Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
*Delilah's POV*

Saturday came too fast. I kept thinking that I had time to prepare, but here I am at 5 o'clock with absolutely nothing planned. "What even are these clothes? I didn't buy these!" I said while throwing shirts and pants around the room. "I was with you when you got those, Delilah." Said Liam who was sitting on my bed.

Liam was also going to the party since it was taking place at his almost boyfriend's house. Liam obviously didn't share my pain since he was all ready to go. He looked handsome in a pale blue button down and dark jeans, hair styled perfectly as always. And me? Well, I was still in my pyjamas. "If you would just accept my help, you'd be ready to go by now." Said Lily, who was leaning on my doorframe.

"No Lil, last time I had your help some guy ended up thinking I was a prostitute." Liam snorted and tried to cover it up with a cough. Lily shot him a glare, "don't you laugh. I know that you're hooking up with that Louis guy. Who also happens to hook up with every guy he sees."

"You take that back right now!" Liam snapped. I rolled my eyes and continued searching for clothes. Those two have been at each other's throats for days now. Soon their argument turned into a full out screaming fest. "HEY HEY!" I yelled, pulling the two of them apart. "Would you stop fighting? What is going on?" I stood in between them while they entered a glaring contest. "Why don't you ask Liam? He started it."

"Oh please! I just made some comment about your stupid boyfriend and you freaked out on me!" And the screaming war continued. Once again I had to struggle in between them and break it up. "Lily if you stop trying to kill Liam I'll let you help me get ready!" I knew this would shut her up, and it did. "Really?" She chirped. I nodded reluctantly. "Cool, I'll be in my room." With that she turned on her heels and left. "That girl has some major mood swings." Liam muttered.

"What did you even say about her boyfriend?" I asked. He shrugged one shoulder, "I just asked her why she hasn't talked to him in a while. Honestly, that was it." It dawned on me that he was right, she hasn't talked about Charlie in weeks. I suddenly felt guilty, I've been so caught up with myself that I haven't even been paying attention to my best friend. "I'll try and talk to her tonight. Why don't you head over to Louis' now? He could use the help." Liam sighed at sat back down on my bed. "Was what Lily was saying true? Does he...hook up with everyone?"

Liam looked up at me with sad brown eyes, his lips trembled as he spoke. Seems like I haven't paid much attention to him either. I sat beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, his head instantly falling onto my neck. "Trust me, Louis isn't like that at all. He just likes to move fast." Which was true. It only took a few days for Louis and I to become friends. "I'm just really afraid. I mean, we haven't even said that we're dating yet."

"Why don't you just ask him? He might be afraid." Liam gave a small chuckle. "He doesn't strike me as the type to be afraid of anything. But thanks Delilah, I'll take your advice." He removed his head from my shoulder and gave me a small hug. "Good luck with Niall tonight,yeah?" He said as he left. Once Liam was gone I made my way to Lily's room which was right beside mine.

Her room was pretty much the opposite of mine, organized and decorated with bright colours every where. "Sit, sit. We got a lot of work to do." She gestured to the chair in front of her dresser. Luckily it had a mirror attached to it so I could see whatever she was doing. "First we gotta find a nice outfit." I groaned inwardly, Lily did have some nice stuff I have to admit. But all her clothes were probably two sizes too small. We spent the next half hour raiding both her closet and mine. I tried a few outfits on, the worst being a sequinned turquoise dress that barely went down past my underwear and had my chest practically hanging out of it. When Lily said it was too provocative, you know it's bad.

"Ooh how about this? It would fit you better than it would ever fit me." She held up a one shoulder red top that was actually pretty cute. I tried that on with my favourite pair of dark jeans. Once I was changed I took a look at myself in Lily's mirror and she let out a small gasp. The shirt was tight enough so that it was form fitting, but I was still comfortable in it. "Damn, you look hot." Lily said and I smiled wide, I might actually look good tonight. Lily sat me back down in her chair and pulled out a hair straightener. "Um Lily, last time I tried to straighten my hair the iron broke."

"Don't worry! This thing is state of the art." Another half an hour later, my hair was completely straight and floated down my shoulders like a curtain. Lily let me do my own makeup, thank god. I decided to go with the winged eyeliner look and by the time I finished that and managed to stomach some food it was 6:45. "Are you sure you don't want to wear heels? Your vans really won't work with that outfit." Lily nagged,but I wouldn't budge, I would be at that house for god knows how long and I was already tall enough. "I'm fine with my shoes. Thank you though, for everything." I gave her a tight hug and we sat on the couch.

I just realized that I had never asked about her boyfriend, and if I didn't do it soon I know it would bug me. "So, how are you and Charlie doing?" Her face immediately fell. "I don't know, he's just been so distant lately. He's always out and he never tell me who he's with and why." At this point tears started rolling down her face. I grabbed one of her hands and held it, "listen, I think you should confront him about whatever he's doing." Lily nodded and let out a shaky breath. "Thanks Del-" She started saying but was cut off by the doorbell. Niall was here right on time.

"I'm okay." Lily said while trying to wipe away a few tears. "Go have fun." I felt bad about leaving her alone, but she's a tough girl. I smoothed my shirt down, took a deep breath and opened the door.

A/N so here's just a quick update! there'll be more soon (hopefully) keep voting and commenting ilysm :)

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