Chapter 18

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*Niall'S POV*

Delilah dranked like she would never see alcohol again. It was awesome. After countless games of beer pong and various drinking games, we started dancing. I was barely aware of all the people around us, all I could see was her. Her bright green eyes, dark red hair that made her look like Ariel, her height. I didn't want to forget a single detail of her. Eventually, we got tired and stumbled our way onto a couch. "This is so fun!" She screamed and laughed. I laughed with her, for some reason everything was funny. We tried talking, her words a little more slurred than mine. "How am I more drunk than you? We drank the exact same amount." She said, with the cutest pout on her face. "Irish blood, I guess."

We tried to talk more, but it was so loud and people kept falling into our laps. At one point there was some couple making out beside us, and they were leaning on Delilah so much I could see she was uncomfortable. "Let's find some place else to go?" I asked. She nodded and stood up, she started to walk but then stopped abruptly. "I don't know where to go." She said, turning back to me. I bursted out in laughter. I wrapped an arm around her waist, the drinks in my system making me confident. I led her out of the room and towards the basement, immediately I knew I didn't want to be there. I walked down the few steps into the basement and I inhaled enough smoke to burn my lungs. I forget that the stoners usually hang out here. "How bout we try upstairs?" Delilah asked.

We left and went to the top floor, there was a dramatic change of the number of people. There were only a few bedrooms and all of them were occupied. Since the hallway was pretty much empty, we sat on the floor in the corner, between Louis' room and the staircase railing.Delilah slouched down and put her head in my lap. "Yes. I like this spot." She said. I laughed softly and started playing with her hair. "I like it better curly,if I'm honest." The words left my mouth before I could really think them through. "I mean, I like it straight too. You're- I mean it's beautiful."

She didn't reply, I think she was too embarrassed. "You know what's weird? We've known each other for almost a month and I know nothing aout you." She said, throwing her hands in the air. "Well, what do you want to know?" She shrugged. "Why don't we play 20 questions?"I asked. She smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "Okay...what's your favourite movie?" I asked. "Stand By Me." She replied without even thinking about it. "Never heard of it." She gasped and held a hand to her chest, "you've never seen the cinematic masterpiece that is Stand By me?" I laughed, "you're weird."

"Well what's your favourite movie?"

"The Godfather." I said. "Never seen it." She said, sassily. And for a while it was just like that, answering questions, going back and forth. Eventually we ran out of questions and we sat there in a comfortable silence. "Tell me about Ireland." She said quietly. "What do you want to know?"

"Tell me about you brother?" She asked. I sighed, trying to think of what to say. "Well, we were brothers. We used to hate each other when we were younger. But we've gotten a lot closer. He's my best friend." I said. I looked down at her and she seemed miles away. Her green eyes were wide and sad. "Me and Sarah we like that." Her voice was barely above a whisper. "Your sister?" I asked. She nodded slowly. "What happened to her." I asked, but I felt like I didn't want to know the answer.

"She shot herself three months ago." She said, not even hesitating. My heart stopped,"oh god, Delilah. I'm so sorry." She shook her head and wiped some tears away from her eyes. "I'm an emotional drunk." She laughed. She sat up, but was still sat close to me. "We lived in a tough neighbour hood, you know? Not as tough as some places here I'm sure, but it was small town. Everyone knew everyone, and Sarah was friends with some not so good people."

I've never seen her like this, so open and vunerable. It made me sad, I couldn't imagine losing my brother. I put my arm around her shoulder and gave her a small squeeze. She seemed to be done talking. I felt so much closer to her than ten minutes ago. "Do you want to go back to the party?" I asked softly. "Yeah, sure." We stood up and went back downstairs. Delilah grabbed some drinks and passed one to me. We both downed the drink quickly. "Niall! Hey man!" I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Harry making his towards me. His tall body towering over everyone. He slung one arm around me and his other around Delilah. "You guys having fun?" Delilah looked uncomfortable, and then I remembered the only time she had met him, he was piss drunk and hitting on her.

"It's a great party." I said. "You know what would make it better? If you sang." He smiled coyly. "You sing?" Delilah questioned. I shrugged,"a little." Harry rolled his eyes and looked at Delilah. "Don't listen to him, he's great. He even plays the guitar." Her eyes widened and she smiled. "You should sing Niall!"

"I don't know..." I said pathetically. "Pretty please? For me?" She pouted her lips and gave me puppy dog eyes. I don't know if it was the fact that she looked incredibly cute, or that the drinks I had was clouding my judgement, but I agreed to sing. Harry managed to get the people in the liviing room to quiet down and make a space around the couch. Harry had grabbed me Louis' old guitar and I got set up. Dozens of people were looking at me, but I only cared about one. Delilah was in the front, and I loooked right at her as I started singing.

"Mayday situation overload. I'm restless, obsessed with your future.And all my worries they don't bother you. Collected you render me useless. But I carry on." Delilah's face immediately lit up when she recognized the song. The words came easily to me, I had memorized the song long ago. I was already half way through the song and everyone seemed to be enjoying it.

"I don't want to say goodnight. The city comes alive when we're together. Why can't Thursday last forever? I don't wanna say goodnight I've never been so sure. Just do it for the memories, do it for Baltimore. And do it for me." The next lines I refused to keep my eyes off Delilah, and hers never looked away from me either. "Hot Damn,look at me now. I'm all caught up riding a high of my good luck, casually dropping a line, designed to keep you next to me. I bet you never thought you would fall again. So much for keeping this, just friends. Shut up and kiss me now. And we carry on."

I continued the rest of the song and once I finished everyone clapped and went back to what they were doing. A few people came up and said I did good. But I was only paying attention to Delilah. Once the people laughed she attacked me in a hug. "You did great." She whispered in my ear.

Tonight was a good night.

A/N Loved writing this chapter, I got so carried away with it. I really hope you guys like it. Thank you so so much for all the reads,votes and comments. And in case anyone was wondering, the song is For Baltimore by All Time Low :)

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