Chapter 26

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*Delilah's POV*

The rest of the month past too quickly, and the holiday's were coming up. Okay that's a lie, this month did not go fast at all. With the end of the term drawing near I had a shit ton of essays, not to mention the Christmas rush I have to deal with at work. Try dealing with Black Friday, not enjoyable at all. Essentially the weeks have consisted of school, work and watching every Christmas movie that can be found on Netflix. I couldn't see Niall as much as I wanted because he was dealing with similar things. He was also helping Zayn and Michelle out with the wedding. He says that the two argue too much to get anything done. But soon we'll have two weeks to spend together, and I'm so excited.

*Niall's POV*

The holidays are coming up, and I'm so not excited. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to get a break off school and spend most of the time with Delilah. But the holidays means meeting her family for the first time and just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. I know that Delilah has never really liked her parents, and ever since her sister had died she told me that things have been even rockier. Throwing me into the mix might make things even worse. I really want her to be on good terms with her parents, because I know all too well what it's like to not be. 

Great, now I'm thinking about my family and how I will not be hearing from them for another Christmas. Whatever, I don't want to listen to them anyway. 

I can tell that Delilah is curious about my family, all I have ever talked about is Greg. And not telling her anything about my past is a really shitty thing to do, but I just can't look at her dumb green eyes and tell her the mistakes I've made. And I've made a lot.

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*Delilah's POV*

"MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ALL THAT SHIT!" I shout as I enter Niall's apartment. Niall looks up at me from the couch, his laptop on his lap. "Nice sweater. You look like a dork." He smirks, gesturing to my Christmas sweater, which I recieved earlier this morning as a joke from Louis. "Is that her?" I hear a voice come from the laptop. "You skyping someone?" I ask as I take off my shoes and coat. "Oh, um yeah. Come say hi." Niall mutters, a blush creeping up his neck. "Who is it?" I ask, walking towards him. "My brother, Greg." Niall pulls my arm so that I land on his lap before I could protest.

I look to the laptop which he's set down on the table to see the smiling face of who I'm guessing is his older brother and his wife. "Niall! You could have given me a warning!" I hissed, thinking of my ugly sweater and messy appearance. I haven't even brushed my hair, so it's sitting like a tangled cloud on my head. Definitely not the first impression I want to make on my boyfriend's family.

"So Greg, this is Delilah." NIall said, a firm grip on my waist. Probrably so I won't escape. "Hey Delilah! Niall's told me a lot about you." I could practically feel Niall blushing behind me. "Has he? Well he's told me a lot about you too." Lie. But I've got to be polite and that seems socially acceptable to say. God, this is going to go terrible. "Could you please let go of me you idiot? I'm not a cat that you can force to stay with you." Greg and his wife laughed and Niall let me go. I slid off his lap and onto the couch.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting him to call." Niall whispered in my ear. I shot him a I'll deal with you later  look at went back to talking to Greg. I noticed that he talked a lot like Niall. He asked me a lot about school and Christmas and he seemed really chill. At one point Greg went to go get his son Theo, who Niall had only briefly mentioned before. "He's adorable!" I squealed when he brought the baby. "Looks just like me, yeah?" Niall quipped.  I was about to say something sarcastic but my phone ringing cut me off. I took it out and saw that it was my mom calling. 

"I've got to take this, sorry. Great meeting you guys." I said and left to stand in the kitchen. "Hello?" I said answering the phone. "Merry Christmas sweetie!" My mom chirped in my ear, her voice as high pitched and happy was always. "You too Mom. You get my letter?" I asked. My parents were a huge fan of letters and requested one every month. "Oh yes. I'm so glad you're doing well, your father and I are so proud. Especially since Sarah-"

"Mom. Not now, please." I silenced her, not wishing to bring it up again. "Alright, sorry. So listen, I'm so glad that you're coming for New Years. We're so excited to meet Niall he seems like the nicest boy from your letters." Okay, so maybe I romantized Niall just a little bit in the letter. Essentially ignoring the topic of his tattoos and piercings all together. "But we were thinking that you could come a few days earlier? We have a lot to discuss." 

"Discuss what? You moving or something?" I asked. I knew that they've wanted to sell that home forever. "No. But we have to go through Sarah's stuff , among other things. We've ignored it, waiting for you to come help." She said softly, her happy tone fading. "Oh. yeah of course Mom. We'll be there." I heard her sigh, "that's just great. I'll tell your father. Bye Delly." I cringed at the nickname, but said goodbye as nice as I could. 

I rested my elbows on the kitchen counter and set my head in my hands, taking a moment to breathe. I had assumed that they already went through my sister's stuff. Now I have to ask Niall to help me with that whole ordeal. I already felt stupid, having Niall with me in such an intimate family moment. He's never even talked about his parents once, knowing that he'd get mad if I pushed. He's already nervous enough and now I'm forcing this on him too.  I could still hear Niall and Greg talking, but their voices become hushed. I walked closer to the living room and strained my ears to hear. 

"Of course I told mum and dad you had a girlfriend. They miss you." I heard Greg say, a touch of desperation in his voice. "That's a lie and we both know it." 

"Okay fine, but miss you. And I want to get this family back together." 

"Well, you can't. I'm sorry. I better go now. Goodbye Greg." Niall said, his tone clipped and irritated. I walked into the room and smiled at Niall, deciding that it would be best to act as if I didn't hear anything. "Sorry 'bout that. I hope they didn't think I was rude." Niall shook his head and let out a small chuckle. "Highly doubt that, they loved you." I couldn't help feel a little happy knowing that I made his brother like me, I sat down next to Niall and he wrapped his arm around me. "So who was on the phone?"

"My mom, she asked if we could go see them a few days earlier. I said yes, sorry I didn't ask you." I said. "S'okay. I'm actually looking forward to meeting them." I thought of my dad and his dissaproval of every boyfriend I've had, and my mom's cheerful act, and Sarah's empty room. I sighed, "I'm glad one of us is."

A/N Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. Been swamped with school work, hope you all are doing better than me. Also, thank you so so much for 2K! 

Anyone else notice that I sound so formal in these notes? Oh well, hoped you liked this chapter :)

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