Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Christ, was this club this big when I walked in? There were about four or five bars scattered around the edge of a huge dance floor. Then there were stairs leading up to more floors, I prayed that Lily hasn't gone far.

The thing is Lily can get a bit, how should I put this? Slutty. She gets a little slutty whenever she's drunk. Usually I let her do whatever she wants, but she finally got in to a good relationship and I don't want her messing it up. "I'll go upstairs and you stay here to look for her!" Liam said. I nodded and we split up.

After about five minutes of shoving my way through people, I was on my way to the last bar. I walked past a group of guys and felt a large hand on my hip. "Aren't you a pretty thing?" The guy slurred in my ear. All I saw was a mop of brown hair before I was pushing him away. I rather not get into anything tonight. Luckily he let me go.

At the bar I heard a loud giggle. That was definitely Lily. I walked farther and sure enough there she was, draped over some punk looking guy.

"Lily! oh my god can you not do this? We got to go." I grabbed her wrist but she wiggled out of my grip. "Delilahhhh come on! He's cute" She whined and put her hand on the guys shoulder. I finally looked at him and sucked in my breath. This guy was gorgeous. Even in the dark light I could make out dozens of tattoos swirled over his arms, and light pink hair styled straight up. Not many people could pull off pink hair but he made it look amazing. I also noticed light reflecting off a few piercings on his face. He had a kind face and bright blue eyes, despite his intimidating look.

"Lily, for one night can you not be a drunken whore?" Liam showed up behind me and grabbed her and dragged her off, he was a lot stronger than her.I looked at the guy again, he was incredibly cute and seemed pretty calm about this whole thing. "Er, sorry about that she gets like that sometimes." I muttered. "Oh um yeah it's okay. She didn't do any damage." He smiled at me, which I swear was brighter than New York on Christmas. He held out his hand, "I'm Niall by the way." I shook his hand and noticed that he had an Irish accent. Cute. "I'm Delilah" His hand was strong and warm and made my stomach flop. Whoa, I got to calm down he's just a guy.

"Why don't you stay for a bit? I mean, uh if you're not busy?" He asked me rather shyly. I looked back and saw Liam escorting Lily out of the club. I'm sure nothing could go wrong, right? "I'd love to".

A/N okayy so finally picking up, sorry for any mistakes. please vote and comment :)

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