Chapter 25

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*Delilah's POV*

"Okay, explain this to me one more time." I sighed, "So Dean and Sam are sent to an alternate universe where Superntural is an actual show." I looked over at Niall and saw that his eyebrows were drawn together in confusion. "But it is a show."

"Sam and Dean don't know that though. So it's essentially Jensen and Jared acting as Dean and Sam acting as Jensen and Jared." I said and Niall sighed, "just watch the show. It's my favourite episode." Niall mumbled something bout weird shows but then remained quiet for the duration of the episode. It's been two weeks since our little spat, and things have returned to our normal,easy routine. We go to school, go to work, hang out and occasionlly have wild sex. Best kind of relationship.

We're currently cuddling on the couch,my focus on the tv while Niall is staring at me instead. I think back to that night where Niall said that he doesn't deserve me, me. As if Niall isn't above and beyond the definition of perfect and isn't constantly making me feel inadequate.

"You two do realize that we're going out tonight? You can't just stay on the couch." Harry said,walking into the room. "How could we forget? Zayn has been texting me nonstop about dinner. Michelle too." Niall groaned. "Well you don't have the best memory. And are you seriously wearing that?" Harry said, gesturing to Niall's outfit of his regular sweater and jeans. Then I noticed that Harry was wearing a slightlier fancier outfit than usual. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Niall huffed.

"Nothing, it's just that tonight is a special dinner." At this point both Niall and I were confused. I thought it was just a regular dinner with our friends. "How so?" I asked. "Well, Zayn and Michelle did say they had some special annoucement." Harry said with a small shrug. "Well Delilah here is basically wearing the same thing as me!" Niall protested. "Yeah but, she wears it so much better." Harry said, his famous cheeky grin on his face. "He's not lying." Niall whispered into my ear. I was suddenly more aware of his body pressed against mine.

"Come on you lovebirds, if you start making out we're going to be late." Harry said, practically out the door already. Niall pretended he didn't hear him and started to kiss me instead. "Ugh. Come on, if I miss this announcement I'm going to kill you." Harry groaned once again. I pulled away from Niall and he just winked at me. This boy will kill me one day.

We got up from the couch and wrapped ourselves in our coats, December was well on it's way and the weather had consisted of frostbite worthy coldness. But it was a better excuse to cuddle up closer to Niall and use some of his body warmth. We made our way to the car and drove off to the restaurant where we were meeting. The place was warm and cozy, it didn't really strike me as a place for a "special" dinner. We met the group in the back or the restaurant, all huddled together in a large booth. "You guys are late!" Yelled Zayn as a greeting. "Not my problem that those two can't keep their filthy hands off each other." Harry said, sliding into the booth next to Louis.

It seemed like the whole gang was there. Zayn and Michelle sat in the middle, with Liam ad Louis to the right, and Michael and Hollea to the left. Those two had easily fit in with everybody and we all acted as if we known each other since birth. I sat next to Hollea who smiled at me and said hi. We quickly started a conversation, complaining about school and talking about the upcoming holidays. "Are you staying here for Christmas or?" Hollea asked. "Yeah. I'm going home for New Year's though with Niall." We already had the plans set up, and Niall was very enthustiastic about meeting my parents. "What about you?"

"Oh, it's just gonna be Michael and I this year. It's hard to find the money to fly to either of our homes." I nodded, I learned that Michael was originally from Australia, how he ended up in New York was beyond me. Dinner came and went, I noticed that Zayn and Michelle were even more cuddly than usual, talking more to themselves than anyone else. "Okay, I can't take the suspense anymore. What's this annoucement." Niall said during desert. "Are you pregnant Michelle?" Louis asked.

"No! You idiot I'm not pregnant." Michelle said, whacking Louis on the head with a menu. "Then if you're not pregnant, what is it?" Niall said. All eyes loooked at the couple, while they just glanced at each other. Zayn gave a small nod at Michelle, who was smiling up at him. She turned back to the rest of us, but Zayn remained looking at her. "We're engaged!" She squealed, holding up her hand and pointing the ring on her finger. There was a pause as we all processed the information, Louis was the first one to cheer. We all joined in, hollering and congratulating them.

"So when did you pop the question?" Michael asked Zayn. "Only a couple of days ago."

"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna ask her, you dick." Louis said, reaching across Michelle to punch Zayn in the arm. "Hey! Don't hit my fiancé!" Michelle said, hitting Louis back. There was a lot of hitting in our friendship I noticed. Eventually we ran out of questions to ask the two, and it was getting late so we all decided to leave. I hugged Michelle once we got out of the booth. "So am I going to be a bridesmaid?" I asked and she laughed. "I want you to be! But I have four crazy sisters who'll probably want to be. I'll do my best to get rid of them." I laughed and congratulated her and Zayn again.

Niall was once again at my side, "you wanna stay the night?" He asked. I agreed, and with a final goodbye we left.

"It's cool they're getting married. I mean, they looked so happy." I said as we got back the apartment. "Yeah, I think Zayn only really smiles when he's with Michelle. Ever since the first time they met I knew they'd end up together." Niall said. He seemed kind of quiet with the whole thing, this was really only the second or third time he talked since we went to dinner. "You okay Ni?" I asked as we sat back down on the couch. "Yeah, just thinking." I looked at him expectantly, Niall usually doesn't like to keep his thoughts to himself. "Just weird to see everyone together, and to see everyone growing up is all."

"You're getting soft."

A/N Sorry for the short chpater! I just really wanted to write this for my best friend Michelle.So if you're reading this Mich, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

anyway, I promise things will get more exciting soon! Keep voting and commenting :)

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