Chapter 20

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*Delilah's POV*

If I was living in some cheesy romance movie,I would have woke up with Niall's arm around my waist with my back pressed to his front. But sadly, I was not living in a terrible movie and I woke up alone.

I was slightly disappointed, what girl doesn't want to wake up in the arms of a beautiful guy? I reminded myself that things were already awkward enough last night and if that happened it would only make things worse.

I was such an idiot last night, I actually thought he would kiss me! But I was drunk and tired and there's no mystery to why he didn't. Besides, he probably didn't even want to kiss me.

Then I had to embarrass myself even more by going out into the hall. Niall took one look at my face and started to question me. It wasn't a nightmare though, simply a dream about Sarah. I had woken up with tears already on my face.  It's happened a few times before, but eah time the dream is even worse. I bet I owed Niall an explanation to why I was crying, but I had shared enough for the night. I wanted totalk to him more but like I said, it was too awkward with us both in the same bed. 

I really wish it wasn't as awkward as it was, I really like Niall. I like him so much that it scared me and everything with him was so easy. He never commented on my quietness, or make fun of my frizzy hair. He hasn't done a single thing to make me dislike him. Which is part of the problem. I pulled the pillow next to me onto my face and groaned. He has to have something wrong with him. Maybe he's in the mafia, or a secret criminal.  I stopped groaning when I realized that I was holding Niall's pillow, which smelled like him. Before I could do something that I would regret, like inhaling the scent until I couldn't smell anything else, I rolled out of the bed.

I heard some voices down the hall, I'm guessing it was Harry and Niall. I wasn't quite ready to fae them, so I went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. I was slightly woozy and my head was pounding. Guess I drank a little more than I planned to last night. I gripped the counter to try and steady myself. I looked in the mirror and tried to smooth my hair down with my fingers. I wasn't about to go through their bathroom and look for a hair brush. 

I took a couple of deep breaths and tried to pull myself together, I had no idea why I was suddenly so anxious. I finally opened the door and padded down the hall. I was still wearing Niall's clothes, the sweatpants were loose so I tightened the strings. The tshirt was a few sizes to big and I was practically swimming in it. The clothes gave me some sort of comfort, Niall wanted me here. He asked for me to stay and gave me some clothes. He probably was only being friendly, but I can do that. I can do friendly. I finally walked in to the kitchen and my first thought was I cannot do friendly.

Niall stood at the stove with his back towards me, he was wearing shorts and no shirt. Wasn't he wearing a shirt last night?  His back muscles were prominent as I saw him flip some pancakes. This boy is going to give me a heart attack one day. "Hey Delilah. Sleep well?" Asked Harry who was sitting at the island and clutching a mug. Niall turned around and saw me, he gave me a shy smile which wasn't very Niall-ish. "Um,do you want any?" Niall asked, gesturing to the pancake with a spatula. "They're great for hangovers." Harry said. "Sure, I'd love some." I took the chair next to Harry and fiddled with a place mat. An unbearable silence settled over us. "You two were a lot more chatty last night." Harry pointed out. 

Niall and I both shrugged in response. Niall placed a plate stacked with pancakes in front of us. "I'll go get you a plate." Niall muttered. Harry had already started shovelling pancakes into his mouth. "You might want to breathe there,mate." Niall said as he slid into the chair next to me and handed me a plate and some utensils. The three of us ate in a relative silence, occasionally bringing up stories from the party last night. Once I finished I said that I was going to grab my clothes. "You leaing already?" Niall asked me with those stupidly big eyes of his. 'Yeah, I better go check on Liam and Lily." Niall nodded and I left. Really wishing that he would ask me to stay.

*Niall's POV*

Delilah left the room and I felt Harry slap the side of my head. "Ow! What'd you do that for?" I grumbled. "Stop being such an idiot and go tell that girl you like her!" He hissed. "It's not that simple Harry! Things are already awkward and I don't want to make it worse." He rolled his eyes and hit me again. "I swear to god if you don't tell Delilah how you feel than I will. Very, very publicly." I narrowed my eyes. His threats were always a lot worse than how they sounded. "What do I even say?" I said, putting my head in my hands.

"It's easy man, just say you like her, go have some amazing sex and bam. Boyfriend and girlfriend."

"All you think about is sex, you need a new hobby." I could practically feel him grinning. "If you tell her you like her, I'll take up knitting. Now go." He pushed me off my chair. With a sigh I realized Harry was right, I have to do this. I rounded the corner and was about to go to my room but I ended up bumping into Delilah. She dropped her clothes and I bent down to pick them up. She bent down as well and our heads collided. "Ow!" We said. Delilah started chuckling and I rubbed my forehead. "You have a hard head." I mumbled. She laughed again and picked up her clothes. 

"I hope you don't mind that I'm hijacking your clothes." She said, a smile still on her face. "It's fine, they look better on you any way." She blushed slightly and look down. I could feel my opportunity slipping away. "Do you think I could talk to you?" I mumbled. She looked back up at me and nodded. She looked incredibly cute when she was nervous, her fingers playing with anything she could grab and her green eyes wide. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I should have thought this through. God, Harry is such a dick. "Just say it Niall, it's okay." Delilah prodded. 

"I like you, okay? I like you more than I care to admit and we've known each other for barely a month and it's stupid to feel this way but I do. And you don't have to like me back or anything because I mean, I'm stupid and I have no idea what I'm saying." It all just blurted out. I knew I was messing this up but I kept on rambling. I heard Delilah laugh and she put her small hand over my mouth to stop me. I finally managed to look her in the eyes. Her face was bright and all smiles. "You're not stupid. Because if you are that means I am too." 

'What-what do you mean?" I said into her hand. She took her hand away and I grabbed it in mine. "I like you a lot too." She whispered, her eyes never leaving my face. I breathed out a laugh, "really? No lie?" She shook her head, her fingers folding with mine,"no lie." This was a dream, it had to be. It was too perfect and too cheesy. "So..what does this mean for us?" I asked shyly.

"Maybe it could mean that we're dating? And we could do all those stupid couple things that we've secretly always wanted to do." She said, her body leaning against mine. I wrapped my arms around her wait and kissed her forehead,"sounds good to me."

A/N okay okay this was probably shit and I haven't updated in a while but I really am trying! But anywayyy what do you guys think of Delilah and Niall? And also thank you guys for almost 1k reads, you the bomb.

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