Chapter 25 - Rico's Shadow

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Rico's POV
As I'd been summoned, my shadow had sung in glee.

Yes, Rico. Now is the time. The time to kill them all. Fresh blood, warlock blood, werewolf blood, human blood... Imagine all their bodies laying around after you snap their necks, imagine all of their screams being cut off. They deserve it! Warlocks imprisoned you in The Beyond for so long, it's time to make them pay!

Yes, that's right... Revenge... Kill... Blood...

And then my world snapped back into focus. For the first time in years, my shadow's voice faded away. My vision was no longer clouded by a red haze, my bloodlust dissipating.

Sat in the middle of a magical circle was a young warlock boy. An incredibly cute young warlock boy. His eyes were closed, his face scrunched up in concentration. His plump lips were parted, still chanting. A few stands of his long, grey hair fell in front of his clammy forehead awkwardly. He's too adorable to be real... I need him. I will have him.

I made my way towards him, letting my breath ghost over the shell of his ear. He tensed a little, but kept going. I glanced down at the spell book that lay behind him, peaking to see what page it was open on.

'Summoning ghosts and demons'

A photo of an old woman lay next the book. Her smile was kind, her grey eyes bright. I've not see anyone smiling like that, not ever. It was... Nice? But that photo made it clear I was not the one he wanted to summon, which made my heart ache a little. Why am I feeling this way? I've never been bothered by petty human emotions in the past...

I let my presence surround him, my essence claiming him as its own. I will have him, mind, body and soul.

I put my hand on the boy's shoulder as he finished chanting. His eyes opened, and I was captivated instantly. My shadow's voice disappeared completely as his eyes met mine.

They were truly breathtaking, a sight to behold. They were a beautiful bright grey, much like the woman in the photo that sat behind him. They almost seemed to sparkle in the dim light in the room, as if fighting against the darkness that surrounded him. Although they were beautiful, I could see the pain and suffering that they contained, as well as the hint of fear.

He is the reason I stand here now, in this magic circle. He is the reason I killed my brother. He is the reason I'm so confused, but I'd do it all over again.


Because he is the one I love. I found a reason to keep existing, a reason to live and enjoy life.

He's the reason I still fight, as I no longer live for revenge, I live for him. For the chance to spend just one more day with him. For the chance to say that everyday, so I can be so him forever. He believes I taught him to love, when in reality, it was him who taught me.

"Rico!" He yelled, his voice carrying to me. That voice... My little angel... At least he's alright, that makes me happy. We'll make it out together.

"Storm! We're going home together, and we're going to form a bond so strong that nobody can break us apart again! You're the reason I keep on living, you're the light in my darkness that pulled me from despair! I won't lose you, and I won't leave you alone ever again! But right now, you need to run. Run far away, I'll find you I promise! But if you don't leave now, your family will kill you. You mustn't forget, you're a demon now, and you're mine! Now go!" I yelled back at him, urging him to leave. Right now, I wish I had the same power over him that I do in The Beyond, it would make things a lot easier if he'd listen to me!

He shook his head, getting shakily to his feet. "I refuse to run away anymore! Please, Rico! I won't leave without you! You have to fight, please fight! I don't want to be alone, and I don't want to take the easy route and leave you behind! I'm through with taking shortcuts, of trying to save my own skin! From now on, I'll stand up for what I believe in and I'll fight for those I love!" Storm replied fiercely, so fiercely that I almost wanted to back away from him. But I'm so proud of him, of how far he's come in such a short time.

"How touching, pass me the tissues." Storm's father said sarcastically. "Phoenix, grab the young demon." He finished, picking up a sharp piece of wood.

Phoenix hesitated, not moving from where he stood. Storm glared at his father, then looked at me for help, pleading me to take him away from here. I could see it in his eyes.

"Father, what do you plan to do to Storm?" He asked, still not moving.

"Don't name the demon, he's not the brother you knew, like I keep saying. The darkness has taken him away from us."

Suddenly, Storm's father spun on his heel and threw the wooden stake as hard as he could at my precious little baby. A warning scream tore free from my throat. Oh god, Storm isn't looking, he's going to get hit! Move!

The stake sailed through the air, and Storm saw it too late. It impaled his shoulder, and he screamed in pain as he yanked it back out.

"Help me Rico, help, Rico, Rico, Rico..." He whimpered as he curled up into a ball, and my heart broke all over again. He needs me, and I can't help him!

The wound in his shoulder began to close itself up, thanks to his feeding a few minutes prior. I silently thanked my lucky stars that I decided to feed him when I did, even if it was in front of his family.

As Storm's wound healed, his father looked on in disgust, his brother with an expression I couldn't place. He caught me looking, and mouthed something at me. Not able to process what he was saying right now, I ignored him.

In that moment, the magic circle surrounding me weakened considerably. It was enough for me to use my own energy to break free, obliterating the circle entirely.

I dashed over to where my beautiful Storm lay, still quietly whimpering and saying my name over and over. I hoisted him up into my arms and slung him over my shoulder. I wish I could be more gentle, but we have to leave, now.

As The Near wavered and faded away, I began thinking about how I got free. The spell Storm's brother used was highly powerful entrapment magic, it's designed to trap demons and wick their magic away. I barely managed to dent it in my weakened state, so how I got free is a mystery. Though I have a feeling it was deliberate, that someone helped me. That someone could only have been Phoenix, Storm's brother.

I realised then what his brother was mouthing at me.

I'm so sorry, please forgive me.

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