Chapter 22 - Reunion

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Storm's POV
I'm going to see my family. I'm going to see my family.

That was the only thought running through my head as I clung firmly onto Rico, unable to travel through the dimensions without him. I can't wait to see them! I miss them so much! I wonder how much time has passed...

From what I understand, time in The Beyond flows different, faster, than time in The Near, so I'll have been gone longer to them than I actual feel like I have... But how much longer? I've only been gone a few days...

Mother. Father.

Will they be happy to see me, or will they hate me now for what I've become?

Phoenix. Robin.

I hope they'll accept me, that I can still be their little brother, even as a demon. I don't know what I'd do without either of them...

All movement ceased. "Baby, open your eyes. We're here" Rico told me gently, and I could almost hear the smile in his voice. But when I opened my eyes, I realised it looked forced.

"Rico, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. It's just a lot of strain on me to keep you here, so I'm afraid we can't stay too long" he informed me, running his fingers through my long, grey hair absentmindedly.

We'd better hurry up if this is painful for him. I had no idea this would hurt him, bringing me here... But I need to see my family, even if it is for the last time. Unless one of them summons me to The Near, but I don't think father will allow it.

He's told me all about his dead sister and father, and how a demon killed them both. He hasn't told Phoenix because he'd spend his whole life searching for a way to kill this said demon and bring father's family back, that's just the kind of person he is. Much like how I tried to bring grandma June back in my grief...

Phoenix is also the only reason father hasn't told Robin, either. No matter how big or small, Robin can't keep anything from Phoenix. They're too close, a secret like that would drive a wedge between them and Phoenix would find out eventually. So I'm the only one who knows.

Father hasn't brought his own father or sister back, so I don't think he'd help me. He says it upsets the balance, allowing a ghost or demon into this realm. That it isn't natural, that it's dangerous to do so.

Can't say I blame him, I mean, look what happened when I tried to bring grandma June back, or when he summoned Cortez... Like father like son I guess...

For the first time, I realised we were in my bedroom. I suppose that's because I summoned Rico into this world from here. It looked exactly like it had before I left, not a single thing out of place. But the smell of must in the air reminded me if a museum, stale, old, unlived in...

"Are you sure you want to do this, Storm?" Rico questioned me gently, his voice and touch bringing me back to the present as he stroked my back soothingly. I relaxed into his touch, letting the contact send pleasant shivers down my spine.

"Yes, I need to do this. I need to say goodbye" I replied firmly, trying not to let my emotions get the better of me. Because when I start getting really emotional, I know I won't want to leave again, which is impossible and unfair on Rico.

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