Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Delilah's POV*

On the drive home I realized how stupid I was, I knew I had work but the minute Niall invited me over I completely forgot. Now I'll most likely be late and Liam might not even let me borrow his car again.

God damn Niall Horan. I didn't ask for this, for some cute guy to invite me over and flirt and put his head in my lap and look adorable with lilac hair.

Fuck Niall. Fuck Michelle for giving him that hair. Fuck me for liking him so much already.

And of course I agreed to going to a party with him. Today is Thursday, so I only have two days to prepare myself. Oh god, what am I going to wear? What will I say? Why do I have to care so much?

Luckily traffic was light so I managed to get back to my place in under 20 minutes. I parked the car, ran into the building and bounded up the stairs. I walked into the flat and was on my way to my room but I was distracted by a weird sound. I turned to my right and there it was; Liam and Louis were sitting on the couch. Only they weren't just sitting, they were making out, quite aggressively I might add.

My mouth fell open and I stared at them. Louis was perched on Liam's lap, hands running up and down his chest. Liam's hands rested on Louis' hips. "Ahem." I cleared my throat, but they still ignored me. "LIAM JAMES PAYNE YOUR MOTHER WOULD NOT APPROVE OF THIS." Liam whipped his head towards me and pushed Louis off his lap, who landed on the floor with a painful thud.

"Delilah, you are literally the biggest cock block I have ever met." Louis grumbled while rubbing his back which he must have landed on. Liam quickly stood up ran over to me. "This is certainly a new development."

"Would you shut up? Liam hissed and grabbed my elbow, pulling me down the hallway. "Listen, even though I am incredibly interested about you and Louis fornicating on my couch, I have to get to work." I said while hunting down for my black HMV shirt. I found it and changed out of the shirt I was already wearing and pulled the other shirt on. I turned around and saw Liam still standing at my door, wringing his hands and looking generally mortified.

I put my hand on his shoulder and looked him right in the eye, "listen big guy, it's your body and I don't think what your doing is wrong. Lou likes you." He breathed and out visibly relaxed. "Thanks Delilah." I walked past him and into the bathroom I shared with Lily. "No problem Li, but I will still tell your mom." I said running a brush through my hair. I got a glimpse of his face and I bursted out laughing, this guy was 20 and still afraid of his mom. "Well, I won't tell her if you let me take your car to work."

"You my friend, are a cruel, cruel person." I turned and patted him on the cheek, "Yeah but you love me." He grumbled something and followed me into the living room. Louis was lounging on the couch, he immediately perked up when he saw us. "You leaving Delilah?" He asked, even though his eyes were focused on Liam. "Yeah, I'm late already. See you guys." I grabbed the car keys and left once again.

* * * *

"You're late." Said my boss Katie as I walked in the store. "I know, I know. I completely forgot I had a shift today." I got in my spot behind the cash register and Katie stood in front of me. Katie was only a few years older than me, as far as I knew. She reminded me of that one character Iona from Pretty in Pink, with her spiky black hair and crazy outfits that are never hidden by her work shirts. She had a wild personality to match, but could be stern when she wanted to.

"Whatever, but since this is the fifth time I let it slide, you're doing inventory today." I groaned loudly. I really do love my job, well everything except inventory. Katie obviously knew this was my weakness. I made my way to the back and grabbed the sheet I needed to fill out. Hopefully the mundane work would take my mind off a certain purple haired boy.

*Niall's POV*

After Delilah left I made my way back to the couch and flopped down on it. My face was buried in the cushions but I still heard Zayn when he said "he's got it bad."

"Mhm. At least she's nice, and appreciates a good hair style when she sees it." Michelle replied. "You guys are annoying." They continued talking about Delilah, but I eventually stopped listening. I thought back to what happened today, I didn't plan on inviting Delilah over. She's never been to my place and has never even met Zayn, but Michelle made me leave her alone. I was nervous as hell waiting in that kitchen for her. But then she walked in wearing a red band shirt that made her hair look even darker and her green eyes as bright as her smile, all my nerves went away.

But of course I had to push my luck and invite her to that party. Parties that Harry throw never end well. Lets just say we've had too much experience with the police for it to be healthy.

Most of the time I barely remember what happened at the parties the next morning, but if Delilah is going to be with me I really want to make a good impression. I like her way too much to scare her away.

A/N sorry I haven't updated in a while! Writers block will be the death of me. Keep voting and I really appreciate the comments I've gotten!

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