lips. I just wanted to kiss him again, but I know right now wasn't the most appropriate time. His family, or two of them, are watching. And I already know his father isn't fond of me.

He knows it was me who turned his son, and he's not happy. I'm pretty sure he would rather his son have died than become a demon, but I wasn't about to let that happen.

He's been through a lot, my little Thunderstorm has. I'm surprised he's still kept his smile, even after going through hell and back because of me...

"Rico, my throat hurts again" Storm informed me calmly, seeming much more in control than the first time. I knew what he needed, and that he needed it now before his control ebbed away. Two sharp teeth poked out from underneath his top lip, indicating that he did indeed need to feed like I thought.

I'm more than happy to feed him, but I know who won't want to see our bonding. His father, and maybe even the more open-minded sibling.

For the young demon's progenitor to give them blood is a very intimate thing, it brings the young one closer to the greater demon. It makes Storm more dependant on me. They know this.

But what can I do? He needs me right now, before the pain worsens. I won't let anything hurt my precious Thunderstorm again, especially not something trivial like this.

I undid my top button with one hand, supporting his body with the other. "Shh, it's okay, baby. I'm here for you" I reassured him, guiding him to my neck. I felt him hesitate, breath fanning across the exposed skin of my neck for a moment. He struggled against my hold and clamped his mouth shut, but I held him firm.

The hesitation didn't last, as he soon bit down into my flesh. A muffled moan sounded from the back of his throat as he eagerly lapped up my blood, wanting more. What a greedy little boy my Thunderstorm is!

Can't say I don't enjoy it, though...

His father was looking at us with disgust, his brother with curiosity. I'll bet you anything that boy isn't straight.

My gaydar is never wrong.

When he was done, Storm licked my wound, sealing it. This surprised me, as I hadn't told him that was how you heal a minor wound. I guess he's acting on instinct. His eyes closed again as he snuggled into my warmth, clinging to my body, his lips parted slightly.

So vulnerable and cute, I could just kiss those soft lips right now...

"Storm" his father said shortly, causing my beloved's eyelids to snap open suddenly. He turned his head to look at his father, who looked like he was about to cry. His usual mask of composure had cracked and fallen, his sadness showing for all the world to see.

The man I had once found a little intimidating despite his lack of power in comparison to me was now crying before me, and I honestly didn't know how to feel. My shadow laughed I'm glee, urging me to finish him right now and take his soul along with the blood that flowed through his veins. But I fought it back. That was me once, but not anymore.

"Get out" his father demanded, pointing at the door. "Get out of my house before I send you both back to The Beyond for good! You're not my son!"

Storm looked up at me with sad eyes as we made our way out of the room. "We only had two minutes anyway" I told him, my heart breaking a little for him. I thought his father could maybe over look the fact that Storm is a demon now, but I was wrong.

His father's voice sounded through the door as we prepared to leave. "Your mother was killed by a pack of shifters, led by Kain. You deserve to know that much, at least. I can see there's still some of the son I raised within you"

Storm's eyes widened as he cast one more longing look at his father through the crack in the door as I prepared to take us both back to The Beyond. I didn't allow him time to dwell on the news, we have to leave, right now.

Before he decides he'd rather die here than come with me. I can't lose him.

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