Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Delilah's POV

Michelle literally had to pull Niall out of that chair, for a small girl she has some strength. She pushed a grumbling Niall into a room down the hall, the bathroom I'm guessing. "Why can't you do this shit in the kitchen?" Niall whined, sounding more like a four year old than anything else. "Because you idiot, I want the colour to be a surprise from everyone else." Niall didn't respond, he must have knew there was no sense arguing.

I remained on the chair in the kitchen for a few moments, hearing the water running from the bath. I felt terribly awkward, so I got up and sat on the couch. Zayn was sitting on the chair off to the left, farthest away from me. It was less awkward sitting on the chair.

I looked around the apartment some more, under the tv were a collection of video games and movies. There were a lot of pictures on the walls, I couldn't quite make them out and I didn't want to go look at them. At least, not with Zayn here.

It was completely silent other than the noises coming from down the hall, I was about to take out my phone and start playing Candy Crush or something but Zayn finally broke the silence. "So how long have you and Niall known each other?"
I shrugged, "a couple of weeks, I guess."

Has it really been only a few weeks? A month at the most, seems like it's been longer. He nodded silently and looked away. I stared him for a bit, completely be accident I swear. I just got distracted by well, everything.

He was a lot different than Niall, at first when you look at Niall you think he's dark and intimidating. But in reality he's all smiles and jokes. Zayn didn't seem like that, he was quiet and brooding. A lot scarier than Niall could ever be.

"MICHELLE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE." Both Zayn and I jump as we heard Niall yell from the bathroom.
I could hear Michelle's voice reply but I couldn't make out what she was saying. She emerged from the hallway and stop in front of the kitchen, "Now presenting...Niall Horan!" The three of us clapped sarcastically as Niall walked out.

My clapping died down when I saw Niall's hair, instead of pink with brown towards the bottom, it a was a light purple. Lilac, almost.

Niall looked pained as he stared at me and Zayn. "Well, it's certainly...different." Zayn said with a snicker. Michelle made her way to the chair and sat next to Zayn, the two instantly moulded together in the chair that was really only made for one person.

"Well I like it, what do you think of it Delilah?" Michelle asked. "Yeah Delilah, what do you think of it?" Niall looked nervous. I decided to torture him some more so I got up of the couch and circled around him. I fluffed up his hair a bit and pretended to inspect it. I stood in front of him and put my hands on my hips, making a sour face at his hair. "Delilahhhh." He whined, sounding like a four year old. I smile split my face, "I like it you idiot, Michelle did a good job."

"YOU SEE! You're girlfriend likes it and so should you." I felt my entire face go red and so did Niall's, we stepped away from each other. "She's not...we're not.." He stuttered.

"Together." I finished for him, officially mortified. I sat back on my spot on the couch, and Niall sat right beside me. At least for a moment, before he stretched out with his head on my lap. I flinched a bit, but allowed it.

I wasn't sure where to put my hands, I didn't want to seem creepy. He was still shirtless and my fingers itched to trace his tattoos. But I restrained myself and put one hand on my lap and the other on his hair. With a jolt I realized this was the first time I saw him with his hair down. His bangs flopped on his forehead, I liked it like this.

"Not together eh?" I heard Zayn mutter. I looked at them and saw them cuddling. Zayn seemed a lot happier when Michelle was next to him. "How long have you guys been together?" I asked. "About three months, four in two weeks." Michelle stated proudly.

"Awh, you guys are really cute together."

"Did you hear that?" Michelle cooed, "she called us cute." She pinched Zayn's cheek and he slapped her hand away. "So you like the colour?" Niall asked quietly. I nodded, "I love it, Girl Scouts honour." He laughed, "you're a Girl Scout?"

"Hell no, I hate nature and it hates me." He laughed again and I felt my heart flutter. It's hard to believe I only known him for a bit and I feel this strongly for him. It's really stupid, I know. And I don't want to date him, well I do of course. I just hate people who rush into things and I don't want to do that. No matter how gorgeous Niall is.

"Hey Ni, Harry is having some party at Louis' on Saturday, you should go." He shrugged, which looked weird since he was laying down. "Do you want to go?" It took me a second to realize Niall was asking me. "Uh sure, sounds fun." He smiled once again, "cool. I'll get the time and everything and pick you up."
I was going to answer but I felt my phone go off in my pocket, I struggled to get it without moving Niall. He sat up anyway, and I felt a little disappointed. "Hello?"

"Delilah! Where the hell have you been? My car is missing and so are you!" Liam screamed. I cringed, I guess I forget to text Liam where I'm going. "Sorry Li, I took your car to get to Niall's. How was the date?" I quickly changed the subject so he won't get mad. "Er, I can't really talk about it right now. I have company."

"Wait? Is Louis over there right now?" I asked, how cute. "Maybe..." I made kissy noises and he hung up.
"That Liam?" Niall asked. "Uh huh, I should probably get going actually. I have work in an hour." He frowned, "I didn't know you had a job?"

"Oh yeah, I work at HMV." He smirked, "seems like the kind of place you'd work at." I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Bye Michelle, bye Zayn. It was nice to meet you." Niall followed me to the door while Zayn and Michelle said their goodbyes.

Niall opened the door for me and we kinda stood there for a bit. "We always stare at each other, have you noticed?" I asked and Niall chuckled. He hugged me and said goodbye. I finally pulled away and instantly felt colder than before.

A/N Thank you sooo much for all the reads! Sorry I haven't updates a bit but I've been busy with school and blah blah blah. Hope you liked the chapter!

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