Chapter 5 - My Warlock

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Storm's POV
My head was pounding and I couldn't remember what had happened last night, nor where I was. The room around me was unfamiliar, though it was too dark for me to see a lot except the outline of some of the furniture.

I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up. As I did so, someone's arms wrapped around me, pulling me onto a lap.

"Hello Storm" a voice said, one I instantly recognised. It was brought memories of what had happened last night, but where the hell was I?!

"Let go of me!" I screamed, struggling against his arms, to no avail. The demon only laughed and then let go suddenly, causing me to fall on the floor.

"Someone's a little too defiant for my taste, is my mark not working?" He spoke, getting up to turn on the lights. And holy god, when he did...

With only a towel wrapped around his waist with water running down his athletic body, he looked like some sort of sex god. Which was ironic of me to think, since he's a demon...

His hair was swept back, revealing his face to me properly for the first time, and let me tell you I was not disappointed. He was gorgeous! Wait, why am I thinking such things? I don't like guys, especially not demons who kidnap people! Get a grip, Storm!

Rico chuckled, obviously aware of me checking him out. Then without warning, I was picked up off the floor and held in his arms, my back to his chest. My body went limp in his hold and my neck instantly tilted to the side, giving him better access. It was like as soon as he touched me I submitted to him, this is so unlike me! Where's all my fight gone?

"Oh, so my mark is working" he let out a small sigh. "I should probably introduce myself properly now we're home. Hello, Storm. My name is Prince Rico Ierzemoni. I am a greater demon, and I have chosen you so you will be my mate" he told me, a no negotiation tone to his voice.

I growled at him, my voice failing me. No I willed myself to say. No. But something wouldn't let me, choking my words before got them out.

He pulled me closer to him, if that was even possible. "Don't growl at your mate, sweetie. You're mine, you'd do well to remember that. I've been good to you so far, haven't I?" he whispered to me, his tone patronising. When I didn't respond, he spoke up again after licking the column of my neck.

"In this realm, I make the rules. Me and my family rule The Beyond, so whilst you're here you have no choice but to obey me. Even if you wanted to disobey my wishes, your body simply won't let you in this realm. And I've made sure of it by marking you as mine. Go take a look" he said, shoving me towards a door.

My legs moved of their own accord, taking me towards the door. I found it was a bathroom, and went to look in the mirror as he'd instructed.

Sure enough, I found a strange mark in my neck. There were two small holes where the sharp teeth I'd seen had obviously punctured my neck, but the veins around the bite appeared to be turning black, forming a pattern. It was a triskelion.

"It means The Near, The Far and The Beyond. I chose it as my symbol because it's pretty fitting, don't you think? It represents how our worlds interlock with one another. Your old world, The Near. The Far, realm of the dead, and The Beyond, your new home and realm of the demons" Rico spoke, appearing behind me and draping himself over my small frame.

I don't want to stay here. I want to go home, to continue learning magic with father and playing basketball! Why did grandma June have to die and cause this mess?!

Who am I kidding, I can't blame her. I'm to blame, for trying to bring her back for a fleeting moment! Damn it, why do I mess everything up all the time!

Rico's POV
My beautiful warlock began to sob softly, and I felt a strange pang in my chest. Why must he torture me so? Can't he just accept me? Doesn't he feel what I do?

I growled without meaning to, feeling possessive of my little warlock. He tensed, scared. Damn, why can't I do anything right? Great, now he's even more scared of me.

To be honest, I took him because I was lonely. After finally being summoned to The Near, my plan was to go on a killing spree to take out my anger at being trapped for so long. But then I saw the gorgeous young warlock who had summoned me and my plans changed. As soon as I lay eyes on him, I knew he was the one. The one I've been searching for.

My mark on him looked so beautiful, I just wanted to kiss it and take him right here, right now. But I wanted to wait until he was ready, until he accepts me, even just a little. Because I want him to be willing, moaning my name as he writhes beneath me, a sweaty mess...

I shook me head, saving myself from getting a painful erection. Plus, my size downstairs pressed against his lower back might just cause him to die of heart failure.

"Don't cry, Storm" I hushed him, turning him around so I could look into his misty grey eyes. He was so damn beautiful and I bet he didn't even know it. Fuck, I'm supposed to be a demon not a love crazed teenage girl! Get a grip, Rico!

But I couldn't help it when he was looking up at me with his wide grey eyes, questioning my gentle words in apprehension. I know I've not done a great job at making him like me, but I'm trying! It's hard when you've been in The Beyond as long as I have, I don't know how to act around others when all I've known is destruction...

Was it really love I'm feeling, or just lust? I've never felt anything like I feel for this young warlock, so I don't know what I'm feeling exactly or how to act. I guess I'll have to find out.

But for now, my warlock being here with me was enough to satisfy me. Though it won't be long until the urge to take him overpowers me. I just hope I can hold out long enough.

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