Chapter 7 - Lamar Albescu

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Robin's POV
I know this is a waste of time, that we can't hope to best a greater demon and bring Storm home, if he's still alive that is. But I can't deny the sudden hope that is filling my very soul, something I've not felt in a very long time. Though I don't want to set myself up for disappointment.

Reluctantly, I took hold of father and Phoenix's hands, feeling their magical energy flowing through me. Father had already set up the basics of the ritual, so all that was needed was mine and Phoenix's strength to help him out.

We were attempting to contact Grandma June's ghost,I believe, and ask her to let us through the gate into The Beyond. Although she will be located in The Far, in death she is connected to all the realms.

I looked at father and nodded, as did Phoenix. I prepared myself for what was to come, but I couldn't help the cry that managed to escape my throat as I felt my strength being taken, drained from my body.

Father began chanting and a bright light appeared as he did. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, trying to focus on anything but the pain blossoming in my head. Damn, this hurts like hell.

But it doesn't matter, because this is for Storm. I'll do everything in my power to save him, he's my brother. He's always there for me, I need to be there for him, too.

It was over as soon as it had begun. Though before us was not Grandma June, but a small female I did not recognise. Her short blonde hair sat neatly in a bob just above her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes darted around, scanning each of us in turn. She looked so young, too young to be dead, but I guess that's how it goes sometimes. Life's unfair.

Her frantic eyes darted from person to person, before finally resting on father. It was then that her whole face lit up and she grinned.

"Brother! It's been so long, what gives?" She demanded, looking straight into his eyes. He shrugged.

"I'm sorry Myra, but I don't have the strength to contact you everyday, and it's not right for me to do so. We're from different worlds now, and I have a duty to protect my people of The Near" father told her with a sigh. He looked frustrated, as if he knew this was going to be difficult.

Sister? Father never told us he has a sister. Had a sister, should I say. Why would he hide something like that? Weird.

"Look, we need your help" he continued. "My son, Storm, was taken by a greater demon. And we need you to open a gateway to The Beyond, if you can"

"You're so old now, brother!" Myra laughed as she stood up on her tiptoes in the middle of the circle, scrunching her face up slightly. "I can, though"

"So will you do it for us?" Father pressed, causing Myra to giggle for some reason. What a weird kid.

"I will, for a price"

I saw father sigh again and rub his temple with his fingertips, clearly irritated with the girl. "What would you like?" She giggled again, looking away as her face began heating up.

"A kiss from Phoenix and Robin. I never had a boyfriend in life, and everybody over here is talking about everything they got up to, and still do get up to. I don't understand most of it, but I understand what a kiss is. Pretty please?" She whispered, batting her eyelashes.

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