Chapter 24

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*Delilah's POV*

By the time I got home I was still seething. I was sticky, wet, and Niall hasn't even texted me an apology. He had no right to act like a jealous lunatic, it's not like I was making out with Calum, just dancing. We weren't even grinding or touching!

I stormed into the apartmet and ran towards my room, removing my wet shirt and throwing it somewhere in the hallway. I went into my room,fist bunched up in balls and I shifted from foot to foot, wanting to do something but not knowing what to do. I started pacing, but ended up tripping over a pile of books. "Fuck! Did you have to do that?" I yelled out. "Uh,Del? Who are you talking to?" I heard Liam ask from my doorway, my shirt in his hand. "The books. They tripped me."

"Or you tripped over them?" I didn't answer, just plopped down on my bed with a sigh. "Why don't you take a shower? Try and calm down, then come talk to me 'bout it." Liam said in a calming voice, like I was a three year old throwing a tantrum. But really, I was acting like a brat. I just can't help it. "Yeah. Yeah you're right. Thanks." I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I set the shower to boiling hot and quickly stripped from my clothes and stepped into the tub.

Twenty minutes later, I was all dried off and wearing a big sweater. I sniffed the collar, it smelled like a combination of cologne and boy. Of course it was Niall's. All my anger was gone, and was replaced with regret. I shouldn't have stormed out like that and gotten all mad. He probably thinks I'm an insane bitch. Well, he is a jealous bastard, I thought. But he's my jealous bastard. I decided that I better give him a call before either of us gets mad. 

I hunted around for my phone, seems like while I was mad I managed to make an even bigger mess of my room. I found the phone lying under a pile of clothes, and when I unlocked it I saw that I already had 3 missed calls from Niall. Shit.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up his phone. It rang a couple of times before it went to voice mail. I called again and got the same thing, but decided to leave a message. "Hey Ni, um sorry I missed your calls. I was in the shower." My voice came out softer than I expected, "just give me a call when you can. I'm sorry." I hung before I could say sorry one more time. I stayed in my room for a bit, still crouched down on the floor. I really hope he's not ignoring me. I don't want some stupid fight that wasn't even an actual fight get between us. 

"Delilah! Get out here right now!" Liam called from somewhere in the apartment. Ugh, he probably wants me to explain what happened.  I stood and up and stretched my cramping legs. I pushed my damp hair from my face and shuffled out of the room. "Delilah!" Liam called again.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming you impatient-Niall?" And there he was, standing in the middle of my living room with a small handful of flowers in his hands. "Delilah! I just got your calls I'm so sorry I was getting these flowers and left my phone in my car. I am such an idiot and wanted to make sure you know how sorry I am." Niall said, barely taking a breath between his words. "I'm sorry too, for freaking out the way I did. But you just ca't go around getting in fights." 

Niall looked like he wanted to say something, but his eyes flickered to Liam who was sitting on the couch. Watching us like we were some kind of soap opera. "Um Liam. Could you give us a minute?"

"Huh? Oh yeah of course. Didn't mean to be a burden." He apologized. He got out off the couch and left the room. Passing me he whispered in my ear, "I want extensive detials." I rolled my eyes and walked from my spot in the hallway and towards Niall. "I was going to say that I got in that fight for you. You couldn't see the way he was looking at you but I could." He explained, holding out the flowers for me to take. But I didn't. "You didn't fight for me, Niall. You fought for you. You shouldn't have to care about the way guys look at me. Especially since I only ever look at you." 

"I don't know why, though." Niall muttered, sitting down on the couch. I decided to remain standing, knowing that if I got too close to him I'll probably give in to his stupidly attractive everything, and then nothing will be resolved. "What do you mean?" I asked. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "You don't see it? The way people look at us."

"I have no idea what you mean." I replied, thoroughly confused. "It's like they know that I'm not good enough for you! Like they can see how smart you are, they know that you have a future. And why in the world would you be with some tattooed loser like me?" He said, throwing the flowers onto the table. 

*Niall's POV* 

Delilah seemed to be stunned into silence. She just stood there in the middle of the room, looking so small in my big sweater. Her mouth was open and her green eyes were wide. Looking perfect as always. And that's the problem. She was so fucking perfect and could be perfect without me too. I had never told her that I felt like this, because if I did she would have to know everything. I wasn't ready to go there just yet. The less she knew of how much of a screw up I really am, the better. 

"You really feel like that?" Delilah asked, finally sitting down gingerly beside me. "Yeah. Because you're so independent and you really don't need me at all." Another fact, ever since I met her I knew there was no way I could control her. "I know I act like I have everything under control, and that I can be fine living without people. But it's not true. I need you Niall, I really do." Her words were so soft and so sincere that it made me want to cry. I looked up from my lap and met her steady gaze. 

"I need you too. I just never realised how much until you walked away from me tonight." I said, leaning my forehead against hers. I loved doing that, I could always see her green eyes just perfectly, and could feel her warm breath hit my lips. "I promise I want do it again. But please, just no more fights."

"What if you're about to be kidnapped?" She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Fine, only then." 

"But what if-" I started again, but Delilah cut me off with a swift kiss. "You're ridiculous." 

A/N idek if this was interesting or not but I really liked writing this! Thank you so much for 1.7k. keep reading and voting and all that good stuff. And okay so would it be lame if I were to do that thingy that's like 'the songs for this chpater are' thing. Just an idea, but most songs help me write and it's just something I wanted to do. Give me some opinion? ilysm <3

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