Chapter 21

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*Delilah's POV*

I had no idea how easy it can actually be. Falling in love,anyway. God, I sound so cheesy. Next time I say something like that again I'm gonna slap myself.

But whatever,it's true. Being with Niall was almost too good to be true. We were essentially just best friends;we talked and hung out and joked around. It wasn't until he kissed me and held my hand did I really remember that we were actually boyfriend and girlfriend.

The summer went by too quickly. Most nights were spent at each other's places watching movies. Sometimes Niall would visit me at work and we would go out around the town. After Niall had told me that he never properly went sight seeing, I took him out.

Everything was amazing,secure. Happy is the best word. But school started up again and I saw Niall less and less. I loved school, but I came to realize that I love Niall a lot more.

Niall went back to school too,taking business. He was being promoted at the tattoo shop and talked about one day owning his own parlour. "Maybe you could open a CD shop, something way better than HMV." Niall said one night while we were lying in his bed. "Do you really expect me to come work for you?" I sassed. He pouted his lips and I laughed. "I love you." He mumbled, his voice soft and serious. My heart swelled like it did every time he says it.

"You're not like the other girls,you know?" He said with a shrug. "What's so wrong about other girls?" He laughed at that and we dropped the conversation. 

But it wasn't great for everyone. Lily had come home late one night, tears and mascara running down her face. She flung herself onto my lap and sobbed. "How could someone do something like that?" She wailed into my shoulder. I rubbed my hand down her back in a vain attempt to comfort her. "Hey, hey. It's okay," I tried to hush her. "What happened?"

She told me the story of how she found out her boyfriend,Charlie, had been cheating on her for almost their entire relationship. "That bastard!" I hissed. Lily did nothing but simply nod her head. Luckily, a month later she was pretty much over him. You have to admire that girl's strength. But now she's suddenly taken an interest in my relationship.

Since Niall and I never pressured each other, Lily and Liam have decided to put the pressure on us themselves. Niall had spent the day at my place and once it started to get dark he decided he better get going. Per usual, I kissed him goodbye and he left with a smile. "Are you two ever going to do it?" Lily asked once I sat back down.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. Lily rolled her eyes,"you know. It."  She said once again. "Oh,going back to middle school vocabulary?"

"She's not wrong." Liam mumbled, coming up behind the couch. "Where the hell did you come from?" I asked. Liam gave a sly smile and I took in his appearance. He only had on some boxers, his hair was disheveled and face flushed. Then I remembered that Louis was over. Liam sat next to me on the couch next to me and he was all sweaty and sticky and I had to move away.

"Uh uh get your tainted body away from mine." I said pushing his body from mine. "Don't want to soil her virginal skin." Lily laughed. The two continued to tease me and realizing that I can't move Liam with his stupid muscles I huffed and sat on the floor.

"For your information I am not a virgin." I muttered. 'Please, Liam has probably got laid more than you and he is the epitome of virginity." Lily quiped. "Hey!" Liam and I ptrotested at the same time. That was the first and certainly not the last time Lily and Liam had brought up the conversation.

Not only that, but they even managed to get Louis on their side. We were both in the same literature class and one night we were studing when out of the blue he asked if Niall and I had did it. "Ugh, not you too!" I groaned. He held up his hands in defense, "I'm just saying. You guys have gotten so disgustingly close cute,but you haven't even had sex yet?"

"What does it matter? I love him and I know he loves me and when it happens it will happen." Louis shrugged and went back to work. Little did I know that it would happen sooner than I thought.

It was Halloween and Lily was trying to convince me to go out some party that Harry was throwing. "It will be fun! All our friends will be their, including Niall." She stretched out Niall's name. "I know Niall's going, and I already told him that I'll be fine right here watching Halloween specials. Now go, Liam and Louis won't wait for you forever." Lily sighed and left and I finally got some peace and quiet. At least, for a few hours.

I was in the middle of watching a movie around midnight when there was a knock on the door. I groaned and stood up, knowing it was probably one of my friends coming back to drag me to a party I don't want to go to. But when I opened the door I was met with Niall's smiling face. "Delilah!" He said as he took me into his arms. He kissed my face repeatedly and finally let me go. I pulled him into the apartment, shut the door and kissed him properly.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at the party." I questioned. "Yeah but it was boring without you, and I missed you." I giggled like some stupid school girl, the effects this boy has on me by just saying he missed me. "You saw me yesterday." He shrugged,"yeah but I rarely ever see you that Sweeny Todd?" I looked behind me and saw the movie was still playing. "Yeah, you wanna watch it with me?" He nodded and we sat on the couch, instantly cuddling together.

Even in the dark I could see how attractive Niall looked. He was wearing a white tshirt with a sleeveless denim jacket ove it and dark jeans. His once lilac hair had started fading, so it was more brown than anything else, and was styled upwards as always. Instead of the movie I payed more attention to tracing the tattoos on his biceps. I saw him smiling slightly when he looked at me. He leaned down and captured my lips with his.

We kept our lips locked as he layed me down on the couch, the movie forgotten as we continued to kiss. The thing about kissing Niall was that it was always new and never boring. There was no I'll-tilt-this-way-you-tilt-that-way-and-kiss kind of thing. It was rough and raw and all teeth,tongue and saliva. All too soon I realized I couldn't breathe and I pulled away, his lips barely touching mine and our ragged breaths mixed together. He left soft open mouthed kisses along my jaw line and I whimpered. Completely drunk on the fact that Niall was here and all mine and I wanted him.

Without any words he rolled off my body and helped me off the couch. We walked hand in hand down the hallway to my room, kissing sloppily and shedding the too many layers of clothes that were seperatingus . We were soon lying on my bed with his body slotted perfectly on top mine, lips moving and hips grinding and I was going absolutely wild.

"Do you want to do this?" Niall spoke for the first time since we started kissing. "Yes, I'm positive." We went back to kissing and grinding and I could feel our body temperatures getting hotter and I felt Niall growing harder on my thigh. We've fooled around before but never all the way. "Condom, I need a condom." Niall muttered. I laughed and wiggled away from him. I ran out in the hall with a promise to be back in a minute. I went through Lily's drawers until I found what I was looking for. I came back to my room and saw Niall sitting on my bed, flushed, sweaty and breathing heavily and looking so god damn perfect.

"Lily has saved the day." Niall mumbled as I kissed the freckles on his neck. We went back to our original position and Niall got ready and kissed my lips once more. "Ready?" He said softly, and I nodded. He slipped in to me and everything exploded in stars and all I could even think or feel was NiallNiallNiall. His hands were all over me, gripping my hips, hair, thighs and never staying still.

When we finished we laid in bed, sheets wrapped messily around us, my fingers tracing circles on Niall's naked chest and his mouth against my head. "I love you." He muttered. We stayed like that, two bodies mingled together until you couldn't tell where I ended and where Niall started.

A/N okayyyy so I got a little too carried away with this chapter but I loved writing it and I hope you guys like it a lot too! still can't believe I'm at 1K, you guys are amazing. Keep voting and commenting.

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