Chapter 17 - Memories

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Storm's POV
After what felt like hours, the pain eventually ended. But what followed confused me more than anything.

Through my closed eyes, a scene began to play out. Two young boys sat at table opposite a woman, who was holding two rabbits upside down by their back legs. They were struggling desperately against her hold, but she only squeezed them harder.

One of the boys was looking away while the other was waiting eagerly, watching the rabbits struggle with glee on his face.

"Rico, Cortez, I think you're old enough now to be able to learn how to eat live food. As you know, you need blood to survive, though not as often as lesser demons or vampires. It's time you do it yourself, this is the first major step to becoming a proper demon." the woman instructed, glaring at the boy looking away.

Rico and Cortez? So this is... A memory? Why am I seeing it?

"But momma! I don't want to hurt it, please don't make me!" The boy looking away started to sob, rubbing his eyes and not looking at her.

"Rico! We can't bottle feed you forever. It's about time you grow up!" The woman yelled, putting the rabbits in one hand before slapping him hard across the face with the other. This only made his cry harder, the sound tearing my heart up a little.

"I'll show him how it's done!" Cortez smirked, rolling his eyes at his brother.

The woman beamed. "Good boy, Cortez" she said happily, handing him one of the rabbits. Rico only continued to look away, his shoulders shaking.

"Watch, Rico. You're going next" his mother told him emotionlessly, watching him out of the corner of her eye.

He did indeed turn around and held his nose with one hand at the same time, watching Cortez with tearful eyes as he tore into the rabbit's throat with his sharp teeth, moaning as the fresh blood touched his tongue.

I could only watch in horror as the scene played out, knowing there was nothing I could do. This was but a memory, something that had already come to pass. They can't even see me, and I certainly can't change the events of the past.

When the young version of Cortez pulled back and dropped the bloody corpse of the rabbit on the table, all eyes fell on the small, shaking Rico.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as his mother thrust the remaining rabbit out towards him. His eyes darted around the room, looking for the nearest exit. When he spotted it, he got up and ran.

He didn't make it far before two guards appeared seemingly out of thin air, grabbing him by the shoulders and forcing him back the his seat.

"No! You can't make me do this! I don't want to kill, please listen to me! Don't make me give up my humanity!" He pleaded and cried, but nobody listened to him.

"Oh Rico, you have no humanity to give up. You were born into a high up demon family, now act like it!" His mother told him coldly, holding out the rabbit again. The guards still held him down firmly, he had no chance of escaping.

"If he doesn't want it, I'll have it" Cortez said, licking his bloodstained lips as he watched the rabbit intently.

"Don't be greedy, Cortez. Your brother has to become a proper demon, too. He can't possibly come into his full powers until he has drunk fresh blood! Now, Rico. Take it, and make me proud for a change" she hissed.

When he didn't move to take the rabbit, his mother sunk her nails into the rabbit's leg, causing the smell of blood to swirl around the room. The guard's own mouths began to water while Rico struggled desperately, trying to fight the instincts within him, telling him to sink his teeth into the rabbit.

A couple more guards appeared to hold his brother down, as he was trying to get to the precious blood that filled the small creature. The poor thing was scared out of its mind, after seeing the other rabbit so brutally killed and knowing it was next.

"Please stop! please stop... Please..." Rico managed to choke out, before feeling the bloodlust taking over. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. The guards also sensed this, as they let go of his shoulders, knowing he wouldn't run now. The smell of blood was too strong for a demon as young as him.

I looked on in horror as Rico tore the rabbit from his mother's hand and plunged his teeth into the tender leg. The small creature struggled, but it was no match for the desperate young demon.

Poor Rico... He didn't ask for any of this! If I ever see his mother, I'm going to get really mad for all she's done. I have a few curses that would be perfect for her...

The scene slowly faded away, and was replaced by another, equally disturbing one. This continued, on and on, until finally, the visions were replaced with nothingness again.

I hope this ends soon, I don't know how much more I can take without losing my mind...

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