Chapter 30 - Forever Yours

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*Mature content*
Rico's POV
"Yes, Rico. I'll become yours, forever"

As soon as those words left his mouth, I whisked him up to my bedroom, feeling my control rapidly slip away. And this time, I didn't try to stop it. I brought my lips hungrily against his and quickly stripped him of his clothes, growling possessively as I took in his smooth skin.

"Will you allow me to dominate you, to control you?" I asked, pulling away to lick his neck and grab his butt. He gasped and arched his back into me, practically dry humping my leg.

"Yes! Please, Rico! Please!" He begged, clawing at my back. I chuckled at him, this is a side of him I don't see often. What a horny little boy he can be once the fire is lit within him!

"Oh? And what would you like me to do to you? Speak up, little one" I said, taking a step away from him and undoing my shirt extremely slowly, teasing him.

His eyes showed his desperation, begging me to take him. I fought for control over myself once more, wanting to hear him say the words that would make me lose the last of my control, words that would make me lose myself to the pleasure he could provide...

"Please, Rico! Fuck me, make me yours! Take me, I'm begging you!" He gasped desperately, closing the gap between us, falling to his knees and ripping my shirt away. I smirked at him as he fumbled with the button on my trousers, his shaky hands unable to release my hard on.

I placed my hands over his and undid the button, and in response he yanked my trousers down with urgency I'd never seen in him before. I guess he's lost control of his instincts, completely submitting to the bond. I'll join him soon, I just wish to savour this for a while longer before I let my own instincts take control. After I do, I won't remember everything and I want to remember this, and all the details...

His eyes went wide after he pulled my trousers down, coming face to face with my hard on. What can I say, I told you he'd almost die of heart failure at my size... And I don't like to wear underwear, it's too restricting. Especially when you're as large as I am in that department.

To my surprise, he took me into his mouth and swirled his tongue around my tip, before taking me deeper into his mouth, eagerly devouring my entire length. My control snapped and my demonic instincts took over, unable to watch our mate any longer without pleasuring him in return.

"Stop" I commanded, using the power I had over him like he said I could. "Get up on lay on the bed on your back, legs handing over the edge"

He immediately scrambled to his feet and practically leaped onto the bed, his arousal clear as he swelled to full size. He wasn't lacking in length, but compared to me he was tiny. It would be strange for me if he was bigger anyway, seeing as I will always dominate him in ever possible way. Every part of him belongs to me, just as ever part of me belongs to him.

"Mine" I hissed, stalking towards him. His eyes shone with lust, making me walk just a little slower to tease him again. He growled in frustration, his still red eyes silently cursing me. I chuckled darkly at his lust and desperation for me.

"Patience, little mate. You'll get what you want soon enough"

I pushed his legs apart and stood between them, exposing more of him to my awaiting eyes. I grasped his length and tugged roughly, earning a gasp from him.

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