Chapter 26 - Takeover

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Storm's POV
I thought I could trust them, I've known them my life. But in the end, when it mattered, they both betrayed me.

"Storm, baby? Are you okay?" Rico's musical voice floated to me ears, instantly making me brighten up. He'd saved me and got us out together, like he promised he would. He's the only one I can place my trust in now.

The thought saddened me a little. I don't belong anywhere now, not even here. This isn't my home, this is Rico's.

"I can't go home anymore, they hate me. They think I've been taken over, that I don't even exist anymore... Damn them! Couldn't they see I'm the same Storm they've always known, that I'm still alive, I'm just no longer a warlock! Couldn't they see how much they were hurting me by denying my existence, by trying to separate me from the one I love? Why did they have to hurt me! I hate them!"

"Baby, this is your home" Rico whispered, hugging me tighter. I shook him off angrily, turning my back on him.

"No, this is your home, not mine! I can never think of this as my home! I hate you for turning me into a demon, I hate you so much! You ruined my life!" I yelled back at him, although I instantly regretted saying those words. I don't know what came over me, I was just hurting so bad that I was taking it out on him...

Hurt washed over his features, his crimson eyes gazing at me sadly. But among the pain, I saw flashes of anger. His eyes darkened noticeably.

"I hope one day you'll realise how much I've given up for you, Storm. Hell, I even killed my own brother for your sake! The brother I hoped I'd one day be able to save! How can you ever hope to understand the pain I feel?! Your brother still cares about you, he's the reason we're both here, and alive, right now! I've done nothing but care for you, putting you first! And you claim I ruined your life?! You're mine, I turned you, so I own you!" He shouted angrily, grabbing my arm roughly and yanking me into him.

I let out a yelp of surprise as he pushed me roughly into the wall. What's got into him?! I know I said some things that I shouldn't have, but this is an overreaction!

"Stop, Rico! You're hurting me, please!" I begged, but he didn't respond. When ours eyes met, his were strange, foreign. I saw madness, lust and anger swirling within them, qualities I've never seen in them before. Yeah, I've seen him angry, but this is something else...

"Please, you're scaring me!" I tried again, but he blanked me.

His teeth nipped roughly at the soft flesh of my shoulder and neck, as if he didn't care if he hurt me. With one arm resting on the wall and his body acting as a cage, he looked truly menacing, a true demon. Now I can understand why the demons are so feared and hated by all the other supernaturals...

"You're mine, understand? Mine. You'll never defy me, and you'll certainly allow nobody else to touch you. Your soul, and this body, are mine!" He hissed into my ear, grabbing my package through my tattered shorts with his free hand.

I let out a gasp, startled. "No! Get off me! Rico, what are you doing?!" Tears began to pour from my eyes, dribbling down my cheeks. I'm so frightened, this isn't the Rico I know! I'm scared, he's too strong! I can't do anything, I'm so helpless... I've always been helpless...

His hand began to fondle me, his teeth still biting at my flesh mercilessly. I tried to shove him away again, but he didn't budge an inch. Instead, he pushed his body more firmly against mine, so much that I could feel his hard on.

My body betrayed me as I felt myself stiffen under his relentless fingers, although I wanted nothing more than for him to stop. I cried even harder, my eyesight going blurry with tears.

He pulled back, and I let out a small sigh of relief. Is he finished?

But my hopes were shattered when he reached towards me again and grabbed a fistful of my shirt, the shirt that was already stained with blood from my turning. Yeah, I forgot to change it before seeing my family, which was absolutely stupid.

His eyes met mine and he smirked, sending shivers down my spine. And not good kind. "Rico, please!" I pleaded again, but his smirk only grew wider. I need to do something before I get raped! I mean, of course I want to have sex with him, but not right now and not like this!

"Stop saying that name. He is merely a vessel to me since my physical body was destroyed, we are merged. And you're mine. Now, where were we? Be a good boy and stay still whilst I have my fun."

He ripped my shirt free from my body, giving me no time to process what he said. Why did he tell me Rico was a vessel? Unless his shadow had taken over, like he told me could happen. That would be bad...

My train of thought was cut off again when he growled and took my left nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it expertly. When he bit down, a strangled cry escaped my throat before he switched his attention to my left nipple. Then I had an idea, mentally slapping myself for not thinking of it before.

"I'm sorry, Rico." I whispered as I brought my knee up as hard as I could into his groin.
Aha I'm so sorry... *evil laugh*

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